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Re: Greetings + new DHIS patient module


Hi Tran,

Ok, now I got it :)

You want to see only those attributes that you intened to fill - for example
you don't want to see attributes like apgarXXX when dealing with Mother; and
also things related with pre-pregnancy when dealing with babies. Is that
your quesion?

If so then we can solve this by implementing a new feature - *Attribute
Group* - which I suggested in my earlier mail. If we have this feature we
can think of groups like containing mandatory attributes and optional
attributes. In the mandatory group we put all attributes we think will be
common for all individuals - be it baby, mother, male or female,..... Then
we can think of other groups like "Attributes for Mothers", "Attributes for
Babies",... then everytime you register an individual you should also
specify the attributes you want to record data for by choosing attribute
group(s) and only those attributes associated will be shown for when you try
to record data. By default all individuals need to have the mandatory
attribute group.

So, this I think is a perfect opportunity for you to start working on the
patient module. Checkout the code, see the internals of the patient module
and start working in implementing the new feature suggested - *Attribute
Group*. Then we will move to other issues?

You can always ask for any question you will have ... but make sure you send
your mails to the devs list so that others can also comment.


2010/1/21 Chau Thu Tran <tran.hispvietnam@xxxxxxxxx>

> Hi Abyot,
> The Mother Form system has two objects, mother and child. There are somes
> attributes belonging to mother that does not belong to child and vice versa.
> For example, the atributes of mother are housenumber, street and pre-prefnacy
> (***). And the attributes of child are information when to be born,
> include apgar 1, apgar 5, weight and malformation
> When I build attributes for the object in your module, I have to define all
> of  the attributes of the mother and child. So, when to create a new object
> and input attributes for it, all of the attributes of both objects are
> displayed in the form. How do you think if we have a function to group
> attributes of each.
> Now, I created attributes, dataelements, relationship and a program for
> Mother Form, as follows:
>  - Attribute : pre-pegnacy, housenumber, street, weight, apgar 1, apgar 2,
> malformation.
>  - Relationship: is mother of / is child of
>  - Program : Mother Form with stages: Before to born, After to born and
> Result
> and try to enter some forms.
> However, I do not created  the realationship for mother and child objects
> (because when I choose the relationship to add,  the system reload the page
> without saving the selected objects to create relationship).
> When will we be able to start develop with you in this patient system ?
> ------
> *** pre-pregnacy : it has four digits.
>       - First: number of *unpremature-birth* children
>       - Second : number of *premature-birth* children
>       - Third:  number of *abortion*
> *      *- Forth: number of *alive *children
>       Example: a mother A has a unpremature-birth child --> pre-pregnacy
> is 1001
> 2010/1/21 Chau Thu Tran <tran.hispvietnam@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Chào thầy và các bạn
>> Em đã tạo các DEs của phiếu sanh để test thử module DHIS2 và phát hiện một
>> số vấn đề (đã gửi mail và Abyot đã trả lời mail ).
>> Em đang thảo luận với Abyot về các vấn đề khi áp dụng chương trình Patient
>> cho Việt Nam. Sau khi đã rõ ràng về requirements ở Việt Nam, em sẽ thảo luận
>> tiếp các việc phải làm cho module này.
>>> Great that you have started looking into the patient module of DHIS2. The
>>> advantage with this module is that it is part of DHIS2 - no installation of
>>> other system and also easy sharing of dataelements and orgunits defined
>>> under DHIS2.
>>> Below is a little clarification for some of the questions you raised.
>>>    1. *Issue with multiple address* - Address is a little tricky
>>>    concept, I believe. If treated with a single object, say for example
>>>    Address, and set of attributes then we will end up in a difficulty of
>>>    entertaining all the possible definitions an address is supposed to have.
>>>    For a global software like DHIS2 we need to treat the address concept as
>>>    open as possible there by allowing a flexibility for specific local
>>>    definitions of addresses. So how we treat address is then is using objects
>>>    PersonAttribute and PersonAttributeValue. Using PersonAttribute we can
>>>    create as many custom objects as possible - say for example StreetAddress
>>>    with a datavalue type of text, HouseNumber with a datavalue type of number
>>>    or text, PhoneNumber with number, ....... any custom object with datavalue
>>>    type of text/number/yes_no/date....... once we defined such custom objects,
>>>    we can latter put specific values through PersonAttributeValue. My
>>>    suggestion for your case will be to define the parameters of your temporary
>>>    and resident addresses as PersonAttributes and for each person attribute
