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Message #41401
Re: Current Dis-aggregation vs Historical via API
So, I guess the question in this case is why are the other ones not showing
up when they should? This is in fact not what should happen I think, but a
dev who is familiar with the section forms could answer why this is the
case. I can see no reason from the database perspective how DHIS2 might be
able to "know" what is current versus what is new.
Did you try a custom data entry form? Are the "old" ones still available?
I am pretty certain it is not intentional, and if the catcombos are still
there, you can still enter/import data against them (which is likely not
Also, Did you regenerate your category combos after making changes through
the maintenance functionality?
On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 3:15 PM, Timothy Harding <tharding@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Thanks Jason,
> It is unfortunate there is no turnkey. I've added a few responses inline:
> * I think the design, as it is at the moment, is not how the category
> option combos are intended to be used, because you have overlapping options*
> Yup, this is an artifact of changing a catcombo, never will someone be
> reporting to all 12, just the 8 "current" ones.
> *there is no real way to know what is historical versus what is current*
> There *has* to be, because the data entry forms all adjust to the
> "current" after you've edited the catcombo. The older ones are there just
> in case someone has entered data towards them. If we check the data entry
> page for an element using the above catcombo, we find only the 'newest':
> Before:
> [image: Inline image 1]
> After:
> [image: Inline image 2]
> Instead of 12 CatOptCombos (the 8 "current" ones and 4 old ones) we only
> see the 8 current ones. If you look at the catcombo in the API, however, it
> will still show all 12. This makes sense, because there could be back data
> associated with the previous catoptioncombos.
> So the only way I can figure to do this with a purely API approach is to:
> 1. Ask a Cat Combo what Options are assigned to it's categories
> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryCombos/t3aNCvHsoSn.xml?fields=name,id,categories[name,categoryOptions]
> <categoryCombo name="Morbidity Cases" id="t3aNCvHsoSn">
> <categories>
> <category name="Morbidity Age">
> <categoryOptions>
> <categoryOption id="FbLZS3ueWbQ" name="0-11m"
> created="2011-12-24T12:24:24.149+0000"
> lastUpdated="2015-01-08T10:15:06.710+0000"/>
> <categoryOption id="rEq3Hkd3XXH" name="12-59m"
> created="2011-12-24T12:24:24.149+0000"
> lastUpdated="2015-03-11T11:10:02.159+0000"/>
> <categoryOption id="dUm5jaCTPBb" name="5-14y"
> created="2011-12-24T12:24:24.149+0000"
> lastUpdated="2011-12-24T12:24:24.149+0000"/>
> <categoryOption id="ZZxYuoTCcDd" name="15y+"
> created="2011-12-24T12:24:24.149+0000"
> lastUpdated="2015-03-11T11:12:23.883+0000"/>
> </categoryOptions>
> </category>
> <category name="Gender">
> <categoryOptions>
> <categoryOption id="apsOixVZlf1" name="Female" code="FMLE"
> created="2011-12-24T12:24:24.149+0000"
> lastUpdated="2011-12-24T12:24:24.149+0000"/>
> <categoryOption id="jRbMi0aBjYn" name="Male" code="MLE"
> created="2011-12-24T12:24:24.149+0000"
> lastUpdated="2011-12-24T12:24:24.149+0000"/>
> </categoryOptions>
> </category>
> </categories>
> </categoryCombo>
> 2. Multiply the categories together, Example: FbLZS3ueWbQ (0-11m) &
> apsOixVZlf1 (Female). If we do this down the line we will have 8 possibles.
> 3. Query the entire list of optionCombos ever associated with that Catcombo
> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos.xml?paging=false&fields=name,id,categoryCombo[name,id],categoryOptions[name,id]&filter=categoryCombo.id:eq:t3aNCvHsoSn
> 4. Parse through the results looking for an optionCombo with the two UIDs
> above
> [image: Inline image 2]
> 5. Once found, note the id, use for whatever you needed it for, repeat for
> all possible combinations.
> When you are done, you will have a list of 8 "current" CatOptionCombos vs,
> all 12 that the API initially reports. I don't know if the dataentry module
> has hooks into the database to run direct SQL, but if not, something very
> similar must be happening via the API and Java. *Sounds like a blue print
> opportunity to have a Boolean for "current" optionCombos to skip all 5
> steps above and have the results immediately.* It would certainly be
> useful for all the apps that are being written to not have to do this
> process every time they want to pull down a data entry page.
> *Changing category combos after the fact usually leads to all sorts of
> problems*
> This is a normal use case during configuration work though. You might need
> to make many changes before you are happy with the final product. Should
> there be some kind of warning on the Category Combo creator warning not to
> edit existing combinations?
