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Message #04028
Re: Greetings + new DHIS patient module
2010/1/21 Chau Thu Tran <tran.hispvietnam@xxxxxxxxx>
> Hi Abyot,
> The Mother Form system has two objects, mother and child. There are somes
> attributes belonging to mother that does not belong to child and vice versa.
> For example, the atributes of mother are housenumber, street and pre-prefnacy
> (***). And the attributes of child are information when to be born,
> include apgar 1, apgar 5, weight and malformation
> When I build attributes for the object in your module, I have to define all
> of the attributes of the mother and child. So, when to create a new object
> and input attributes for it, all of the attributes of both objects are
> displayed in the form. How do you think if we have a function to group
> attributes of each.
> Now, I created attributes, dataelements, relationship and a program for
> Mother Form, as follows:
> - Attribute : pre-pegnacy, housenumber, street, weight, apgar 1, apgar 2,
> malformation.
> - Relationship: is mother of / is child of
> - Program : Mother Form with stages: Before to born, After to born and
> Result
> and try to enter some forms.
> However, I do not created the realationship for mother and child objects
> (because when I choose the relationship to add, the system reload the page
> without saving the selected objects to create relationship).
> When will we be able to start develop with you in this patient system ?
Hi Tran,
Ready to work in the patient module? Last time I was telling you to develop
grouping functionality for PatientAttributes.
> *** pre-pregnacy : it has four digits.
> - First: number of *unpremature-birth* children
> - Second : number of *premature-birth* children
> - Third: number of *abortion*
> * *- Forth: number of *alive *children
> Example: a mother A has a unpremature-birth child --> pre-pregnacy
> is 1001
> 2010/1/21 Chau Thu Tran <tran.hispvietnam@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Chào thầy và các bạn
>> Em đã tạo các DEs của phiếu sanh để test thử module DHIS2 và phát hiện một
>> số vấn đề (đã gửi mail và Abyot đã trả lời mail ).
>> Em đang thảo luận với Abyot về các vấn đề khi áp dụng chương trình Patient
>> cho Việt Nam. Sau khi đã rõ ràng về requirements ở Việt Nam, em sẽ thảo luận
>> tiếp các việc phải làm cho module này.
>>> Great that you have started looking into the patient module of DHIS2. The
>>> advantage with this module is that it is part of DHIS2 - no installation of
>>> other system and also easy sharing of dataelements and orgunits defined
>>> under DHIS2.
>>> Below is a little clarification for some of the questions you raised.
>>> 1. *Issue with multiple address* - Address is a little tricky
>>> concept, I believe. If treated with a single object, say for example
>>> Address, and set of attributes then we will end up in a difficulty of
>>> entertaining all the possible definitions an address is supposed to have.
>>> For a global software like DHIS2 we need to treat the address concept as
>>> open as possible there by allowing a flexibility for specific local
>>> definitions of addresses. So how we treat address is then is using objects
>>> PersonAttribute and PersonAttributeValue. Using PersonAttribute we can
>>> create as many custom objects as possible - say for example StreetAddress
>>> with a datavalue type of text, HouseNumber with a datavalue type of number
>>> or text, PhoneNumber with number, ....... any custom object with datavalue
>>> type of text/number/yes_no/date....... once we defined such custom objects,
>>> we can latter put specific values through PersonAttributeValue. My
>>> suggestion for your case will be to define the parameters of your temporary
>>> and resident addresses as PersonAttributes and for each person attribute
>>> create a person attribute value - then latter you can group these attributes
>>> into "Temporary Address" and "Resident Address"........ of course we need to
>>> first provide a functionality for grouping of person attributes
>>> 1. *Integration with DataElements* - Yes the patient module uses
>>> dataelements defined under DHIS2. But to avoid confusion with the value
>>> types and aggregation operation we have introduced an attribute called
>>> domainType with a possible values of patient and aggregate for the time
>>> being. The reason for this is for example in the patient module you might
>>> only be interested in putting a yes or no value for a specific vaccine type,
>>> but in the aggregate/DHIS you might only be interested in knowing for how
