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Re: Fwd: [OPENMRS-IMPLEMENTERS] x-forms and remote formentry module


On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 4:46 AM, Jo Størset <storset@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Den 10. des. 2010 kl. 03.45 skrev Lars Helge Øverland:
> Sever side "report" recieving:
>> - if there is an incompatible change store in a queue for admin evaluation
>> (much like is implemented for sms now)
>> I assume that if the dataset is incompatible it contains elements which
> are not mappable to current elements (not collected anymore? change in
> breakdown?) Just out of curiosity, do we have specific use-cases where we
> are interested in collecting data which is not mappable to the current
> metadata?
> I don't know that much about the implementation side of things, so others
> would have to answer that one.
> But, say you want to change from one month to the next which dataelements
> is required (we don't have that functionality for datasets [yet], but we do
> in the community module). Or that you want to change the type of a
> dataelement, or it's macdonalds stuff? Or that you just want changes to be
> consistent across the solution.
> Since this is not about whole instances having to be manually updated,
> automating the workflows here would seem possible and very much
> desirable. The main problem is handling edge cases where the user have
> edited a data set before it has gotten the update from the server, and those
> I would think we could build in configurable support for as we go along.
> I the general case it seems to me that, at least in India, change is needed
> from time to time (especially for new functionality being deployed), and I
> think it is very much an implementation issue how you need to deal with it.
> I guess you can always manage without incompatible changes in principle, but
> I'm not sure it is wise to have it as a requirement?
> Also note that for mobile (for now, at least), orgunit changes would be a
> manual issue to handle, as the app is (for now, at least) tied to the
> orgunit the user is reporting for. Changing orgunit is more complex, because
> what dataset's (and other) to be reported can be different from orgunit to
> orgunit, and a more general solution would require a more complex ui and
> more memory and bandwith..
> Jo

OK. Having a kind of light-weight version management where you have the
possibility to tell the client (whether mobile phone or dhis offline
instance) that your metadata is outdated and issue a warning sounds very
sensible. And that might be achieved without adding too much complexity.

I think this illustrates the differences between mobile and "standard"
dhis offline deployment. In the latter the metadata changes are mostly i)
done yearly and ii) incompatible, meaning that the database must be upgraded
by an expert and not by an automated routine, also, flushing all data is not
an option. And there is no easy way of conveying to the client that the
metadata is outdated since it is not connected to the network.

