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conselhobrasil team mailing list archive
conselhobrasil team
Mailing list archive
Messages by thread
Messages by thread
Messages sent to the conselhobrasil mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 10179 messages, page
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jeffersonx extended their membership
jeffersonx extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2020-08-23
jeffersonx extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2021-02-17
jeffersonx extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2021-08-17
joaomiguel32 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-09-17
<Possible follow-ups>
joaomiguel32 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2016-03-17
joaomiguel32 extended their membership
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2016-09-11
Interesse em contribuir
From: tclovis, 2015-09-16
edipokbelo extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2015-09-13
tclovis wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-09-08
cintramachado wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AM, 2015-09-06
w-luis-araujo expired from team
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-09-04
New mailing list message requiring approval for Ubuntu Brasil - BA
From: Ubuntu Brasil - BA, 2015-08-26
tiberio-melo wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-08-26
rigobellodeoliveira wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-08-25
leooliveiraofs expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-08-21
<Possible follow-ups>
leooliveiraofs expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-09-24
leooliveiraofs expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2016-10-26
vinicius-hacebe extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - MA, 2015-08-20
<Possible follow-ups>
vinicius-hacebe extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - MA, 2016-08-19
New mailing list message requiring approval for Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2015-08-18
<Possible follow-ups>
New mailing list message requiring approval for Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2015-08-22
New mailing list message requiring approval for Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2016-02-13
New mailing list message requiring approval for Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2018-10-01
jetervaz expired from team
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-08-12
rberaldo expired from team
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-08-11
ricardo-simiao-h wants to join
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-08-09
<Possible follow-ups>
ricardo-simiao-h wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-08-09
w-comnisky expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2015-08-08
johndoe456-deactivatedaccount deactivated by johndoe456-deactivatedaccount
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-08-07
Planeta Ubuntu Brasil
From: Fábio Nogueira, 2015-08-07
jackson-luis approved by ubuntucampinas
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-08-06
iramaro approved by ubuntucampinas
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-08-06
amfartura approved by ubuntucampinas
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-08-06
leaders-ubuntu-br-sp expired from team
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-08-06
kelvinferrazsilva extended their membership
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-08-04
rodolfo-inec wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-07-31
leandrodmoreira expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2015-07-31
ouesten wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-07-30
<Possible follow-ups>
ouesten wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-07-30
luizvianna wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-07-27
sanjayfm expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-07-25
rockrock2222222 wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-07-24
From: Julio Alexander Sieg, 2015-07-21
me juntar ao time.
From: Felipe França, 2015-07-17
qrcyen extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2015-07-17
<Possible follow-ups>
qrcyen extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-08-14
qrcyen extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2016-07-20
qrcyen extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2016-08-19
ruanvalente extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2015-07-17
<Possible follow-ups>
ruanvalente extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2016-07-19
From: Julio Alexander Sieg, 2015-07-14
Chegando agora
From: Julio Alexander Sieg, 2015-07-13
julio-sieg approved by ivanbrasil
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2015-07-11
julio-sieg wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-07-11
<Possible follow-ups>
julio-sieg wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2015-07-11
julio-sieg wants to join
From: Kubuntu Brazilian Team, 2015-07-18
julio-sieg wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-07-18
julio-sieg wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Planet, 2015-07-18
branux wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-07-08
cleitonfloss wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-07-03
ieltonf expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-07-02
luisdknob expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-06-30
<Possible follow-ups>
luisdknob expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2015-07-20
rairojr extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-06-26
<Possible follow-ups>
rairojr extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2016-06-23
diegosarzi expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-06-26
<Possible follow-ups>
diegosarzi expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-09-24
rodolfotiago wants to join
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-06-25
ecarneiro extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-06-13
<Possible follow-ups>
ecarneiro extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2016-06-13
Comunidade Ubuntu-BR
From: Olivério Neto, 2015-06-05
Re: Comunidade Ubuntu-BR
From: Ayrton Araújo, 2015-06-05
oliveriojnn wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-06-04
abreups expired from team
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-06-03
<Possible follow-ups>
abreups expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-06-03
fbobraga-gmail wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-05-27
adolfofernandes wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AC, 2015-05-26
diefen wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-05-25
Maudy Pedrão
From: Fábio Nogueira, 2015-05-21
folksilva expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-05-19
<Possible follow-ups>
folksilva expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SP, 2016-12-08
folksilva expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2017-03-06
phcestudio-x wants to join
From: Time de Arte Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-05-14
cng-thg expired from team
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-05-14
flaudisio extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-05-13
patrick-reis93 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-05-11
thiagoaugusto wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-05-11
lucianop27 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2015-05-03
rafael-sf-02 expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-05-03
thiagocmarcello approved by andrenoel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2015-05-02
samueloph approved by andrenoel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2015-05-02
gatofladigo1 approved by andrenoel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2015-05-02
leonardossr approved by andrenoel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2015-05-02
icequente approved by andrenoel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2015-05-02
dumelofs approved by andrenoel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2015-05-02
hendersonporfirio approved by andrenoel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2015-05-02
