The other way which I forgot to mention, but which can be useful,
especially if you have shape files, is the use of the GML importer.
There are numerous tools which you can use to convert the shape files
to GML, which can then be loaded into the system with the "GML import"
Sounds like you managed though. :)
On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:knutst@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Jason's explanation is very comprehensive, I would just like to
add that you would not necessarily need to employ a scripting
language, as it is relatively straightforward to generate the
required XML or SQL strings e.g. by just having a formula with an
INSERT string in one column and filling in OU name etc from other
We also have plans for an app to facilitate the loading of
metadata such as orgunit hierarchies directly from Excel.
On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Judge Muzinda <jmuzinda@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:jmuzinda@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi Jason,
Thank you so much for the detailed explanation, I have had
some difficulties with DFXso I followed the SQL way and it has
worked well. By the way I am using Mysql.
On 07/08/2013 15:39, Jason Pickering wrote:
Hi Judge,
I am sitting here behind the computer doing such a task right
now, so thought I would with you my approach.
There are two major ways to do this, either with the DXF
importer, or by direct injection with SQL into the database.
I personally prefer the second approach, but this is really a
personal preference.
For the first approach, you will need to transform your data
into an appropriate XML structure. If you look at the WepAPI
and look into the organisation units (for instance on the
demo database) you will get a good idea of how the XML needs
to be structured. You could choose numerous different ways to
do this, but likely a scripting language would be
appropriate. I prefer R personally for this, while others may
use which every language they may know (Python, TCL, etc) .
Once you create the XML, you can upload it to your DHIS
following this procedure
from the docs.
The SQL route is basically the same. Just transform the CSV
into INSERT statements to mimic the "organisationunit" table.
There are some required fields (name, shortname and
organisationunitid). If you are using Postgresql, you can use
the "nextval('hibernate_sequence'::regclass)" structure to
get an ID for your organisation unit. Some other fields like
"active" and "openingdate" are not required on the database
schema, but cause problems when they do not exist, so it
would be best to put them in. Again, the choice of how you
create the SQL is really up to you, but again, a scripting
language would probably be a good alternative. Once you have
the INSERT statements, you just execute them on your
database, and then restart DHIS2. This route is a bit
riskier, because you are working directly with the database,
so the XML route (even though it is a bit more difficult to
work up I think) is safer. Obviously, you will need access to
the backend system.
I have heard of others using Access somehow to work up the
data, and then transfer this over somehow, but I have never
seen this in action, but maybe others can describe this process.
Lastly, if you have data in DHIS 1.4, you can just simply
import the metadata as described here. <http://here.>
Those are the ways I know of anyway. Hope this helps.
On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Judge Muzinda
<jmuzinda@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:jmuzinda@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Please assist, I have a list of organisation units in csv
format which number about 5000 and I want to import them
into DHIS2 how do I go about it, I have been trying the
native import export and also the Web API, unfortunately
I cannot get a head start, is the a native DHIS2 way to
achieve this automatically or some other way using the
Web API. Please find attached my csv file.
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Knut Staring
Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo