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Re: User by organisation unit issue


Hi Lars,

OK, I guess this sort of makes sense, but to which administration unit
should an administrator "belong" to? The "topmost" orgunit?

I suppose it might make sense to delete a user entirely , which what
happens if you want to see who last modified a data value, but the
user has been deleted? Isn't it best to "deactivate" them (which does
seem possible) and/or deassign them from all orgunits (which also does
not seem possible)?

The bug can be reproduced by "TRUNCATE usermembership" of less drastic
means, such as deleting all orgunit associations of a particular user
from the "usermembership" object.

In this case, I am sure it was a result of truncation of the
"usermembership" table, which I needed to populate though an external
Excel file which provided the orgunit/user associations, and was
transformed to SQL  . However, some users were not associated with any
orgunits (yet) and other users did not make sense to associate with
any orgunits (such as administrators). I suppose I need to either
remove these users, or assign them "some" orgunit, although they do
not really have any at the moment.

I guess the "root orgunit" property should really be an attribute of
the user and should be set to NOT NULL?

What are the implications if a user is associated with multiple
facilities (lowest orgunit level) which exist in multiple districts
but has no true "root"?


2011/8/26 Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi Jason
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Jason Pickering
> <jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Devs,
>> I am having a hard time understanding why I cannot unassign all
>> organisational units for a given user through the Users->Users by
>> organisation unit-> Edit button (Under a specific user).
>> I want to unassign all organisational units for a given user, but
>> leave the user active in the system. I get a message (This field is
>> required) when I hit "Unselect all" from the organisational unit tree
>> towards the bottom of the screen. I would expect that it should be
>> possible to delete all associations between users and orgunits.
> This is a good question, the reason is that people often forget to
> assign users to organisation units if it is not enforced through
> validation. The user needs to have one or more orgunits for the system
> to work properly in several situations: i) dynamic generation of
> charts based on the current user's orgunit ii) what root in orgunit
> tree to choose when logging in iii) the mobile facility reporting
> needs to know for which orgunit to save data afaik, and so on. So we
> decided to enforce this, I guess we haven't considered the situation
> where you want to inactivate a user.
> What does it imply to deactivate a user? Should she not be able to log in?
>> Another (big issue) which I have noticed is that for users who do not
>> have any organisational units assigned to them, they get ALL
>> organisational units which have a particular dataset enabled. This is
>> a huge issue for us here in Nigeria, as there are some users in the
>> system who currently do not have any orgunits assigned to them (but
>> will in the future) but should not be able to enter data into orgunits
>> to which they not have been explicitly assigned.
> OK the intended behavior is to display nothing in the orgunit tree
> when user has no org units. A bit hard to reproduce this bug. Can you
> pls double check the usermembership table for any associations for
> this user, and clear the system (Hibernate) cache (guess you have
> already done this though).
> Lars

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