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Weird code [Kern\rpic\sources\dll.cpp(207)]


Hi all,

In the code at "Kern\rpic\sources\dll.cpp" there is this:

Word32 GetReturnCode_rpic()
Word32 rc = gwLowRC;
Word16 low = (Word16)(gwLowRC &  0xFFFF);
Word16 hei = (Word16)(gwLowRC >> 16);

    if(hei == gwHeightRC || hei == 0)
        rc = low + IDS_ERR_NO;

return rc;

However, gwLowRC is defined as a Word16... Shifting it will ALWAYS result in
Would it be ok to simplify this function to:
Word32 GetReturnCode_rpic()
   return gwLowRC + IDS_ERR_NO;


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