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Re: Fwd: GIS Query


Detect coordinate reference system:

ogrinfo -al -so shapefile.shp
On Sep 24, 2011 3:20 PM, "Suneel Kumar Chevvu" <suneelkumar.chevvu@xxxxxxxxx>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Suneel Kumar Chevvu <suneelkumar.chevvu@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 6:47 PM
> Subject: GIS Query
> To: dhis-dev@xxxxxxxxx, "dev. dhis. hisp. info" <dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Dear all,
> I am trying to incorporate one of the state ( Karnataka state )
> maps into DHIS2 . I am able to import gml file correctly . But the problem
> is coordinating system. When i import the gml file and open the gis in
> the map is sitting some where else ( coordinates are going to negative
> values ) , i am not understanding how i can change the coordinates.
> I have used the following commands :
> ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:32243 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f GML filename.gml
> it seems the problem is EPSG 32243. How can i find what is the EPSG for
> Karnataka state? If any one knows what is the EPSG for karnata let me
> It would be great help for me. This is bit urgent for me to finish the
> --
> Thanks & Regards,
> Suneelkumar .ch
> HISP India.
> --
> Thanks & Regards,
> Suneelkumar .ch
> HISP India.
