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Re: Data browser functionality


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Ola Hodne Titlestad <olatitle@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> Hi,
> I agree that the data browser results can be misleading to an untrained
> eye. A first thing to do is to actually provide a heading above the data
> (count) table that says something like "Number of values reported for:". I
> agree that we can call it something else, and "Data summary" is not a bad
> name. ( I am also not sure the browse by orgunit actually works, at least it
> doesn't seem to aggregate up the counts as most districts have '0' values in
> that view. )
> I must say that I actually find the data entry screen quite useful for
> looking up raw data a given orgunit-period-dataset combination, and find it
> a very fast tool to switch between periods, orgunits and datasets for such a
> view. When it comes to other views into the raw data, like a few data
> elements over many periods or other pivoted views I agree we need something
> more like a web pivot tool.
> I actually think we should build on and possibly rename the pivot table
> tool in Reports to "Data browser". After all we are not interested in
> developing a fully fledged pivot tool, and data browser reflects more of
> what that tool is. Let's try to brainstorm what kind of functionality we
> would have to add in order to come up with a proper data browser. Here is a
> few things I can think of right now:
> - support for data elements, not just indicators
> - filter by dataset, not only groups
> - automatic datamart export triggered in the background (like with report
> tables)
> - filter (parameter selection window like datamart export etc.) to select
> any data element, period, orgunit  (at the same level) and then get an
> ad-hoc pivot table from that
> What else?
> Ola

I must agree a bit with Ola here... The work-flow of such a browser would be
to select orgunit, then dataset, then period and then get some sort of
display of the data - which is exactly what we have in the data entry
screen. Me too thinks that extending the web pivot to use aggregated data
values and entered data values (with data set filter instead of group) is a
good idea that would not require too much development time. We could put
this on the list.


Follow ups
