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Re: Greetings + new DHIS patient module



On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Chau Thu Tran

> Hi Abyot and Others,
> I tested the* UpdatePatientAttributeValues *function. It doesn't show
> anything. I think if we have *EditPatient*, we don't need *
> PatientAttributeValues*.

Yeah, this is a bug, we changed Attribute object so this function should be
updated . I will fix that.
Let's keep it there for a while, later when everything is fine then we can
have a look at all the functions and decide whether to keep it or not.

> *About enter name for Patient and Patient attribute*
>       - The validate function ( *required_group {validate...*)  doesn't
> allow to enter Vietnamese in Add/Update patient, Add/Update PatientAttribute
> ,....
> *VD: Châu --> Warning message: Please Letters, numbers, spaces and
> underscores only.*

This is just rule of jquery validation, I can remove that .

>       -  For mother, we have attributes, such as age, pre-pregnancy, *housenumber,
> street name*. We want to enter *street name* next to *housenumber*. So, I
> think  we have to sort attributes in groups ?

Yeah sure. there should be a sort-order while assign attribute to attribute

> *Patient Identifier Type*
>       - In Add Patient form, only show *Patient Identifier Type* when
> object has age *less then 5*. In Mother-Child Record in Vietnam, besides
> the children object, we also manage children *less then or equal 15*. How
> do you think if we have a parameter ( user input ) for it ?

Current, we have added a boolean  field "underAge" in Patient object.  In
the registration form, there will be a checkbox call "Is Underage"
user have to check that to define this patient is a child.  By this way, we
don't hardcode  the age <5 or < 15.

I'm working on this function, will update you when i finish.

> *Dataentry*
> *Program Stages History/Plan*
>   *Sau khi sanh (After to born):*  Scheduled For 2010-02-04   *Kết quả
> (Result):*  Scheduled For 2010-02-04   *Trước khi sanh (Before to born):* Scheduled For 2010-02-01
> *
> *
> The stages aren't listed in order. I want them to list, as follows : Before
> - After - Result.

Have not touched this yet, Will have a  look.

> Yes/No datatype shown dataentry is a combobox. How do you think if we use a
> checkbox ?

We can do this in the default dataetry, but not in custom dataentry.

In custom dataentry there is a checkbox right beside each entry field (
textbox or combobox ). If user check on this checkbox, means that the data
value has just been entered is provided by another facility.  So if we
replace boolean entryfield by a checkbox..... there will be two checkboxes
that stay beside each other, I think it may confuse user.

> *- Programs for patient*
> Why don't assign program for patient when to add a new patient. And in the
> future, if the patient attends other programs, we will assign them again.
This should make the registration function becomes...complicated.
Current, we already put a lot of things into the patient registration form :
Patient Attributes , Patient Identifiers, under age things.
Program enrollment is not a step of Patient Registration. It should be done
after the registration I think.

> - *RelationShip*
> I can't create relationship between two objects.

It worked here....I will test it again...

Viet Nguyen

Follow ups