>>>    create a person attribute value - then latter you can group these attributes
>>>    into "Temporary Address" and "Resident Address"........ of course we need to
>>>    first provide a functionality for grouping of person attributes
>>>    1. *Integration with DataElements* - Yes the patient module uses
>>>    dataelements defined under DHIS2. But to avoid confusion with the value
>>>    types and aggregation operation we have introduced an attribute called
>>>    domainType with a possible values of patient and aggregate for the time
>>>    being. The reason for this is for example in the patient module you might
>>>    only be interested in putting a yes or no value for a specific vaccine type,
>>>    but in the aggregate/DHIS you might only be interested in knowing for how
>>>    many babies this specific vaccine is given. So the bottom line is when
>>>    defining your dataelements specify for which domain you are creating them
>>>    --- then those with patient type will appear in the patient module and those
>>>    with aggregate type will appear in DHIS
>>>    2. *Health Program Stage* - this is to handle specific stages of a
>>>    health program - because you might have multiple encounters for a given
>>>    health program. For example in your case there will be a scenario where a
>>>    pregnant  woman will be treated for her first trimester, second trimester
>>>    and/or third trimester once she is in "ANC Program". This encounters in most
>>>    cases are mandatory, of course there will be dropouts in some cases, which a
>>>    pregnant woman should go through once she is in the "ANC Program". So when
>>>    creating a health program you can also define the specific stages of the
>>>    health program. Because you will be recording observations (collecting
>>>    values) during each of these specific stages, then you associate
>>>    dataelements with program stages not programs. To make it more general a
>>>    health program can have one or more program stages - like you observe a
>>>    patients cases once or multiple times. This approach works fine for ANC,
>>>    Immunization, TB, Malaria,....
>>>    3. *Date of Incidence* - Let's say you define a health program and
>>>    its stages as mentioned above. And a person comes for treatment, say for
>>>    example pregnant woman. Then the system should automatically generate visit
>>>    dates for the subsequent ANC visits - or program stages. But to generate
>>>    these visit schedules we need to ask the mother when is the first time she
>>>    got pregnant, or in the standard ANC term ??LMP Date??. The day she came for
>>>    treatment might not necessarily be the day she got pregnant, therefore for a
>>>    better treatment (by having appropriate visit dates) it will be nice if we
>>>    can get information about the date she got pregnant - that is what the Date
>>>    of Incidence is all about. The same logic also works for a TB patient for
>>>    example - the date the person came for treatment might not necessarily be
>>>    the date he/she got the disease --- so better to know the date of incidence.
>>>    4. *Custom Data Entry Form and Reports *- I think Viet has answered
>>>    this partly - as he is working on custom data entry screens. What we have
>>>    right now is more of a generic framework - input screens, reports
>>>    layouts,... are something which we need to further work for specific
>>>    implementations.
>>>    5. *Relationships* - Yes we can define any relationship types and
>>>    link individuals through these relationship types by creating specific
>>>    relationships.And we have this feature currently. What is missing is where
>>>    to specifically use these relationships, and I think this again depends on
>>>    specific implementations. I think of displaying relationship types in
>>>    reports and dataentry screens
>>>    6. *Registering a newly born baby *- This I would say is a limitation
>>>    of the system ... if you all think we can't assign a name for a newly born
>>>    baby before giving the baby any treatment we will be recording in our
>>>    system. My argument is any individual should first be registered in the
>>>    system before getting any treatment which we will be interested to record
>>>    data for - I could be wrong :)
>>> Hope I have addressed all your questions, but I couldn't understand one
>>> of your question shown below
>>> "The program have two objects, mother and child. They have some different
>>> properties. For example, mother has pre-pregnacy, child has apgar 1, apgar
>>> 5, malformation. We defines all of attributes for the objects. Because the
>>> system doesn't separates objects, so when to create a branch new object and
>>> input the attributes to it, the system show all of the attributes.How do you
>>> only show information for each object ?"
>>> Thank you
>>> Abyot.
>>> 2010/1/21 Kim Anh Thi Vo <catakim@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> hei all,
>>>> How's it going?
>>>> Thanks for the reply!
>>>> 2010/1/20 Jørn Braa <jornbraa@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I suggest that
>>>>> Tran and Abyot work together on the DHIS patient module and that
