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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 1703: Add English translations of excel report module and Vietnamese translations of web dashboard mod...


revno: 1703
committer: Quang <Quang@Quang-PC>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Fri 2010-03-26 15:24:01 +0700
  Add English translations of  excel report module and Vietnamese translations of web dashboard module.


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=== added file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-dashboard-integration/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/dashboard/i18n_module_vi_VN.properties'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-dashboard-integration/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/dashboard/i18n_module_vi_VN.properties	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-dashboard-integration/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/dashboard/i18n_module_vi_VN.properties	2010-03-26 08:24:01 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#Resource generated by I18n Resource Editor
+#Fri Mar 26 15:15:27 ICT 2010
+report_table=C\u00E1c b\u1EA3ng b\u00E1o c\u00E1o
+data_mart_export=Xu\u1EA5t d\u1EEF li\u1EC7u t\u1ED5ng h\u1EE3p
+this_is_a_link_area=\u0110\u00E2y l\u00E0 khu v\u1EF1c li\u00EAn k\u1EBFt
+report=B\u00E1o c\u00E1o
+this_is_a_chart_area=\u0110\u00E2y l\u00E0 khu v\u1EF1c bi\u1EC3u \u0111\u1ED3
+document=T\u00E0i li\u1EC7u
+dashboard=B\u1EA3ng t\u00FAy bi\u1EBFn c\u00E1 nh\u00E2n
+rss_health=RSS S\u1EE9c kh\u1ECFe
+rss_pregnancy=RSS Thai s\u1EA3n
+map_view=Xem b\u1EA3n \u0111\u1ED3

