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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 3652: Merging Code from 2.1 For Data Analyser


revno: 3652
committer: Mithilesh Kumar Thakur<mithilesh.hisp@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Wed 2011-05-18 16:42:17 +0530
  Merging Code from 2.1 For Data Analyser


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=== added file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/ds/action/GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseFormAction.java'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/ds/action/GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseFormAction.java	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/ds/action/GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseFormAction.java	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+package org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.ds.action;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.hisp.dhis.period.PeriodService;
+import org.hisp.dhis.period.PeriodType;
+import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;
+public class GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseFormAction implements Action
+    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Dependencies
+    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------    
+    private PeriodService periodService;
+    public void setPeriodService( PeriodService periodService )
+    {
+        this.periodService = periodService;
+    }
+    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Input & Output
+    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    private List<PeriodType> periodTypes;
+    public List<PeriodType> getPeriodTypes()
+    {
+        return periodTypes;
+    }
+    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Action Implementation
+    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------    
+    public String execute() throws Exception
+    {
+        /* Periods Type */
+        periodTypes = new ArrayList<PeriodType>( periodService.getAllPeriodTypes() );
+        Iterator<PeriodType> periodTypeIterator = periodTypes.iterator();
+        while ( periodTypeIterator.hasNext() )
+        {
+            PeriodType type = periodTypeIterator.next();
+            if ( type.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Daily") || type.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Weekly") || type.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Monthly") || type.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("quarterly") || type.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("yearly") )
+            {
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                periodTypeIterator.remove();
+            }
+        }
+        for( PeriodType type : periodTypes )
+        {
+           System.out.println( "Period Type Name is : " + type.getName() + ", Period Type Id is : " + type.getId() );
+        }
+*/        return SUCCESS;
+    }