iramaro approved by andrenoel
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2015-05-02
rudineiw approved by fnogueira
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-04-30
alisonrovere expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-04-30
<Possible follow-ups>
alisonrovere expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2015-12-15
Renovação ubuntu-pt-br
From: Rafael Neri, 2015-04-28
facb69 extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-04-27
<Possible follow-ups>
facb69 extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2016-04-26
joaomauricio-natal expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2015-04-25
<Possible follow-ups>
joaomauricio-natal expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2021-10-30
tcboeira wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2015-04-23
julianofischer expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-04-21
<Possible follow-ups>
julianofischer expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team, 2016-06-12
julianofischer expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2018-01-29
julianofischer expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2020-04-29
contatojeverson expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - TO, 2015-04-18
fernandomarculino expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PA, 2015-04-18
saladino.neto expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PA, 2015-04-18
liberie expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2015-04-18
<Possible follow-ups>
liberie expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2024-04-10
tuliomedeiros expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - AL, 2015-04-18
jyulliano expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2015-04-18
andersonlf expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2015-04-18
daniloqueiroz expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2015-04-18
severosales expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PA, 2015-04-18
marden expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SE, 2015-04-18
lzkill wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-04-18
phabio expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2015-04-17
hardware-wigenes expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - CE, 2015-04-17
andersofft expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RN, 2015-04-17
emanoel30 wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-04-15
henrique-rancharia expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PR, 2015-04-15
lucian-m-oliveira wants to join
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RS, 2015-04-14
marcosalvesps-gmail expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2015-04-14
vitor-aloisio expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - RJ, 2015-04-14
marcus13moura expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SE, 2015-04-12
lohn expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2015-04-11
gabspeck expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2015-04-11
brodock expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - SC, 2015-04-11
emanuelnegromonte expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-04-09
<Possible follow-ups>
emanuelnegromonte expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-09-24
emanuelnegromonte expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2017-04-15
emanuelnegromonte expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2017-05-20
emanuelnegromonte expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PE, 2024-05-03
tiago-fer1987 expired from team
From: Ubuntu São Paulo, 2015-04-05
brennoclemente expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-04-03
[Bug 1420309] Re: Incomplete Portugese translation
From: Gunnar Hjalmarsson, 2015-04-02
[Bug 1420309] [NEW] Incomplete Portugese translation
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2015-04-02
guto-weiand extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2015-03-30
<Possible follow-ups>
guto-weiand extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2016-03-29
guto-weiand extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2017-03-29
guto-weiand extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2018-03-29
guto-weiand extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2019-03-29
guto-weiand extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2020-03-28
guto-weiand extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2021-03-28
guto-weiand extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2022-03-28
guto-weiand extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2023-03-07
guto-weiand extended their membership
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2024-03-06
wille-riseup expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-28
vitoravelino expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-28
<Possible follow-ups>
vitoravelino expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil - PB, 2015-04-18
vitoravelino expired from team
From: Ubuntu Brasil, 2017-12-30
hackedbellini expired from team
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-28
pabloalmeidaff9 wants to join
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
wellington-cr approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
evertonrobertoauler approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
xxxtttxxx approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
viniciuscsoliveira approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
victorjst approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
ueli-ton approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
thiago-chiquiti approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
thipvieira approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
olivei-saulo06 approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
thiagomusique approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
pmgsguimaraes approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
tesso-martins approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
thiagoaugusto approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
rodrigo-borges-freitas approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
rogerio-luz-coelho approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
imbika approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
rmsraph approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
ricmmart approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
raphael-mendonca-x approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
rafaelnsilva approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
roberto-debarba approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
migmruiz approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
paulusiohannes approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
mateus-z approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
arievilopedro approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
suetamac approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
rafaelfonseca approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
natan673 approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
neonrj approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
fortesmv approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
luciano-apsilva approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
lucas-fr6 approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
ubuntu-luk approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
leooliveiraofs approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
ayaher-hayer-inaher approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
marcelhb approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
leonardossr approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
goremargedom approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
joaob007 approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
joaomiguel32 approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
italoclone approved by tiagohillebrandt
From: Launchpad Brazilian Translators, 2015-03-27
200 of 10179 messages, page
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