First, sorry for my bad English.
I'm trying to use the library APuma from Borland C + + Builder with no
The problem I have to run XRecognition.
After initialization with
Load (), Connect (),
set_Bold (TRUE);
set_CourierName (WideString ( "Courier New"). c_bstr ());
set_DotMatrix (FALSE);
set_Fax100 (FALSE);
set_Format (TRUE);
set_Italic (TRUE);
set_Language (5);
set_OneColumn (FALSE);
set_SansSerifName (WideString ( "Arial"). c_bstr ());
set_SerifName (WideString ( "Times New Roman"). c_bstr ());
set_Size (TRUE);
set_Speller (TRUE);
set_ModePicture (TRUE);
set_ModeTable (TRUE);
set_ModeFormat (TRUE);
set_UnrecogChar ('~');
set_AutoRotate (FALSE);
XOpen run.
XOpen returns TRUE, then execute XRecognition (FALSE, 0), the event
OnProgressStep less than 1% and then returns FALSE XRecognition and
GetReturnCode returns 0.
What might be the problem?
Thank you very much for your help.