=== added file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/ds/action/GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseResultAction.java'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/ds/action/GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseResultAction.java	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/ds/action/GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseResultAction.java	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+package org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.ds.action;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import jxl.format.Alignment;
+import jxl.format.Border;
+import jxl.format.BorderLineStyle;
+import jxl.format.Colour;
+import jxl.write.WritableCellFormat;
+import org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.util.DashBoardService;
+import org.hisp.dhis.dataelement.DataElement;
+import org.hisp.dhis.dataset.DataSet;
+import org.hisp.dhis.dataset.DataSetService;
+import org.hisp.dhis.options.displayproperty.DisplayPropertyHandler;
+import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnit;
+import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnitLevel;
+import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnitService;
+import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.comparator.OrganisationUnitNameComparator;
+import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.comparator.OrganisationUnitShortNameComparator;
+import org.hisp.dhis.period.Period;
+import org.hisp.dhis.period.PeriodService;
+import org.hisp.dhis.period.PeriodType;
+import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
+import org.springframework.jdbc.support.rowset.SqlRowSet;
+import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;
+public class GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseResultAction implements Action
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Dependencies
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
+    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
+    public void setJdbcTemplate( JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate )
+    {
+        this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
+    }
+    private OrganisationUnitService organisationUnitService;
+    public void setOrganisationUnitService( OrganisationUnitService organisationUnitService )
+    {
+        this.organisationUnitService = organisationUnitService;
+    }
+    public OrganisationUnitService getOrganisationUnitService()
+    {
+        return organisationUnitService;
+    }
+    private PeriodService periodService;
+    public void setPeriodService( PeriodService periodService )
+    {
+        this.periodService = periodService;
+    }
+    private DataSetService dataSetService;
+    public void setDataSetService( DataSetService dataSetService )
+    {
+        this.dataSetService = dataSetService;
+    }
+    private DashBoardService dashBoardService;
+    public void setDashBoardService( DashBoardService dashBoardService )
+    {
+        this.dashBoardService = dashBoardService;
+    }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Input Parameters
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
+    private String periodTypeId;
+    public void setPeriodTypeId( String periodTypeId )
+    {
+        this.periodTypeId = periodTypeId;
+    }
+    private int sDateLB;
+    public void setSDateLB( int dateLB )
+    {
+        sDateLB = dateLB;
+    }
+    private int eDateLB;
+    public void setEDateLB( int dateLB )
+    {
+        eDateLB = dateLB;
+    }
+    private String facilityLB;
+    public void setFacilityLB( String facilityLB )
+    {
+        this.facilityLB = facilityLB;
+    }
+    private List<String> orgUnitListCB;
+    public void setOrgUnitListCB( List<String> orgUnitListCB )
+    {
+        this.orgUnitListCB = orgUnitListCB;
+    }
+    private String includeZeros;
+    public void setIncludeZeros( String includeZeros )
+    {
+        this.includeZeros = includeZeros;
+    }
+    public String getIncludeZeros()
+    {
+        return includeZeros;
+    }
+    private List<OrganisationUnit> orgUnitList;
+    public List<OrganisationUnit> getOrgUnitList()
+    {
+        return orgUnitList;
+    }
+    private DisplayPropertyHandler displayPropertyHandler;
+    public void setDisplayPropertyHandler( DisplayPropertyHandler displayPropertyHandler )
+    {
+        this.displayPropertyHandler = displayPropertyHandler;
+    }
+    private Collection<Period> periodList;
+    public Collection<Period> getPeriodList()
+    {
+        return periodList;
+    }
+    private List<DataSet> dataSetList;
+    public List<DataSet> getDataSetList()
+    {
+        return dataSetList;
+    }
+    private List<String> periodNameList;
+    public List<String> getPeriodNameList()
+    {
+        return periodNameList;
+    }
+    private int maxOULevel;
+    public int getMaxOULevel()
+    {
+        return maxOULevel;
+    }
+    private int minOULevel;
+    public int getMinOULevel()
+    {
+        return minOULevel;
+    }
+    String orgUnitInfo;
+    List<String> levelNames;
+    public List<String> getLevelNames()
+    {
+        return levelNames;
+    }
+    String deInfo;
+    String periodInfo;
+    private int dataSetMemberCount1;
+    public int getDataSetMemberCount1()
+    {
+        return dataSetMemberCount1;
+    }
+    //Set<Source> dso;
+    private Map<OrganisationUnit, Integer> ouMapForChildDSAssociation;
+    public Map<OrganisationUnit, Integer> getOuMapForChildDSAssociation()
+    {
+        return ouMapForChildDSAssociation;
+    }
+    private Map<OrganisationUnit, Integer> ouMapForColor;
+    public Map<OrganisationUnit, Integer> getOuMapForColor()
+    {
+        return ouMapForColor;
+    }
+    int orgUnitCount;
+    private Map<OrganisationUnit, List<Integer>> ouMapStatusResult;
+    public Map<OrganisationUnit, List<Integer>> getOuMapStatusResult()
+    {
+        return ouMapStatusResult;
+    }
+    private Map<OrganisationUnit, List<Integer>> ouMapSummaryStatusResult;
+    public Map<OrganisationUnit, List<Integer>> getOuMapSummaryStatusResult()
+    {
+        return ouMapSummaryStatusResult;
+    }
+    private Map<OrganisationUnit, List<Integer>> ouDataSetMapColor;
+    public Map<OrganisationUnit, List<Integer>> getOuDataSetMapColor()
+    {
+        return ouDataSetMapColor;
+    }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Action Implementation
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
+    public String execute() throws Exception
+    {
+        System.out.println( "DataSet Wise Data Status Generation Start Time is : " + new Date() );
+        // Intialization
+        periodNameList = new ArrayList<String>();
+        //dataViewName = "";
+        ouMapForChildDSAssociation = new HashMap<OrganisationUnit, Integer>();
+        ouMapForColor =  new HashMap<OrganisationUnit, Integer>();
+        orgUnitCount = 0;
+        ouMapStatusResult = new HashMap<OrganisationUnit, List<Integer>>();
+        ouMapSummaryStatusResult = new HashMap<OrganisationUnit, List<Integer>>();
+        //dsMapSummaryStatusResult = new HashMap<DataSet, Map<OrganisationUnit, List<Integer>>>();
+        ouDataSetMapColor = new HashMap<OrganisationUnit, List<Integer>>();
+        // Period Related Info
+        PeriodType periodType = periodService.getPeriodTypeByName( periodTypeId );
+        Period startPeriod = periodService.getPeriod( sDateLB );
+        Period endPeriod = periodService.getPeriod( eDateLB );
+        periodList = new ArrayList<Period>( periodService.getPeriodsBetweenDates( periodType, startPeriod.getStartDate(), endPeriod.getEndDate() ));
+        periodNameList = dashBoardService.getPeriodNamesByPeriodType( periodType, periodList );
+        maxOULevel = 1;
+        minOULevel = organisationUnitService.getNumberOfOrganisationalLevels();
+        // OrgUnit Related Info
+        OrganisationUnit selectedOrgUnit = new OrganisationUnit();
+        orgUnitList = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>();
+        if ( facilityLB.equals( "children" ) )
+        {
+            selectedOrgUnit = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnit( Integer.parseInt( orgUnitListCB.get( 0 ) ) );
+            orgUnitList = getChildOrgUnitTree( selectedOrgUnit );                     
+        }
+        else if ( facilityLB.equals( "immChildren" ) )
+        {
+            @SuppressWarnings( "unused" )
+            int number;
+            selectedOrgUnit = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnit( Integer.parseInt( orgUnitListCB.get( 0 ) ) );
+            number = selectedOrgUnit.getChildren().size();
+            orgUnitList = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>();
+            Iterator<String> orgUnitIterator = orgUnitListCB.iterator();
+            while ( orgUnitIterator.hasNext() )
+            {
+                OrganisationUnit o = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnit( Integer
+                    .parseInt( (String) orgUnitIterator.next() ) );
+                orgUnitList.add( o );
+                List<OrganisationUnit> organisationUnits = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>( o.getChildren() );
+                Collections.sort( organisationUnits, new OrganisationUnitShortNameComparator() );
+                orgUnitList.addAll( organisationUnits );              
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Iterator<String> orgUnitIterator = orgUnitListCB.iterator();
+            OrganisationUnit o;
+            while ( orgUnitIterator.hasNext() )
+            {
+                o = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnit( Integer.parseInt( orgUnitIterator.next() ) );
+                orgUnitList.add( o );                
+                Collections.sort( orgUnitList, new OrganisationUnitShortNameComparator() );               
+                displayPropertyHandler.handle( orgUnitList );
+            }
+        }
+        // OrgUnit Related Info for Data Set
+        List<OrganisationUnit> tempOrGUnitList = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>();
+        Iterator<String> orgUnitIterator = orgUnitListCB.iterator();
+        while( orgUnitIterator.hasNext())
+        {
+            OrganisationUnit orgUnit = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnit( Integer.parseInt( orgUnitIterator.next() ) );
+            List<OrganisationUnit> orgUnitChildList = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>( organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnitWithChildren( orgUnit.getId() ) );
+            tempOrGUnitList.addAll( orgUnitChildList );
+        }
+        // DataSet Related Info
+        dataSetList = new ArrayList<DataSet>( dataSetService.getDataSetsByPeriodType( periodType ) );
+        String query = "";
+        String query2 = "";
+        String orgUnitId = "";
+        Iterator<DataSet> dsIterator = dataSetList.iterator();
+        while( dsIterator.hasNext() )
+        {
+            DataSet dSet = dsIterator.next();
+            //List<Source> dso = new ArrayList<Source>( dSet.getSources() );
+            List<OrganisationUnit> dso = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>( dSet.getSources() );
+            if( dso == null || dso.size() == 0 )
+            {
+                dsIterator.remove();
+                continue;
+            }
+            int flag = 1;
+            for( OrganisationUnit orgUnit : tempOrGUnitList )
+            {
+                if( dso.contains( orgUnit) )
+                {
+                        flag = 2;
+                        break;
+                }
+            }
+            if( flag == 1 )
+            {
+                dsIterator.remove();
+                continue;
+            }
+            dataSetMemberCount1 = 0;
+            for ( DataElement de : dSet.getDataElements() )
+            {
+                deInfo += "," + de.getId();
+                dataSetMemberCount1 += de.getCategoryCombo().getOptionCombos().size();
+            }
+            Iterator<OrganisationUnit> orgUnitListIterator = orgUnitList.iterator();
+            while ( orgUnitListIterator.hasNext() )
+            {
+                OrganisationUnit orgUnit = orgUnitListIterator.next();
+                orgUnitInfo = "" + orgUnit.getId();
+                if ( maxOULevel < organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( orgUnit ) )
+                    maxOULevel = organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( orgUnit );
+                if ( minOULevel > organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( orgUnit ) )
+                    minOULevel = organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( orgUnit );
+                Iterator<Period> periodIterator = periodList.iterator();
+                Period p;
+                double dataStatusPercentatge;
+                List<Integer> dsResults = new ArrayList<Integer>();
+                List<Integer> dsSummaryResults = new ArrayList<Integer>();
+                List<Integer> dsColors = new ArrayList<Integer>();
+                List<OrganisationUnit> childOrgUnits = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>();
+                if ( !dso.contains( orgUnit ) )
+                {
+                    childOrgUnits = filterChildOrgUnitsByDataSet( orgUnit, dso );
+                    ouMapForChildDSAssociation.put( orgUnit, childOrgUnits.size() );
+                    //ouMapForColor.put( orgUnit, 0 );
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    ouMapForChildDSAssociation.put( orgUnit, -1 );
+                    //ouMapForColor.put( orgUnit, 1 );
+                }
+                while ( periodIterator.hasNext() )
+                {
+                    p = (Period) periodIterator.next();
+                    periodInfo = "" + p.getId();
+                    if ( dso == null )
+                    {
+                        dsResults.add( -1 );
+                        dsSummaryResults.add( -1 );
+                        ouMapForChildDSAssociation.put( orgUnit, -1 );
+                        dsColors.add( 1 );
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    else if ( !dso.contains( orgUnit ) )
+                    {
+                        if( childOrgUnits == null || childOrgUnits.size() <= 0 )
+                        {
+                            dsResults.add( -2 );
+                            dsSummaryResults.add( -2 );
+                            ouMapForChildDSAssociation.put( orgUnit, -1 );
+                            dsColors.add( 1 );
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                        int dataStatusCount = 0;
+                        Iterator<OrganisationUnit> assignedChildrenIterator = childOrgUnits.iterator();
+                        while ( assignedChildrenIterator.hasNext() )
+                        {
+                            OrganisationUnit cUnit = (OrganisationUnit) assignedChildrenIterator.next();
+                            orgUnitInfo = "-1";
+                            orgUnitId = "-1,";
+                            orgUnitId += String.valueOf( cUnit.getId() );
+                            orgUnitCount = 0;
+                            getOrgUnitInfo( orgUnit, dso );
+                            if ( includeZeros == null )
+                            {
+                                query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datavalue  WHERE dataelementid IN (" + deInfo
+                                    + ") AND sourceid IN (" + orgUnitId + ") AND periodid IN (" + periodInfo
+                                    + ") and value <> 0";
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datavalue WHERE dataelementid IN (" + deInfo
+                                    + ") AND sourceid IN (" + orgUnitId + ") AND periodid IN (" + periodInfo + ")";
+                            }
+                            SqlRowSet sqlResultSet = jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet( query );
+                            if ( sqlResultSet.next() )
+                            {
+                                try
+                                {
+                                    dataStatusPercentatge = ((double) sqlResultSet.getInt( 1 ) / (double) (dataSetMemberCount1)) * 100.0;
+                                }
+                                catch ( Exception e )
+                                {
+                                    dataStatusPercentatge = 0.0;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            else
+                                dataStatusPercentatge = 0.0;
+                            if ( dataStatusPercentatge > 100.0 )
+                                dataStatusPercentatge = 100;
+                            dataStatusPercentatge = Math.round( dataStatusPercentatge * Math.pow( 10, 0 ) )
+                                / Math.pow( 10, 0 );
+                            if ( dataStatusPercentatge >= 5.0 )
+                            {
+                                dataStatusCount += 1;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        dsSummaryResults.add( dataStatusCount );
+                        Double tempDouble = ( (double) dataStatusCount /(double) childOrgUnits.size() ) * 100.0;
+                        tempDouble = Math.round( tempDouble * Math.pow( 10, 0 ) ) / Math.pow( 10, 0 );
+                        dsResults.add( tempDouble.intValue() );
+                        dsColors.add( 0 );
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    orgUnitInfo = "" + orgUnit.getId();
+                    if ( includeZeros == null )
+                    {
+                        query2 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datavalue WHERE dataelementid IN (" + deInfo
+                            + ") AND sourceid IN (" + orgUnitInfo + ") AND periodid IN (" + periodInfo + ") and value <> 0";
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        query2 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datavalue WHERE dataelementid IN (" + deInfo
+                            + ") AND sourceid IN (" + orgUnitInfo + ") AND periodid IN (" + periodInfo + ")";
+                    }
+                    SqlRowSet sqlResultSet = jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet( query2 );
+                    if ( sqlResultSet.next() )
+                    {
+                        try
+                        {
+                            dataStatusPercentatge = ((double) sqlResultSet.getInt( 1 ) / (double) dataSetMemberCount1) * 100.0;
+                        }
+                        catch ( Exception e )
+                        {
+                            dataStatusPercentatge = 0.0;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                        dataStatusPercentatge = 0.0;
+                    if ( dataStatusPercentatge > 100.0 )
+                        dataStatusPercentatge = 100;
+                    dataStatusPercentatge = Math.round( dataStatusPercentatge * Math.pow( 10, 0 ) ) / Math.pow( 10, 0 );
+                    if ( dataStatusPercentatge >= 5.0 )
+                    {
+                        dsSummaryResults.add( 1 );
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        dsSummaryResults.add( 0 );
+                    }
+                    dsResults.add( -1 );
+                    dsColors.add( 1 );
+                }
+                List<Integer> tempIntList = ouMapSummaryStatusResult.get( orgUnit );
+                if( tempIntList != null )
+                {
+                    tempIntList.addAll( dsSummaryResults );
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    tempIntList = dsSummaryResults;
+                }
+                List<Integer> tempdsResultList = ouMapStatusResult.get( orgUnit );
+                if( tempdsResultList != null )
+                {
+                    tempdsResultList.addAll( dsResults );
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    tempdsResultList = dsResults;
+                }
+                List<Integer> tempDsColorList = ouDataSetMapColor.get( orgUnit );
+                if( tempDsColorList != null )
+                {
+                    tempDsColorList.addAll( dsColors );
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    tempDsColorList = dsColors;
+                }
+                ouMapSummaryStatusResult.put( orgUnit, tempIntList );
+                ouMapStatusResult.put( orgUnit, tempdsResultList );
+                ouDataSetMapColor.put( orgUnit, tempDsColorList );
+                }
+        }
+        // For Level Names
+        String ouLevelNames[] = new String[organisationUnitService.getNumberOfOrganisationalLevels() + 1];
+        for ( int i = 0; i < ouLevelNames.length; i++ )
+        {
+            ouLevelNames[i] = "Level" + i;
+        }
+        List<OrganisationUnitLevel> ouLevels = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnitLevel>( organisationUnitService.getFilledOrganisationUnitLevels() );
+        for ( OrganisationUnitLevel ouL : ouLevels )
+        {
+            ouLevelNames[ouL.getLevel()] = ouL.getName();
+        }
+        levelNames = new ArrayList<String>();
+        int count1 = minOULevel;
+        //System.out.println("Min Level is : " + minOULevel  + ", Max Level is " + maxOULevel );
+        while ( count1 <= maxOULevel )
+        {
+            //System.out.println("Inside Level name Assign Loop" );
+            levelNames.add( ouLevelNames[count1] );
+            count1++;
+        }
+        System.out.println( "DataSet Wise Data Status Generation End Time is : " + new Date() );
+        return SUCCESS;
+    }
+    // Returns the OrgUnitTree for which Root is the orgUnit
+    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
+    public List<OrganisationUnit> getChildOrgUnitTree( OrganisationUnit orgUnit )
+    {
+        List<OrganisationUnit> orgUnitTree = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>();
+        orgUnitTree.add( orgUnit );
+        List<OrganisationUnit> children = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>( orgUnit.getChildren() );
+        Collections.sort( children, new OrganisationUnitNameComparator() );
+        Iterator childIterator = children.iterator();
+        OrganisationUnit child;
+        while ( childIterator.hasNext() )
+        {
+            child = (OrganisationUnit) childIterator.next();
+            orgUnitTree.addAll( getChildOrgUnitTree( child ) );
+        }
+        return orgUnitTree;
+    }// getChildOrgUnitTree end
+    private List<OrganisationUnit> filterChildOrgUnitsByDataSet( OrganisationUnit selectedOrganisationUnit, List<OrganisationUnit> dso )
+    {
+        List<OrganisationUnit> filteredOrganisationUnits = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>( organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnitWithChildren( selectedOrganisationUnit.getId() ) );
+        filteredOrganisationUnits.retainAll( dso );
+        return filteredOrganisationUnits;
+    }    
+    private void getOrgUnitInfo( OrganisationUnit organisationUnit, List<OrganisationUnit> dso )
+    {
+        Collection<OrganisationUnit> children = organisationUnit.getChildren();
+        Iterator<OrganisationUnit> childIterator = children.iterator();
+        OrganisationUnit child;
+        while ( childIterator.hasNext() )
+        {
+            child = childIterator.next();
+            if ( dso.contains( child ) )
+            {
+                orgUnitInfo += "," + child.getId();
+                orgUnitCount++;
+            }
+            getOrgUnitInfo( child, dso );
+        }
+    }
+    public WritableCellFormat getCellFormat1() throws Exception
+    {
+            WritableCellFormat wCellformat = new WritableCellFormat();
+            wCellformat.setBorder( Border.ALL, BorderLineStyle.THIN );
+            wCellformat.setAlignment( Alignment.CENTRE );
+            wCellformat.setBackground( Colour.GRAY_25 );
+            wCellformat.setWrap( true );
+            return wCellformat;
+    }