=== added file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-excel-reporting/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/reportexcel/i18n_module_en_GB.properties'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-excel-reporting/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/reportexcel/i18n_module_en_GB.properties	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-excel-reporting/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/reportexcel/i18n_module_en_GB.properties	2010-03-26 08:24:01 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#Resource generated by I18n Resource Editor
+#Fri Mar 26 15:15:27 ICT 2010
+import_data=Import data
+selected_periods=Selected periods
+generate_advanced_report=Generate advanced report
+organisationunit_is_null=Please select organisation unit \!
+report_ready_exist=Report ready exist
+cannot_write_file_being_used=Unable to write to this file as being used by another program
+template_excel_file=Template excel file
+available_user_roles=Available user roles
+view_by=View by
+file_used_system=This file is being used in the system
+list_of_excel_items=List of excel items
+dataset_completed_report=Data Set completed reports
+intro_excel_template_management=Upload, rename, search, download and delete the file extension .xls or .xlsx. Users can identify which files are used and unused files to. Automatically, allowing to update excel reporting system when file names which are used to be changed.
+expression_not_well_formed=Expression is not well formed
+upload_successful=Uploading is success \!
+choose_period=Not choose period yet
+period_type=Period type
+last_6_month=Last 6 month
+expression_is_null=Please enter expression\!
+organisation_unit_group=Organisation unit group
+unselect_all_at_level=Un-Select All At Level
+preview_report=Preview Report
+last_3_month=Last 3 Month
+select_all_at_level=Select All At Level
+intro_clean_up=This feature allows users to delete the temporary files generated during the generating report or previewing report.
+sort_order_help=Use mouse drap emlement that you want set order and click on Update Order Sorted
+dataelement_name=Data Element Name
+enddate_null=Please enter end date
+period_is_null=Please select period \!
+report_is_null=Please select report \!
+name_is_null=Please enter name \!
+org_unit_group_management=Organisation unit group management
+choose_orgUnit=Not choose organisation yet
+grouplisting=Group Organization
+excelitem_group=Excel item group
+reports=List of report
+template_status=Template status
+cleanup_success=Clean up successful
+available_dataelementgroups=Available Data Element Groups
+column_is_null=Please enter column number \!
+generate_report=Generate Report
+startdate_null=Please enter start date
+excel_template=Excel Template
+organisation_position_column=Organisation Position Column
+template_using=File is using
+generate=Generate report
+six_monthly=Six monthly
+formulaexcel=Excel Formula
+make_default=Make as default
+rename_successful=File name changed
+period_postion_row=Period Position Row
+filename_wellformed=How to get a well-formed name of file?
+item_type=Item Type
+data_status=Data Entry Status\t
+choose_dataelement=Not choose dataelement yet
+use_only_letters_numbers_dot_only=Please enter Letters, Numbers for file's name and Dot for extension only
+individual_report=Individual reports 
+category_option_combo=Category option combo list
+add_report=Add Report
+temp_place=Temp Place\t
+selected_data_elements=Selected dataelement
+periodlisting=Period Listing
+left_brackets=Left Brackets
+value_rounded=This value maybe have been rounded
+define_associations=Report Associations
+intro_data_status=This function is used to view the status input of data (Data is entered or not done or any missing one, etc. ..).
+selected_user_roles=Selected user roles
+please_enter_sheet_no=Please enter 'Sheet No'
+confirm_rename=Do you really want to rename it?
+dataelement_code=Data Element Code\t\t
+choose_excelItem=Please choose excel items
+sheet_no=Sheet No
+so_far_this_year=So Far This year
+copy_successful=Copy successful \!
+right_brackets=Right Brackets
+copy_items=Copy items
+upload_file_null=Upload file null
+report_design=Report Design
+file_exists=File is existing
+report_items=Report Items
+template_pending=File is pending
+upload_file_first=Upload file first \!
+level_and_orgunit_group=Level and Organisation Unit Group
+report_type=Report Type
+selected_period=Selected Period
+copy_selected_item_to_excel_item=Copy to excel item
+working_in_progress=Working in progress...
+length_filename_min5_max30=Length of file's name is at least 5 and at most 30 
+report_item=Report Item
+excel_is_null=Please enter excel template \!
+import=Import data
+update_report=Update Report
+period_postion_column=Period Position Column
+update_successful=Updating is success \!
+override_confirm=File is exist. Do you want to override ?
+select_report=[Select report]
+element_optioncombo=Element with OptionCombo
+no_item=Don't have any items chosen
+remove_all=Un-Select All
+selected_groups=Selected groups
+view=View Report
+choose_excel_group=Not choose excel group yet
+available_data_elements=Available dataelement
+dataelement_groups=Data Element Groups
+number_datavalue=Number of Data Value
+excel_file_directory=Excel template directory
+organisation_position_row=Organisation Position Row
+confirm_update_system=Would you like to update reporting system?
+please_wait=Please waiting for process \!
+i18n_name_is_null=Name is null
+file_type_not_supported=File type not supported
+available_dataelements=Available Data Elements
+selected_dataelementgroups=Selected Data Element Groups
+selected_month=Selected Month
+clean_up=Clean temporary directory
+confirm_delete=Are you sure you want to delete this?
+selected_dataelements=Selected Data Elements
+cell_exist=Exist one cell same sheet, row and column with this.
+copy_selected_item_to=Copy selected items to 
+generate_report_by_orgunit_group=Generate report by orgunit group
+name_ready_exist=Name Ready Exist \!
+update_sort_dataelement_success=Update Sorted Data Element Success
+dataelements=Data Elements
+dhis-web-chr-form=Child Health Records
+update_order=Update Order Sorted
+override_successful=Overriding is success \!
+choose_orgunit_group=Organisation group
+import_excel_file_manager=Import excel files
+confirm_override=Do you sure want to override this file? 
+excel_template_management=Excel Template Management
+selected_dataset=Selected Dataset
+intro_excel_item=Create, update, delete and view the elements for importing data from excel files. This excel items closer to report items.
+choose_report=Not choose report yet
+update_sorted_dataelement=Update Sorted Data Element\t
+filter_by_sheet=Filter by sheet
+intro_reports=Create, update, view and delete the excel report. A report excel containing many report items. Excel report can in a variety of different reports. Excel report for assignment to one or more units or group units and options list.
+copy_items_duplicated=Warning\! Cannot copy the duplicated item(s)
+PERIOD_COLUMN_LISTING=Period Column Listing
+excel_item=Excel items
+row_is_null=Please enter row number \!
+warning_upload_is_null=Please choose your excel file to upload \!
+sheet_of_excel_file=Sheet of Excel file
+association_roles=Association roles
+please_enter_group_name=Please enter group name
+select_excel_file=Select excel file
+intro_configuration=Set the path to the directory only store files excel template. For example\: C\:\\ABC
+filter_by_name=Filter by name
+rename_failed=Rename failed
+available_groups=Available groups
+icd_code=ICD codes
+report_roles=Report and User Roles
+import_excel_file=Import Data Form Report Excel
+input_sheet_no=Not input sheet yet
+not_null=not null
+sort_dataelement=Sort Data Element
+ready_in_use=File is ready in use. Can not delete \!
+available_periods=Available periods