>>>>>  we implement the patient module on the Mother and Child records in
>>>>> the centre  - and maybe other areas, and
>>>>>  use the concrete Vietnamese useers requirements and use situation to
>>>>> make the module much better.
>>>> I checked out the DHIS patient module yesterday and it seems very open
>>>> and good with design... simple, flexible and intergatable.
>>>> Referring to the explaination by Jørn a few days ago, this module is
>>>> clear to me :)
>>>> And here is some questions I'd like to ask Abyot maybe about this
>>>> module:
>>>> 1. I created patients with all attributes + add some more ones (esp. the
>>>> case in Vietnam... there are two address: "current address" and "permanent
>>>> address", etc.) and then created some relationships (for example, for Mother
>>>> and Child programs, that is "is a mother of", "is a child of"), but when
>>>> going back to the patient lists to assign the relationship... this function
>>>> couldn't be through... choosing the list of relationships but nothing
>>>> HAPPEND next...???
>>>> 2. I see the integration part for Program with DAEL... but don't know
>>>> how to link/integrate with the current/existing DAELs of DHIS2?
>>>> 3. About come concepts:
>>>> 3.1. Incident? What is "Date of incident"?
>>>> 3.2. What is "Health Program State"?
>>>> Maybe further question relating to this... will come later :)
>>>>> Another issue; Quang is supposed to start work with us from March?
>>>>> Everybody agrees? and have you discussed with him?
>>>> Remember mentioning this before and also talked to him... when I
>>>> attended GNOME ASIA last year, and will contact with Quang for this after
>>>> having the related information as I ask below!
>>>> Jørn, will he work part-time for HISP Vietnam to support dev team?
>>>> Are there any previous information about this connection/discussion with
>>>> him (Quang) between HISP in general and HISP Vietnam in particular?
>>>> If having, it'd be great you can give them to me... because I wanna know
>>>> the status referring to this!
>>>> Thank you!
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> jorn
>>>>> 2010/1/18 Jørn Braa <jornbraa@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> > Dear all,
>>>>> > Hope everything is fine in the new year and that next (Vietnamese)
>>>>> > year will be even better for HISP.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I write to update you on the new DHIS patient module. It is generic
>>>>> > and flexible and easy to set up. The use area is exactly what you are
>>>>> > working on with the Mother and Child records, and what we discussed
>>>>> in
>>>>> > Can Tho on for example vaccination (child) records.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > This patient (/client) module is
>>>>> > - registering names, birth dates, sex, adresses, IDs etc
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Persons may be (optional)
>>>>> > - grouped in households (or mother - children)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Then for each patient/client
>>>>> > - each Encounter with the health services is registered
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Encounters are then linked to
>>>>> > - health facility (org unit), and
>>>>> > - Programs (e.g. RCH, EPI) which includes Schedules (e.g. sequence
>>>>> and
>>>>> > months after birth of required vaccines for an infant)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Programs are then linked to
>>>>> > - data sets and data elements. These data elements are as DHIS data
>>>>> elements.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > INTEGRATION with aggregated HMIS data:
>>>>> > - data is aggregated by the end of each reporting period as according
>>>>> > to the reporting requirements
>>>>> >
>>>>> > For example the number of ANC first visits, or BCGs, Polio1s, Measle
>>>>> > vaccines etc.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > This system will be very well suited for the Mother and CHild - or
>>>>> > vaccination -  registers.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > The system is easy to design so it fits various patient data
>>>>> > requirements from health programs. It may be regarded as an extension
>>>>> > of the DHIS reporting system for statistical data.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > This system is now being tested in India. Here they are also using
>>>>> mobile
>>>>> > telephones - which we should also test in Vietnam.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > This was a very quick run-through. Lars and AByot can update on
>>>>> current "state
>>>>> > of the art", and other issues.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > As discussed before, I suggest that we start working on this DHIS
>>>>> > patient module system in Vietnam now.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > best regards,
>>>>> > jorn
>>>>> >
>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Kim Anh Vo
>>>> +84.906612246
>>>> kavo@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Coordinator of HISP(hisp.info) in Vietnam
>>>> Master of Information Systems
>>>> at the University of Oslo
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