>>> many babies this specific vaccine is given. So the bottom line is when
>>> defining your dataelements specify for which domain you are creating them
>>> --- then those with patient type will appear in the patient module and those
>>> with aggregate type will appear in DHIS
>>> 2. *Health Program Stage* - this is to handle specific stages of a
>>> health program - because you might have multiple encounters for a given
>>> health program. For example in your case there will be a scenario where a
>>> pregnant woman will be treated for her first trimester, second trimester
>>> and/or third trimester once she is in "ANC Program". This encounters in most
>>> cases are mandatory, of course there will be dropouts in some cases, which a
>>> pregnant woman should go through once she is in the "ANC Program". So when
>>> creating a health program you can also define the specific stages of the
>>> health program. Because you will be recording observations (collecting
>>> values) during each of these specific stages, then you associate
>>> dataelements with program stages not programs. To make it more general a
>>> health program can have one or more program stages - like you observe a
>>> patients cases once or multiple times. This approach works fine for ANC,
>>> Immunization, TB, Malaria,....
>>> 3. *Date of Incidence* - Let's say you define a health program and
>>> its stages as mentioned above. And a person comes for treatment, say for
>>> example pregnant woman. Then the system should automatically generate visit
>>> dates for the subsequent ANC visits - or program stages. But to generate
>>> these visit schedules we need to ask the mother when is the first time she
>>> got pregnant, or in the standard ANC term ??LMP Date??. The day she came for
>>> treatment might not necessarily be the day she got pregnant, therefore for a
>>> better treatment (by having appropriate visit dates) it will be nice if we
>>> can get information about the date she got pregnant - that is what the Date
>>> of Incidence is all about. The same logic also works for a TB patient for
>>> example - the date the person came for treatment might not necessarily be
>>> the date he/she got the disease --- so better to know the date of incidence.
>>> 4. *Custom Data Entry Form and Reports *- I think Viet has answered
>>> this partly - as he is working on custom data entry screens. What we have
>>> right now is more of a generic framework - input screens, reports
>>> layouts,... are something which we need to further work for specific
>>> implementations.
>>> 5. *Relationships* - Yes we can define any relationship types and
>>> link individuals through these relationship types by creating specific
>>> relationships.And we have this feature currently. What is missing is where
>>> to specifically use these relationships, and I think this again depends on
>>> specific implementations. I think of displaying relationship types in
>>> reports and dataentry screens
>>> 6. *Registering a newly born baby *- This I would say is a limitation
>>> of the system ... if you all think we can't assign a name for a newly born
>>> baby before giving the baby any treatment we will be recording in our
>>> system. My argument is any individual should first be registered in the
>>> system before getting any treatment which we will be interested to record
>>> data for - I could be wrong :)
>>> Hope I have addressed all your questions, but I couldn't understand one
>>> of your question shown below
>>> "The program have two objects, mother and child. They have some different
>>> properties. For example, mother has pre-pregnacy, child has apgar 1, apgar
>>> 5, malformation. We defines all of attributes for the objects. Because the
>>> system doesn't separates objects, so when to create a branch new object and
>>> input the attributes to it, the system show all of the attributes.How do you
>>> only show information for each object ?"
>>> Thank you
>>> Abyot.
>>> 2010/1/21 Kim Anh Thi Vo <catakim@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> hei all,
>>>> How's it going?
>>>> Thanks for the reply!
>>>> 2010/1/20 Jørn Braa <jornbraa@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I suggest that
>>>>> Tran and Abyot work together on the DHIS patient module and that
>>>>> we implement the patient module on the Mother and Child records in
>>>>> the centre - and maybe other areas, and
>>>>> use the concrete Vietnamese useers requirements and use situation to
>>>>> make the module much better.