=== added file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/ds/action/GetPeriodsForDataSetWiseAction.java'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/ds/action/GetPeriodsForDataSetWiseAction.java	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/ds/action/GetPeriodsForDataSetWiseAction.java	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+package org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.ds.action;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.hisp.dhis.period.Period;
+import org.hisp.dhis.period.PeriodService;
+import org.hisp.dhis.period.PeriodType;
+import org.hisp.dhis.period.comparator.PeriodComparator;
+import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;
+public class GetPeriodsForDataSetWiseAction implements Action
+    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Dependencies
+    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    private PeriodService periodService;
+    public void setPeriodService( PeriodService periodService )
+    {
+        this.periodService = periodService;
+    }
+    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Input & output
+    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    private String id;
+    public void setId( String id )
+    {
+        this.id = id;
+    }
+    private List<Period> periods;
+    public List<Period> getPeriods()
+    {
+        return periods;
+    }
+    private List<String> periodNameList;
+    public List<String> getPeriodNameList()
+    {
+        return periodNameList;
+    }
+    private SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat1;
+    private SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat2;
+    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Action implementation
+    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    public String execute()
+        throws Exception
+    {
+        periodNameList = new ArrayList<String>();
+        System.out.println( "Period Type Id is : " + id );
+        PeriodType periodType = periodService.getPeriodTypeByName( id );
+        periods = new ArrayList<Period>( periodService.getPeriodsByPeriodType( periodType ) );
+        Iterator<Period> periodIterator = periods.iterator();
+        while( periodIterator.hasNext() )
+        {
+            Period p1 = periodIterator.next();
+            if ( p1.getStartDate().compareTo( new Date() ) > 0 )
+            {
+                periodIterator.remove( );
+            }
+        }
+        Collections.sort( periods, new PeriodComparator() );
+        if ( periodType.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( "monthly" ) )
+        {
+            simpleDateFormat1 = new SimpleDateFormat( "MMM-yyyy" );
+            for ( Period p1 : periods )
+            {
+                periodNameList.add( simpleDateFormat1.format( p1.getStartDate() ) );
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( periodType.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( "quarterly" ) )
+        {
+            simpleDateFormat1 = new SimpleDateFormat( "MMM" );
+            simpleDateFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat( "MMM yyyy" );
+            for ( Period p1 : periods )
+            {
+                String tempPeriodName = simpleDateFormat1.format( p1.getStartDate() ) + " - "
+                    + simpleDateFormat2.format( p1.getEndDate() );
+                periodNameList.add( tempPeriodName );
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( periodType.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( "yearly" ) )
+        {
+            simpleDateFormat1 = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy" );
+            for ( Period p1 : periods )
+            {
+                //year = Integer.parseInt( simpleDateFormat1.format( p1.getStartDate() ) ) + 1;
+                //periodNameList.add( simpleDateFormat1.format( p1.getStartDate() ) + "-" + year );
+                periodNameList.add( simpleDateFormat1.format( p1.getStartDate() ) );
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( periodType.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( "daily" ) )
+        {
+            simpleDateFormat1 = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd" );
+            for ( Period p1 : periods )
+            {
+                periodNameList.add( simpleDateFormat1.format( p1.getStartDate() ) );
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            simpleDateFormat1 = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd" );
+            for ( Period p1 : periods )
+            {
+                String tempPeriodName = simpleDateFormat1.format( p1.getStartDate() ) + " - "
+                    + simpleDateFormat1.format( p1.getEndDate() );
+                periodNameList.add( tempPeriodName );
+            }
+        }
+        return SUCCESS;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/nr/action/GenerateNullReporterFormAction.java'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/nr/action/GenerateNullReporterFormAction.java	2010-12-08 07:24:10 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/nr/action/GenerateNullReporterFormAction.java	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -32,21 +32,16 @@
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.hisp.dhis.dataelement.DataElement;
 import org.hisp.dhis.dataelement.DataElementGroup;
-import org.hisp.dhis.dataelement.DataElementService;
-import org.hisp.dhis.dataelement.comparator.DataElementGroupNameComparator;
-import org.hisp.dhis.dataelement.comparator.DataElementNameComparator;
+import org.hisp.dhis.dataset.DataSet;
+import org.hisp.dhis.dataset.DataSetService;
+import org.hisp.dhis.dataset.comparator.DataSetNameComparator;
 import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnit;
-import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnitService;
-import org.hisp.dhis.period.MonthlyPeriodType;
 import org.hisp.dhis.period.Period;
-import org.hisp.dhis.period.PeriodService;
-import org.hisp.dhis.period.comparator.PeriodComparator;
 import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;
@@ -57,27 +52,13 @@
     // Dependencies
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    private DataElementService dataElementService;
-    public void setDataElementService( DataElementService dataElementService )
-    {
-        this.dataElementService = dataElementService;
-    }
-    private PeriodService periodService;
-    public void setPeriodService(PeriodService periodService) {
-        this.periodService = periodService;
-    }
-    @SuppressWarnings("unused")
-	private OrganisationUnitService organisationUnitService;
-    public void setOrganisationUnitService( OrganisationUnitService organisationUnitService )
-    {
-        this.organisationUnitService = organisationUnitService;
-    }
+    private DataSetService dataSetService;
+    public void setDataSetService( DataSetService dataSetService )
+    {
+        this.dataSetService = dataSetService;
+    }
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Comparator
@@ -146,35 +127,50 @@
         return simpleDateFormat;
+    private List<DataSet> dataSetList;
+    public List<DataSet> getDataSetList()
+    {
+        return dataSetList;
+    }
     public String execute()
         throws Exception
-        /* DataElements and Groups */
-        dataElements = new ArrayList<DataElement>(dataElementService.getAllDataElements());
-        dataElementGroups = new ArrayList<DataElementGroup>(dataElementService.getAllDataElementGroups());
-        Collections.sort( dataElements, new DataElementNameComparator() );
-        Collections.sort( dataElementGroups, new DataElementGroupNameComparator() );
-        /* Monthly Periods */
-        monthlyPeriods = new ArrayList<Period>( periodService.getPeriodsByPeriodType( new MonthlyPeriodType() ) );
-        Iterator<Period> periodIterator = monthlyPeriods.iterator();
-        while( periodIterator.hasNext() )
+        /* DataSet List */
+        dataSetList = new ArrayList<DataSet>( dataSetService.getAllDataSets() );
+        Iterator<DataSet> dataSetListIterator = dataSetList.iterator();
+        while(dataSetListIterator.hasNext())
-            Period p1 = periodIterator.next();
-            if ( p1.getStartDate().compareTo( new Date() ) > 0 )
-            {
-                periodIterator.remove( );
-            }
+             DataSet d = (DataSet) dataSetListIterator.next();
+            if ( d.getSources().size() <= 0 )
+                        {
+                dataSetListIterator.remove();
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {                       
+                                // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                // Added to remove Indian Linelisting datasets
+                                // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                if ( d.getId() == 8 || d.getId() == 9 || d.getId() == 10 || d.getId() == 14
+                                        || d.getId() == 15 || d.getId() == 35 || d.getId() == 36 || d.getId() == 37
+                                        || d.getId() == 38 )
+                                {
+                                        dataSetListIterator.remove();
+                                }       
+                        }
-        Collections.sort( monthlyPeriods, new PeriodComparator() );
-        simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "MMM - y" );
+        Collections.sort( dataSetList, new DataSetNameComparator() );
         return SUCCESS;

