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Dear All,
We have the following requirement for an data element. Please let me know what will be the best way to implement it in DHIS2

Say the aggregate data element is ABC for a facility, Facility 1

1. On the 1st date (the day when the system starts) for a Facility the 
Admin Facility Staff will enter initial current value of ABC in a data 
entry form (UI-1). Say the initial value is X.

This form will be entered 
1. On the first day of implementation
2. Once in a while when required to manually override the value of ABC 
Facility staff will rarely use UI-1  

Nice to Have requirement:
When the form is edited it will be great to have a time-stamped history of this record only if the system automatically does it
We will not like to have any "Frequency" (Period) , that needs to be manually selected. But as it 
seems a required field, we can make the Frequency Yearly. If that is the case, is it possible to have a job that will copy the value of ABC of 
2013 to 2014 at mid-night of 31st December, 2013 automatically? 

2. Ongoing basis the Facility Staff at the Front desk (different from the 
admin staff), will be using another form (UI-2) to increment ABC by 1, 
with a single click

The initial ABC value will come from the UI 1. Say, it is X. 

It will have the following layout 
ABC =  _X__ (not editable) [Increment Button by 1]
The facility staff will click on the increment button. With one click the value of ABC will become X + 1.

The facility staff may do this click once, more then once or not at-all on a single day. It is not required to capture the time-stamp of these 

The requirement is that the staff entry will be ONLY in the form of clicking the buttons, nothing else. 
There should be minimal amount of manual data entry required in this screen. If any data is required (e.g: Organization Unit) it should be only a 
single value and defaulted by the system (e.g: Organization Unit 
defaulted to Facility 1)

The basic idea of the requirement is as following:

1. The facility admin wants to make this easier for the staff as much as possible while wants to keep the duty segregated. 

2. They want to have two UI, one for initialization and manual override and other for one click update (not editable) 
3. They are not so concerned about the reporting part. It is good to have 
the audit , history etc to understand the performance of staff, but not 
at the expense of making it difficult for the staff in their already 
burdened day. 


Barnali Banerjee