>>>> I checked out the DHIS patient module yesterday and it seems very open
>>>> and good with design... simple, flexible and intergatable.
>>>> Referring to the explaination by Jørn a few days ago, this module is
>>>> clear to me :)
>>>> And here is some questions I'd like to ask Abyot maybe about this
>>>> module:
>>>> 1. I created patients with all attributes + add some more ones (esp. the
>>>> case in Vietnam... there are two address: "current address" and "permanent
>>>> address", etc.) and then created some relationships (for example, for Mother
>>>> and Child programs, that is "is a mother of", "is a child of"), but when
>>>> going back to the patient lists to assign the relationship... this function
>>>> couldn't be through... choosing the list of relationships but nothing
>>>> HAPPEND next...???
>>>> 2. I see the integration part for Program with DAEL... but don't know
>>>> how to link/integrate with the current/existing DAELs of DHIS2?
>>>> 3. About come concepts:
>>>> 3.1. Incident? What is "Date of incident"?
>>>> 3.2. What is "Health Program State"?
>>>> Maybe further question relating to this... will come later :)
>>>>> Another issue; Quang is supposed to start work with us from March?
>>>>> Everybody agrees? and have you discussed with him?
>>>> Remember mentioning this before and also talked to him... when I
>>>> attended GNOME ASIA last year, and will contact with Quang for this after
>>>> having the related information as I ask below!
>>>> Jørn, will he work part-time for HISP Vietnam to support dev team?
>>>> Are there any previous information about this connection/discussion with
>>>> him (Quang) between HISP in general and HISP Vietnam in particular?
>>>> If having, it'd be great you can give them to me... because I wanna know
>>>> the status referring to this!
>>>> Thank you!
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> jorn
>>>>> 2010/1/18 Jørn Braa <jornbraa@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> > Dear all,
>>>>> > Hope everything is fine in the new year and that next (Vietnamese)
>>>>> > year will be even better for HISP.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I write to update you on the new DHIS patient module. It is generic
>>>>> > and flexible and easy to set up. The use area is exactly what you are
>>>>> > working on with the Mother and Child records, and what we discussed
>>>>> in
>>>>> > Can Tho on for example vaccination (child) records.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > This patient (/client) module is
>>>>> > - registering names, birth dates, sex, adresses, IDs etc
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Persons may be (optional)
>>>>> > - grouped in households (or mother - children)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Then for each patient/client
>>>>> > - each Encounter with the health services is registered
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Encounters are then linked to
>>>>> > - health facility (org unit), and
>>>>> > - Programs (e.g. RCH, EPI) which includes Schedules (e.g. sequence
>>>>> and
>>>>> > months after birth of required vaccines for an infant)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Programs are then linked to
>>>>> > - data sets and data elements. These data elements are as DHIS data
>>>>> elements.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > INTEGRATION with aggregated HMIS data:
>>>>> > - data is aggregated by the end of each reporting period as according
>>>>> > to the reporting requirements
>>>>> >
>>>>> > For example the number of ANC first visits, or BCGs, Polio1s, Measle
>>>>> > vaccines etc.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > This system will be very well suited for the Mother and CHild - or
>>>>> > vaccination - registers.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > The system is easy to design so it fits various patient data
>>>>> > requirements from health programs. It may be regarded as an extension
>>>>> > of the DHIS reporting system for statistical data.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > This system is now being tested in India. Here they are also using
>>>>> mobile
>>>>> > telephones - which we should also test in Vietnam.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > This was a very quick run-through. Lars and AByot can update on
>>>>> current "state
>>>>> > of the art", and other issues.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > As discussed before, I suggest that we start working on this DHIS
>>>>> > patient module system in Vietnam now.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > best regards,
>>>>> > jorn
>>>>> >
>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Kim Anh Vo
>>>> +84.906612246
>>>> kavo@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Coordinator of HISP(hisp.info) in Vietnam
>>>> Master of Information Systems
>>>> at the University of Oslo
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