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/nr/action/GenerateNullReporterResultAction.java'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/nr/action/GenerateNullReporterResultAction.java	2010-12-29 16:17:28 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/nr/action/GenerateNullReporterResultAction.java	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -3,11 +3,14 @@
 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
+import org.amplecode.quick.StatementManager;
 import org.hisp.dhis.aggregation.AggregationService;
 import org.hisp.dhis.dataelement.DataElement;
 import org.hisp.dhis.dataelement.DataElementCategoryCombo;
@@ -20,7 +23,6 @@
 import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnit;
 import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnitService;
 import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.comparator.OrganisationUnitNameComparator;
-import org.hisp.dhis.period.MonthlyPeriodType;
 import org.hisp.dhis.period.Period;
 import org.hisp.dhis.period.PeriodService;
 import org.hisp.dhis.period.PeriodType;
@@ -28,9 +30,6 @@
 import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import org.amplecode.quick.StatementManager;
 public class GenerateNullReporterResultAction
     implements Action
@@ -305,6 +304,20 @@
     private Map<OrganisationUnit, Integer> ouChildCountMap;
+    private String selectedDataSet;
+    public void setSelectedDataSet( String selectedDataSet )
+    {
+        this.selectedDataSet = selectedDataSet;
+    }
+    private String dataSetName;
+    public String getDataSetName()
+    {
+        return dataSetName;
+    }
     // ---------------------------------------------------------------
     // Action Implementation
@@ -312,8 +325,9 @@
     public String execute()
         throws Exception
-	statementManager.initialise();
+        statementManager.initialise();
         // VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();
+        System.out.println( "Null Report Generation Start Time is : " + new Date() );
         simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "MMM y" );
         nullReportResult = new HashMap<OrganisationUnit, Map<Period, List<DataElement>>>();
@@ -360,8 +374,8 @@
             maxOuLevel = minOULevel;
-        Period startDate = periodService.getPeriod( sDateLB );
-        Period endDate = periodService.getPeriod( eDateLB );
+        //Period startDate = periodService.getPeriod( sDateLB );
+        //Period endDate = periodService.getPeriod( eDateLB );
         List<OrganisationUnit> ouHavingNullValuesWithHigherLevel = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>();
         ouHavingNullValuesWithLowerLevel = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>();
         ouHavingNullValues = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>();
@@ -369,35 +383,32 @@
         dePeriodTypeMap = new HashMap<DataElement, PeriodType>();
         // periodDeListMap = new HashMap<Period, List<DataElement>>();
-        for ( String deid : selectedDataElements )
+        DataSet dataSet = dataSetService.getDataSet( Integer.parseInt( selectedDataSet ) );
+        dataSetName = dataSet.getName();
+       // Collection<DataElement> dataElements = dataSet.getDataElements();
+        List<DataElement> dataElementList = new ArrayList<DataElement>( dataSet.getDataElements()  );
+        //System.out.println("----------------Data Element  Size is ------- " + dataElementList.size()  );
+        for ( DataElement dataElement : dataElementList )
-            DataElement de1 = dataElementService.getDataElement( Integer.parseInt( deid ) );
-            dataSetList = new ArrayList<DataSet>( dataSetService.getAllDataSets() );
-            int flag = 0;
-            for ( DataSet ds : dataSetList )
-            {
-                if ( ds.getDataElements().contains( de1 ) )
-                {
-                    dePeriodTypeMap.put( de1, ds.getPeriodType() );
-                    flag = 1;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if ( flag == 0 )
-            {
-                dePeriodTypeMap.put( de1, new MonthlyPeriodType() );
-            }
+            DataElement de1 = dataElementService.getDataElement( dataElement.getId() );
+            dePeriodTypeMap.put( de1, dataSet.getPeriodType() );
             deList.add( de1 );
-        periodsColl = new ArrayList<Period>( periodService.getIntersectingPeriods( startDate.getStartDate(), endDate
-            .getEndDate() ) );
+        Period startPeriod = periodService.getPeriod( sDateLB );
+        Period endPeriod = periodService.getPeriod( eDateLB );
+        PeriodType dataSetPeriodType = dataSet.getPeriodType(); 
+        periodsColl = new ArrayList<Period>( periodService.getPeriodsBetweenDates( dataSetPeriodType, startPeriod.getStartDate(), endPeriod.getEndDate() ));
+        //periodsColl = new ArrayList<Period>( periodService.getIntersectingPeriods( startDate.getStartDate(), endDate.getEndDate() ) );
         size = periodsColl.size();
-        // System.out.println("periods size is "+size);
+       // System.out.println("periods size is " + size );
         Collections.sort( periodsColl, new PeriodTypeComparator() );
         periods = new ArrayList<Period>();
@@ -414,7 +425,7 @@
                 for ( DataElement de : deList )
-                    if ( (dePeriodTypeMap.get( de ).equals( p.getPeriodType() )) )
+                    if ( ( dePeriodTypeMap.get( de ).equals( p.getPeriodType() )) )
                         double aggValue = 0;
                         if ( ouSelCB != null )
@@ -535,14 +546,14 @@
+               // System.out.println("---------------Size of data element List is  " + resultDeList.size() );
                 if ( resultDeList.size() != 0 )
                     periodDeListMap.put( p, resultDeList );
                     // nullReportResult.put(curOu, periodDeListMap);
-            // System.out.println("----------------------- " +
-            // periodDeListMap.size() + " " + curOu );
+            //System.out.println("----------------------- " + periodDeListMap.size() + " " + curOu );
             if ( periodDeListMap.size() != 0 )
@@ -585,10 +596,13 @@
             size = 0;
+        //System.out.println("periods size is " + size );
         Collections.sort( ouHavingNullValues, new OrganisationUnitNameComparator() );
         Collections.sort( periods, new PeriodComparator() );
         Collections.sort( periods, new PeriodTypeComparator() );
-	statementManager.destroy();
+        statementManager.destroy();
+        System.out.println( "Null Report Generation End Time is : " + new Date() );
         return SUCCESS;

