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Message #34484
Re: Invalid coordinates GIS
Latitudes south of the equator is always negative (at least in the typical
geographical coordinate systems normally used in dominant GIS systems).
Can you please post the complete list of coordinates - seeing one sample
does not really help (your sample definitely looks like it's somewhere in
Moz). Also post the complete list of Organisational Units.
Jan Henrik's suggestion might work, but it's very cumbersome - I prefer to
ensure perfect alignment of OrgUnits + verify the validity of all
coordinates (as far as you can go - occasionally funny things seems happen
when e.g. converting to GML) BEFORE importing the data
On 10 December 2014 at 17:03, Pamod Amarakoon <pamodm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Joao,
> The lattitude value you have entered in point coordinate is a negative
> value. It needs to be corrected. Are u using a local coordinate or WGS84?
> Regards,
> Pamod
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 8:28 PM, Joao Mazuze <Joao_Mazuze@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have recently set up coordinates for my health facilities, but when I
>> am trying to visualize in GIS at the health facility level dhis2 throws: *“invalid
>> coordinates”, *can someone help on this? I have attached a picture
>> showing how my coordinates look like.
>> Kind regards
>> *Melhores Cumprimentos*
>> *João Gabriel Mazuze*
>> *National Database Manager*
>> CHASS-SMT Project
>> Abt Associates Inc.
>> Av. Marginal nº 4067
>> Maputo - Mozambique
>> Fax: (+ 258) 21493525/6/8
>> Tel: (+ 258) 21486767
>> Cell: (+258) 824236279
>> www.chasssmt.com
>> [image: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
>> Description: Description: Description: Logotipo CHASS-SMT]
>> *We are a project founded by PEPFAR-II through USAID to strengthen the
>> Health System in Sofala, Manica and Tete Provinces.*
>> *Our aim is to improve linkages and integration of HIV to primary
>> health care and other related services in coordination with the Provincial
>> Health Directorates and partners. *
>> *Through CHASS-SMT project, the US Government supports the Mozambican
>> Governament to improve quality of health care services in the country.*
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> --
> Pamod
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