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/resources/META-INF/dhis/beans.xml'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/resources/META-INF/dhis/beans.xml	2011-03-01 09:42:21 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/resources/META-INF/dhis/beans.xml	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -587,6 +587,45 @@
         <property name="jdbcTemplate" ref="jdbcTemplate"/>
+	<!-- DataStatus Data Set Wise -->
+    <bean id="org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.ds.action.GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseFormAction"
+		class="org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.ds.action.GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseFormAction"
+		scope="prototype">
+        <property name="periodService">
+            <ref bean="org.hisp.dhis.period.PeriodService"/>
+        </property>
+    </bean>
+    <bean id="org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.ds.action.GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseResultAction"
+		class="org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.ds.action.GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseResultAction"
+		scope="prototype">
+        <property name="dashBoardService">
+            <ref bean="org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.util.DashBoardService"/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="dataSetService">
+            <ref bean="org.hisp.dhis.dataset.DataSetService"/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="periodService">
+            <ref bean="org.hisp.dhis.period.PeriodService"/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="organisationUnitService">
+            <ref bean="org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnitService"/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="jdbcTemplate" ref="jdbcTemplate"/>
+    </bean>
+    <bean id="org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.ds.action.GetPeriodsForDataSetWiseAction"
+		class="org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.ds.action.GetPeriodsForDataSetWiseAction"
+		scope="prototype">
+        <property name="periodService">
+            <ref bean="org.hisp.dhis.period.PeriodService"/>
+        </property>
+    </bean>			
 	<!-- DataStatus For Mobile start  -->
 	<bean id="org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.ds.mobile.action.GenerateDataStatusMobileFormAction"
@@ -872,7 +911,7 @@
     <bean id="org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.nr.action.GenerateNullReporterFormAction"
-        <property name="dataElementService">
+<!--    <property name="dataElementService">
             <ref bean="org.hisp.dhis.dataelement.DataElementService"/>
         <property name="periodService">
@@ -880,7 +919,11 @@
         <property name="organisationUnitService">
             <ref bean="org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnitService"/>
-        </property>
+        </property>-->
+		<property name="dataSetService">
+			<ref bean="org.hisp.dhis.dataset.DataSetService"></ref>
+		</property>
     <bean id="org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.nr.action.GenerateNullReporterResultAction"

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/i18n_module.properties'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/i18n_module.properties	2011-03-01 09:42:21 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/dataanalyser/i18n_module.properties	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
 organisation_unit_group_wise_data_entry_status_for = Organisation Unit Group Wise Data Entry Status For
 organisation_unit_group = Organisation Unit Group
 #-------DataStatus Null Reporter---------------------------#
 nr_null_reporter = Null Reporter
@@ -120,6 +121,9 @@
 oup_period = Period
 oup_report = Report
 oup_viewprofile = View Profile
-compare_view  = Compare/View By 
+compare_view  = Compare/View By
+ds_dataset_wise = Data Status - Data Set Wise
+dsform_datasetwise = Data Status Form Data Set Wise
+ds_periodtype = Period Type
+select_periodtype = Select Period Type

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/resources/struts.xml'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/resources/struts.xml	2011-01-17 06:56:53 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/resources/struts.xml	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -373,6 +373,30 @@
 			<param name="stylesheets">css/StylesForTags.css</param>
+		<!-- DataStatus Data Set Wise -->
+		<action name="dataStatusDataSetWiseForm"
+			class="org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.ds.action.GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseFormAction">
+			<result name="success" type="velocity">/main.vm</result>
+			<param name="page">/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusDataSetWiseFront.vm</param>
+			<param name="menu">/dhis-web-dashboard/menuWithTreeForDSDataSetWise.vm</param>
+			<param name="javascripts">../dhis-web-commons/ouwt/ouwt.js,../dhis-web-commons/lists/lists.js,javascript/ds.js,javascript/db.js,javascript/date.js,javascript/hashtable.js</param>
+			<param name="stylesheets">css/StylesForTags.css</param>
+			<interceptor-ref name="organisationUnitTreeStack"/>
+		</action>
+		<action name="dataStatusDataSetWiseResult"
+			class="org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.ds.action.GenerateDataStatusDataSetWiseResultAction">
+			<result name="success" type="velocity">/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusDataSetWiseResult.vm</result>
+			<param name="javascripts">javascript/ds.js,javascript/hashtable.js</param>
+			<param name="stylesheets">css/StylesForTags.css</param>
+		</action>		
+		<action name="getPeriodsForDataSetWise"
+			class="org.hisp.dhis.dataanalyser.ds.action.GetPeriodsForDataSetWiseAction">
+			<result name="success" type="velocity-xml">/dhis-web-dashboard/responsePeriodForDataSetWise.vm</result>
+			<param name="onExceptionReturn">plainTextError</param>
+		</action>				
 		<!-- DataStatus For Mobile start-->
         <action name="dataStatusMobileForm"

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/css/StylesForTags.css'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/css/StylesForTags.css	2010-12-29 07:47:36 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/css/StylesForTags.css	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
     white-space: nowrap;
     cursor: default; 
     text-align: center;
-    border:1px dotted #C0C0C0;
+    border:1px solid #000000;
 .TableHeadingCellStyles {
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     font-size: 11px;   
     white-space: nowrap;
     cursor: default;   
-    border:1px dotted #C0C0C0;  
+    border:1px solid #000000;  
 .DefaultFontStyles {
@@ -88,6 +88,6 @@
     font-size: 11px;   
     white-space: wrap;
     cursor: default;   
-    border:1px dotted #C0C0C0;  
+    border:1px solid #000000;  

=== added file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusDataSetWiseFront.vm'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusDataSetWiseFront.vm	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusDataSetWiseFront.vm	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+<style type='text/css'>
+    .hidden{ display: none; }
+    // Global Variables
+    var selCategory = "";
+    var selFacility = "";
+    var ouName = "";
+    var dsName = "";
+    var sDateIndex = 0;
+    var eDateIndex = 0;
+    var sDate = "";
+    var eDate = "";
+    var curPeriodType = "";
+<h3>$i18n.getString( "dsform_datasetwise" )</h3>
+<hr />
+<form id="ChartGenerationDataSetWiseForm" name="ChartGenerationDataSetWiseForm" action="dataStatusDataSetWiseResult.action"  onsubmit="return formValidationsDataStatusDataSetWise()" method="get" target="chartWindow1">
+    <table align="center" style="border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: 0;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="80%" border="0">
+        <tr>
+            <td class="NormalB">
+				1. $i18n.getString( "ds_periodtype" ) : <br/>
+				<select id="periodTypeId" name="periodTypeId" onchange="getPeriodsForDataSetWise()" style="width:200px">
+					<option value="NA">[ $i18n.getString( "select_periodtype" ) ]</option>
+					#foreach ( $periodType in $periodTypes )
+						<option value='$periodType.name' title='$periodType.name'>$periodType.name</option>
+					#end
+				</select>
+				<br/><br/>
+				2. $i18n.getString( "ga_from" )<br />
+				<select id="sDateLB" name="sDateLB" style="width:200px"></select>
+				<br/><br/>
+				3. $i18n.getString( "ga_to" )<br />
+				<select id="eDateLB" name="eDateLB" style="width:200px"></select>
+				<br/><br/>
+				4. $i18n.getString( "ga_facilityby" )<br/>
+				<select id="facilityLB" name="facilityLB" onchange="facilityChangeDataSetWiseFunction(event)" style="width:200px">
+                    <option value="random" >Selected</option>
+                    <option value="immChildren" selected>Immediate Children</option>
+                    <option value="children" >Child Tree</option>
+                </select>				
+			</td>
+			<td class="NormalB">
+				<input type="checkbox" name="includeZeros" id="includeZeros" checked> Include Zero
+				<br/><br/>
+				5. $i18n.getString( "ga_orgunit" )<br />
+				<select name="orgUnitListCB" id="orgUnitListCB" multiple style="width:200px;height:100px" ondblclick="remOUDataSetWiseFunction()">
+                </select>
+                <br/><br/>
+                <input type="submit" name="ViewSummary" value="View DataSummary" style="width:200px" />			
+			</td>
+		</tr>
+    </table>
+    <input type="hidden" name="selectedButton" id="selectedButton"/>
+	//getdSetPeriods();
\ No newline at end of file

=== added file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusDataSetWiseResult.vm'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusDataSetWiseResult.vm	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusDataSetWiseResult.vm	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+	<head>
+		<title>SummaryStatus Result</title>
+		<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="css/StylesForTags.css">
+		<script>
+			var startDate = "$sDateLB";
+			var endDate = "$eDateLB";
+			var dsType = "$selectedButton";
+			function getImmChildInfo(evt, dsId, selOrgUnit)
+			{
+				immChildOption = "yes";
+				if( document.getElementById('includeZeros').checked )
+				{
+					evt.target.href = "summaryStatusResult.action?immChildOption="+immChildOption+"&dsId="+dsId+"&sDateLB="+startDate+"&eDateLB="+endDate+"&ouId="+selOrgUnit+"&selectedButton="+dsType+"&includeZeros="+includeZeros;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					evt.target.href = "summaryStatusResult.action?immChildOption="+immChildOption+"&dsId="+dsId+"&sDateLB="+startDate+"&eDateLB="+endDate+"&ouId="+selOrgUnit+"&selectedButton="+dsType;
+				}
+			}
+			function exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()
+			{
+				document.getElementById('htmlCode').value = document.getElementById('formResult').innerHTML;
+				return true;
+			}
+		</script>
+	</head>
+	<body>
+		<form id="form1" name="form1" action="exportDataStatusToExcel.action" method="post" onsubmit="return exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()" target="_newtab">
+			<input type="hidden" name="htmlCode" id="htmlCode" />
+			<div align="right" class="NormalB">
+			    <input type="checkbox" name="includeZeros" id="includeZeros" #if($includeZeros) checked #end /> Include Zero<br />
+				<input type="submit" name="ExportToWorkBook" value="Export To WorkBook" style="width: 160; height: 25; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; color:#000000">
+			</div>
+			<div id="formResult">
+				<div align="center" class="NormalB">Dataset wise Summary Status</div>
+				<div align="right">
+					<table width="15%" border="1">
+						<tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles" >
+							<td bgcolor="#a0c0a0">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+							<td align="left">&nbsp;Entered ( 1 )</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles">
+							<td bgcolor="#ff0000">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+							<td align="left">&nbsp;Not Entered ( 0 )</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles">
+							<td bgcolor="white">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+							<td align="left">&nbsp;Not Assigned</td>
+						</tr>
+					</table>
+        		</div>
+				<br /><br />
+				<div id="headingInfoId">
+				<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; border-style: solid" bordercolor="black" width="100%">
+					<tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles" align="center">
+						#foreach($levelName in $levelNames)
+							<td bgcolor="#C0C0C0"  rowspan="2"><strong>$!levelName</strong></td>
+						#end
+						#foreach($dataSet in $dataSetList)
+							<td align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" colspan="$periodNameList.size()"><strong>$dataSet.name</strong></td>
+						#end						
+					</tr>
+  				    <tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles" align="center">
+  				    	#foreach($dataSet in $dataSetList)
+	  				    	#foreach($periodname in $periodNameList)
+	  				    		<td bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><strong>$periodname</strong></td>
+		    				  #end
+	    				  #end
+    				 </tr> 
+						#foreach($chiildorgUnit in $orgUnitList)
+						#set( $count1 = $minOULevel )
+						#set( $curOrgUnitLevel = $organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+						#set( $orgunitCount = $ouMapForChildDSAssociation.get( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+						##set( $orgunitColor = $ouDataSetMapColor.get( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+						<tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles">
+							#foreach( $levelName in $levelNames )
+								#if( $count1 == $curOrgUnitLevel )
+									<td>$chiildorgUnit.name #if( $orgunitCount !=-1 ) ( $orgunitCount ) #end</td>
+								#else
+									<td>&nbsp;</td>
+								#end
+								#set($count1 = $count1 + 1)
+							#end
+							#set( $dsSummaryResults = $ouMapSummaryStatusResult.get( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+							#set( $dsStatusResults = $ouMapStatusResult.get( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+							#set( $orgunitColors = $ouDataSetMapColor.get( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+							#set( $count2 = 0 )
+							#foreach( $result in $dsSummaryResults )  					                          
+								#set( $dsStatusResult = $dsStatusResults.get( $count2 ) )
+								#set( $orgunitColor = $orgunitColors.get( $count2 ) )
+								#if($result < 0)
+									<td  bgcolor="white">&nbsp;</td>
+								#elseif( $result == 0 )
+									<td align="center" #if( $orgunitColor == 1 ) bgcolor="#ff0000" #end><font #if( $orgunitColor == 1 ) color="#ffffff" #end>0 #if( $dsStatusResult != -1 ) ( $dsStatusResult % )#end</font></td>
+								#elseif( $result == 1 )
+									<td align="center" #if( $orgunitColor == 1 ) bgcolor="#a0c0a0" #end><font #if( $orgunitColor == 1 ) color="#ffffff" #end>1 #if( $dsStatusResult != -1 ) ( $dsStatusResult % )#end</font></td>
+								#elseif( $result > 1 )
+									<td align="center" #if( $orgunitColor == 1 ) bgcolor="#a0c0a0" #end><font #if( $orgunitColor == 1 ) color="#ffffff" #end>$result #if( $dsStatusResult != -1 ) ( $dsStatusResult % )#end </font></td>
+								#end
+								#set($count2 = $count2 + 1)
+							#end
+						</tr>
+					#end	
+				</table>
+			</div>			      
+			</div>
+		</form>
+    </body>
\ No newline at end of file

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/javascript/ds.js'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/javascript/ds.js	2011-04-29 13:45:23 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/javascript/ds.js	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -361,4 +361,170 @@
         document.ChartGenerationForm.ouNameTB.value = orgUnitName;
     //document.reportForm.ouLevelTB.value = level;
\ No newline at end of file
+//Data Status for DataSet wise
+function getPeriodsForDataSetWise()
+	var periodTypeList = document.getElementById('periodTypeId');
+	var periodTypeId = periodTypeList.options[periodTypeList.selectedIndex].value;
+	if ( periodTypeId != "NA" ) 
+	{
+		$.post("getPeriodsForDataSetWise.action",
+			{
+				id : periodTypeId
+			},
+			function (data)
+			{
+				getPeriodsForDataSetWiseReceived(data);
+			},'xml');
+	}
+function getPeriodsForDataSetWiseReceived(xmlObject)
+	var sDateLBObj = document.getElementById("sDateLB");
+	var eDateLBObj = document.getElementById("eDateLB");
+	clearList(sDateLBObj);
+	clearList(eDateLBObj);
+	var periods = xmlObject.getElementsByTagName("period");
+	for ( var i = 0; i < periods.length; i++ ) 
+	{
+		var id = periods[i].getElementsByTagName("id")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+		var periodName = periods[i].getElementsByTagName("periodname")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+		$("#sDateLB").append("<option value='"+ id +"'>" + periodName + "</option>");
+		$("#eDateLB").append("<option value='"+ id +"'>" + periodName + "</option>");
+	}
+//DataStatus Data set wise Form Validations
+function formValidationsDataStatusDataSetWise()
+	var selOUListLength = document.ChartGenerationDataSetWiseForm.orgUnitListCB.options.length;
+    //var selOUListIndex = document.ChartGenerationDataSetWiseForm.orgUnitListCB.selectedIndex;
+    var periodType     = document.ChartGenerationDataSetWiseForm.periodTypeId.value;
+    var selOUListIndex = document.ChartGenerationDataSetWiseForm.orgUnitListCB.options.length;
+    if( periodType == "NA" )
+    {
+        alert("Please Select Period Type"); return false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+    	var startPeriodObj = document.getElementById('sDateLB');
+    	var endPeriodObj = document.getElementById('eDateLB');
+    	sDateTxt = startPeriodObj.options[startPeriodObj.selectedIndex].text;
+        sDate = formatDate(new Date(getDateFromFormat(sDateTxt,"MMM-y")),"yyyy-MM-dd");
+        eDateTxt = endPeriodObj.options[endPeriodObj.selectedIndex].text;
+        eDate = formatDate(new Date(getDateFromFormat(eDateTxt,"MMM-y")),"yyyy-MM-dd");
+    }
+    if(sDateIndex < 0) 
+    {
+        alert("Please Select Starting Period"); return false;
+    }
+    else if(eDateIndex < 0) 
+    {
+        alert("Please Select Ending Period"); return false;
+    }
+    else if(sDate > eDate) 
+    {
+        alert("Starting Date is Greater"); return false;
+    }
+    else if( selOUListIndex <= 0 ) 
+    {
+        alert("Please Select OrganisationUnit(s)"); return false;
+    }
+	 var k=0;
+	 for(k=0;k<selOUListIndex;k++)
+	 {
+	 	document.ChartGenerationDataSetWiseForm.orgUnitListCB.options[k].selected = true;
+	 }
+    var sWidth = 850;
+    var sHeight = 650;
+    var LeftPosition=(screen.width)?(screen.width-sWidth)/2:100;
+    var TopPosition=(screen.height)?(screen.height-sHeight)/2:100;
+    window.open('','chartWindow1','width=' + sWidth + ', height=' + sHeight + ', ' + 'left=' + LeftPosition + ', top=' + TopPosition + ', ' + 'location=no, menubar=no, ' +  'status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes');
+    return true;
+//DataStatus Data set wise Form Validations
+//Facility ListBox Change Function
+function facilityChangeDataSetWiseFunction(evt)
+    selFacility = $("select#facilityLB").val();
+    if(selFacility == "children" || selFacility == "immChildren")
+    {
+        var index = document.ChartGenerationDataSetWiseForm.orgUnitListCB.options.length;
+        for(i=0;i<index;i++)
+        {
+            document.ChartGenerationDataSetWiseForm.orgUnitListCB.options[0] = null;
+        }
+    }
+// facilityChangeDataSetWiseFunction end
+// Removes slected orgunits from the Organisation List
+	function remOUDataSetWiseFunction()
+	{
+	    var index = document.ChartGenerationDataSetWiseForm.orgUnitListCB.options.length;
+	    var i=0;
+	    for(i=index-1;i>=0;i--)
+	    {
+	        if(document.ChartGenerationDataSetWiseForm.orgUnitListCB.options[i].selected)
+	            document.ChartGenerationDataSetWiseForm.orgUnitListCB.options[i] = null;
+	    }
+	}
+	// remOUFunction end
+function getOUDeatilsForDataStatusDataSetWise( orgUnitIds )
+	jQuery.postJSON("getOrgUnitName.action",{
+  	  id : orgUnitIds[0]
+   }, function( json ){
+	   var orgUnitId = json.organisationUnit.id;
+	   var orgUnitName = json.organisationUnit.name;
+	   var faciltyLB = document.getElementById("facilityLB");
+	   var facilityIndex =  faciltyLB.selectedIndex;
+	   var orgUnitListCB = document.getElementById("orgUnitListCB");
+	   if( faciltyLB.options[facilityIndex].value == "children" )
+       {
+           for( i = 0; i< orgUnitListCB.options.length; i++ )
+           {
+        	   orgUnitListCB.options[0] = null;
+           }
+           orgUnitListCB.options[0] = new Option( orgUnitName, orgUnitId, false, false );
+       }
+       else
+       {
+           for( i = 0; i < orgUnitListCB.options.length; i++ )
+           {
+               if( orgUnitId == orgUnitListCB.options[i].value) return;
+           }
+           orgUnitListCB.options[orgUnitListCB.options.length] = new Option( orgUnitName, orgUnitId, false, false );
+       }
+   });

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/javascript/nr.js'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/javascript/nr.js	2010-12-08 07:24:10 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/javascript/nr.js	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -162,16 +162,26 @@
 function formValidations()
-	var selDEListSize  = document.ChartGenerationForm.selectedDataElements.options.length;
+	//var selDEListSize  = document.ChartGenerationForm.selectedDataElements.options.length;
 	var orgUnitListCB = document.getElementById("orgUnitListCB");
 	var orgUnitLevelCB = document.getElementById("orgUnitLevelCB");
-        var ouSelCB = document.getElementById("ouSelCB");
-    sDateIndex    = document.ChartGenerationForm.sDateLB.selectedIndex;
-    eDateIndex    = document.ChartGenerationForm.eDateLB.selectedIndex;
-    sDateTxt = document.ChartGenerationForm.sDateLB.options[sDateIndex].text;
-    sDate = formatDate(new Date(getDateFromFormat(sDateTxt,"MMM - y")),"yyyy-MM-dd");
-    eDateTxt = document.ChartGenerationForm.eDateLB.options[eDateIndex].text;
-    eDate = formatDate(new Date(getDateFromFormat(eDateTxt,"MMM - y")),"yyyy-MM-dd");
+    var ouSelCB = document.getElementById("ouSelCB");
+    //sDateIndex    = document.ChartGenerationForm.sDateLB.selectedIndex;
+    //eDateIndex    = document.ChartGenerationForm.eDateLB.selectedIndex;
+	var startPeriodObj = document.getElementById('sDateLB');
+	var endPeriodObj = document.getElementById('eDateLB');
+	sDateTxt = startPeriodObj.options[startPeriodObj.selectedIndex].text;
+    sDate = formatDate(new Date(getDateFromFormat(sDateTxt,"MMM-y")),"yyyy-MM-dd");
+    eDateTxt = endPeriodObj.options[endPeriodObj.selectedIndex].text;
+    eDate = formatDate(new Date(getDateFromFormat(eDateTxt,"MMM-y")),"yyyy-MM-dd");
+    //sDateTxt = document.ChartGenerationForm.sDateLB.options[sDateIndex].text;
+    //sDate = formatDate(new Date(getDateFromFormat(sDateTxt,"MMM - y")),"yyyy-MM-dd");
+    //eDateTxt = document.ChartGenerationForm.eDateLB.options[eDateIndex].text;
+    //eDate = formatDate(new Date(getDateFromFormat(eDateTxt,"MMM - y")),"yyyy-MM-dd");
     if( ouSelCB.checked)
@@ -183,14 +193,15 @@
     if(sDateIndex < 0) {alert("Please Select Starting Period");return false;}
     else if(eDateIndex < 0) {alert("Please Select Ending Period");return false;}
     else if(sDate > eDate) {alert("Starting Date is Greater");return false;}
-    else if(selDEListSize <=0 ) {alert("Please Select Dataelements");return false;}
+    //else if(selDEListSize <=0 ) {alert("Please Select Data elements");return false;}
+	/*
     		document.ChartGenerationForm.selectedDataElements.options[k].selected = true;
-        } // for l
-        for(k = 0; k < orgUnitListCB.options.length; k++)
+        } 
+	// for l
+	*/
+    for(k = 0; k < orgUnitListCB.options.length; k++)
 		orgUnitListCB.options[k].selected = true;
@@ -204,3 +215,68 @@
   	return true;
 } // formValidations Function End
+//Getting corresponding Period List for Data Sets Null reporter. 
+function getdSetPeriods()
+	var dataSetList = document.getElementById("selectedDataSet");
+    var dataSetId = dataSetList.options[ dataSetList.selectedIndex].value;
+	$.post("getDataSetPeriods.action",
+	{
+		id : dataSetId
+	},
+	function (data)
+	{
+		getdSetPeriodsReceived(data);
+	},'xml');
+function getdSetPeriodsReceived( xmlObject )
+	var sDateLB = document.getElementById( "sDateLB" );
+    var eDateLB = document.getElementById( "eDateLB" );
+    var periods = xmlObject.getElementsByTagName( "period" );
+    if ( periods.length <= 0 )
+    {
+    	clearList( sDateLB );
+        clearList( eDateLB );
+    }
+    for ( var i = 0; i < periods.length; i++ )
+    {
+        var periodType = periods[ i ].getElementsByTagName( "periodtype" )[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+        if(i ==0 )
+        {
+            if( periodType == curPeriodType )
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                curPeriodType = periodType;
+                clearList( sDateLB );
+                clearList( eDateLB );
+            }
+        }
+        var id = periods[ i ].getElementsByTagName( "id" )[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+        var periodName = periods[ i ].getElementsByTagName( "periodname" )[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+        var option1 = document.createElement( "option" );
+        option1.value = id;
+        option1.text = periodName;
+        sDateLB.add( option1, null );
+        var option2 = document.createElement( "option" );
+        option2.value = id;
+        option2.text = periodName;
+        eDateLB.add( option2, null);
+    }

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/menu.vm'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/menu.vm	2011-01-13 09:39:35 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/menu.vm	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
 		   		<li><a href="dataStatusForm.action">$i18n.getString( "ds_regular" )</a></li>
 		   		<li><a href="dataStatusMobileForm.action">$i18n.getString( "ds_mobile" )</a></li>
 				<li><a href="dataStatusOrgnisationunitGroupSetWiseForm.action">$i18n.getString( "orgunit_group_ds" )</a></li>
-				<li><a href="NullReporter.action">$i18n.getString( "nr_null_reporter" )</a></li>	
+				<li><a href="NullReporter.action">$i18n.getString( "nr_null_reporter" )</a></li>
+				<li><a href="dataStatusDataSetWiseForm.action">$i18n.getString( "ds_dataset_wise" )</a></li>	
 	    		<!-- <li><a href="commentsForm.action">Comments</a></li>
 		   		<li><a href="dashBoardMatrixForm.action">DashBoard matrix</a></li> -->

=== added file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/menuWithTreeForDSDataSetWise.vm'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/menuWithTreeForDSDataSetWise.vm	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/menuWithTreeForDSDataSetWise.vm	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<a href="index.action"><h2>$i18n.getString( "dataanalyser" )</h2></a>
+	<li>$i18n.getString( "ds_datastatus" )</li>
+	<ul>
+		<li>$i18n.getString( "ds_dataset_wise" )</li>
+	 </ul>
+#parse( "/dhis-web-commons/ouwt/orgunittreesearch.vm" )
+<script type="text/javascript">
+	function orgUnitHasBeenSelected( orgUnitIds )
+	{
+		if( orgUnitIds == null || orgUnitIds == "" )
+		{
+			return;
+		}
+		if( orgUnitIds != null )
+		{
+			getOUDeatilsForDataStatusDataSetWise( orgUnitIds );
+		}
+	}
+	selection.setListenerFunction( orgUnitHasBeenSelected );

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/nullReporterFront.vm'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/nullReporterFront.vm	2010-06-04 11:50:05 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/nullReporterFront.vm	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@
 		            var selCategory = "";
 		            var selFacility = "";
                     var selOrgUnitId="NONE";
+                    var dsName = "";
+    				var sDateIndex = 0;
+   				    var eDateIndex = 0;
+    				var sDate = "";
+   				    var eDate = "";
+    				var curPeriodType = "";
@@ -30,11 +36,11 @@
-    			<td class="NormalB">$i18n.getString( "nr_filter_by_degroup" )<br>
-                            <select id="dataElementGroupId" name="dataElementGroupId" style="width:325px" onchange="getDataElementsWithOutOptionCombo()" >
-                            <option value="$ALL">[ Select DataElementGroup / All ]</option>
-                            #foreach ( $group in $dataElementGroups )
-            			<option value="$group.id" title="$group.name">$group.name</option>
+    			<td class="NormalB">1. $i18n.getString( "ds_dataset_list" ) : <br/>
+                            <select id="selectedDataSet" name="selectedDataSet" onchange="getdSetPeriods()" style="width:300px">
+                           	<!--<option value="$ALL">[ Select DataElementGroup / All ]</option> -->
+                            #foreach ( $dataSet in $dataSetList )
+            					<option value='$dataSet.id' title='$dataSet.name'>$dataSet.name</option>
@@ -42,31 +48,21 @@
                     	<td class="NormalB"><input type="checkbox" name="includeZeros" id="includeZeros" checked> Count Zero as NULL</td>
-    			<td class="NormalB">&nbsp;</td>
+    					<td class="NormalB">&nbsp;</td>
                     	<td class="NormalB">&nbsp;</td>
                     	<td class="NormalB">&nbsp;</td>
-    			<td class="NormalB">$i18n.getString( "nr_available_delist" )<br>
-                            <select multiple size="5" id="availableDataElements" name="availableDataElements" style="width:325px; height:160px" ondblclick="moveSelectedById( 'availableDataElements', 'selectedDataElements' )">
-                            #foreach ( $element in $dataElements )
-                                <option value="$element.id" title="$element.name">$element.name</option>
-                            #end
-                            </select>
-			</td>
-    			<td class="NormalB" align="center"><br />
-                            <input type="button" value="&gt;" style="width:40px" onclick="moveSelectedById( 'availableDataElements', 'selectedDataElements' )"><br>
-                            <input type="button" value="&lt;" style="width:40px" onclick="moveSelectedById( 'selectedDataElements', 'availableDataElements' )"><br>
-                            <input type="button" value="&gt;&gt;" style="width:40px" onclick="moveAllById( 'availableDataElements', 'selectedDataElements' )"><br>
-                            <input type="button" value="&lt;&lt;" style="width:40px" onclick="moveAllById( 'selectedDataElements', 'availableDataElements' )">
-                    	</td>
-    			<td class="NormalB">$i18n.getString( "nr_selected_delist" )<br />
-                            <select multiple id="selectedDataElements" name="selectedDataElements" style="width:325px; height:160px" ondblclick="moveSelectedById( 'selectedDataElements', 'availableDataElements' )">
-                            </select>
-                    	</td>
-  		   </tr>
+    						<td class="NormalB">2. $i18n.getString( "ga_from" )<br />
+                            <select id="sDateLB" name="sDateLB" style="width:200px"></select>
+							</td>
+							<td class="NormalB">&nbsp;</td>
+    						<td class="NormalB">3. $i18n.getString( "ga_to" )<br />
+    						<select id="eDateLB" name="eDateLB" style="width:200px"></select>
+                    		</td>
+  		         </tr>
-    		        <td class="NormalB">&nbsp;<br/></td>
+    		       	    <td class="NormalB">&nbsp;<br/></td>
                     	<td class="NormalB">&nbsp;<br/></td>
                     	<td class="NormalB">&nbsp;<br/></td>
@@ -74,18 +70,16 @@
-                                    <td class="NormalB">
-                                        <input type="checkbox" id="ouSelCB" name="ouSelCB" onchange="ouSelCBChange()" value="ON" > Selected<br />
-                                    </td>
+                                   	   <td class="NormalB">
+                                       `	<input type="checkbox" id="ouSelCB" name="ouSelCB" onchange="ouSelCBChange()" value="ON" > Selected<br />
+                                       </td>
-                                    <td class="NormalB">
+                                    	<td class="NormalB">
                                         $i18n.getString( "ga_orgunit" ) <br>
-                                        <select name="orgUnitListCB" id="orgUnitListCB" multiple size="7" style="width: 175px;" ondblclick="remOUFunction()" disabled >
-                                        </select>
-                                    </td>
+                                        	<select name="orgUnitListCB" id="orgUnitListCB" multiple size="7" style="width: 175px;" ondblclick="remOUFunction()" disabled >
+                                        	</select>
+                                       </td>
                                     <td class="NormalB">&nbsp;</td>
                                     <td class="NormalB">
                                         OrgUnit Levels:<br>
@@ -99,39 +93,14 @@
                         <td class="NormalB">
-                    		<td class="NormalB">$i18n.getString( "nr_from" )<br>
-                                    <select id="sDateLB" name="sDateLB">
-                                    #foreach($period in $monthlyPeriods)
-                                        <option value="$period.id">$simpleDateFormat.format($period.startDate)</option>
-                                    #end
-                                    </select>
-                    		</td>
-                   		<td align="right" class="NormalB">$i18n.getString( "nr_to" )<br>
-                                    <select id="eDateLB" name="eDateLB">
-                                    #foreach($period in $monthlyPeriods)
-                                        <option value="$period.id">$simpleDateFormat.format($period.endDate)</option>
-                                    #end
-                                    </select>
-			  	</td>
-                            </tr>
-                            <tr>
-                                <td>&nbsp;</td>
-                            </tr>
-                            <tr>
-                                <td>&nbsp;</td>
-                            </tr>
-                            <tr>
-                                <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="View Null Reporter" value="$i18n.getString( 'nr_viewnullreporter' )" style="width: 120; height: 25; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; color:#000000"> </td>
-                            </tr>
-                           </table>
+ 								<td class="NormalB"><input type="submit" name="View Null Reporter" value="$i18n.getString( 'nr_viewnullreporter' )" style="width: 120; height: 25; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; color:#000000"> </td>
+                            </tr>
+                        </table>
                     	<td class="NormalB" align="center" colspan="3" >
                             <input type="hidden" name="ouIDTB" id="ouIDTB">
@@ -140,3 +109,6 @@
+	getdSetPeriods();

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/nullReporterResult.vm'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/nullReporterResult.vm	2010-06-04 11:50:05 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/nullReporterResult.vm	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -27,7 +27,10 @@
 			#set( $ouList = $nullReportResult.keySet() )
                             <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-                                    <tr></tr>
+                                    <tr align="center">
+                                    	<td class="NormalBHeading"><strong>Data Set Name</strong></td>
+                                    	<td class="NormalBHeading" colspan="$size"><strong>$!dataSetName</strong></td>
+                                    </tr>
                                     <tr align="center">
                                         #if( $size == 0)
                                             <td cellspacing="1" class="NormalBHeading" >There is no null value.</th>

=== added file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/responsePeriodForDataSetWise.vm'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/responsePeriodForDataSetWise.vm	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/responsePeriodForDataSetWise.vm	2011-05-18 11:12:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+#set($count1 = 0)
+#foreach( $periodName in $periodNameList )
+	#set($period = $periods.get($count1))
+	#set($count1 = $count1 + 1)
+	<period>
+		<id>$period.id</id>
+		<periodname>$periodName</periodname>
+	</period>