> I appreciate you talking this out with me, I was hoping to find some sort
> of "trick" to get to the end of the process quicker, but I guess once
> written once, with proper caching, it is only a few API calls.
> *Timothy Harding*
> Sr. Systems Analyst, BAO Systems
> +1 202-536-1541 | tharding@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | http://www.baosystems.com | Skype:
> hardingt@xxxxxxxxx | 2900 K Street, Suite 404, Washington D.C. 20007
> On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 11:52 PM, Jason Pickering <
> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> I think the short answer to your question is there is no API to tell you
>> this directly. The database does not version category option combos, so
>> there is no real way to know what is historical versus what is current. In
>> your particular case, you might be able to leverage the "created" time
>> stamp, which differs between the two sets of dis-aggregations, but again,
>> you might have to make some assumptions there.
>> I think the design, as it is at the moment, is not how the category
>> option combos are intended to be used, because you have overlapping
>> options, namely 12-59m contains "12-59m, Male" and "12-59m Female". If all
>> three of these are reported (which they should be from the data entry form
>> looking at the design), you will end up with duplicates in the analytics.
>> Category option combos should be exclusive, and not overlap.
>> So, I think what should have been done in this case, is to create a
>> totally new category combo, and then change the data element's
>> disaggregation to the new combo. Changing category combos after the fact
>> usually leads to all sorts of problems, but creating new ones is pretty
>> easy. DHIS2 will not track this change, but you could implement a trigger
>> function on "dataelement" to audit when a category combo changes for a
>> given data element, to give you a historical view of the data element, and
>> how its disaggregations may have changed over time. But, there is no API in
>> DHIS2 which would do this for you.
>> Regards,
>> Jason
>> On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 8:17 PM, Timothy Harding <tharding@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> > wrote:
>>> Hello DHIS2 Devs!
>>> API question for the API Gurus:
>>> During configuration on a recent project, maybe dis-aggregation groups
>>> were changed and updated after their Category Option Combos were initially
>>> generated. They do not have data associated with them, but I think that is
>>> beside the point for my question. Even if they did have data, I'm asking
>>> for a why to get the "current" CatOptCombos, rather than "every"
>>> CatOptCombo that has ever been assigned to this Catcombo.
>>> Using the demo server, say I change:
>>> Morbidity Cases
>>> to
>>> Morbidity Cases + Gender
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryCombos/t3aNCvHsoSn
>>> The API response for this one will go from:
>>> <categoryOptionCombos>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="S34ULMcHMca" code="COC_358963"
>>> created="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/S34ULMcHMca">
>>> <name>0-11m</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="jOkIbJVhECg" code="COC_358966"
>>> created="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/jOkIbJVhECg">
>>> <name>15y+</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="wHBMVthqIX4" code="COC_358964"
>>> created="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/wHBMVthqIX4">
>>> <name>12-59m</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="SdOUI2yT46H" code="COC_358965"
>>> created="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/SdOUI2yT46H">
>>> <name>5-14y</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> </categoryOptionCombos>
>>> To:
>>> <categoryOptionCombos>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="Q1wnnh5N6xV"
>>> created="2015-11-16T19:07:02.228+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2015-11-16T19:07:02.228+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/Q1wnnh5N6xV">
>>> <name>0-11m, Female</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="wHBMVthqIX4" code="COC_358964"
>>> created="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/wHBMVthqIX4">
>>> <name>*12-59m*</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="uTaBiwZwiPL"
>>> created="2015-11-16T19:07:02.230+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2015-11-16T19:07:02.230+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/uTaBiwZwiPL">
>>> <name>0-11m, Male</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="Up9OdlykfWA"
>>> created="2015-11-16T19:07:02.233+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2015-11-16T19:07:02.233+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/Up9OdlykfWA">
>>> <name>5-14y, Female</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="iKsHpNDzlwC"
>>> created="2015-11-16T19:07:02.237+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2015-11-16T19:07:02.238+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/iKsHpNDzlwC">
>>> <name>15y+, Female</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="OvNfjvOJCoK"
>>> created="2015-11-16T19:07:02.231+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2015-11-16T19:07:02.231+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/OvNfjvOJCoK">
>>> <name>12-59m, Female</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="wIZ6pgCauQZ"
>>> created="2015-11-16T19:07:02.232+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2015-11-16T19:07:02.232+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/wIZ6pgCauQZ">
>>> <name>12-59m, Male</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="SdOUI2yT46H" code="COC_358965"
>>> created="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/SdOUI2yT46H">
>>> <name>*5-14y*</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="S34ULMcHMca" code="COC_358963"
>>> created="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/S34ULMcHMca">
>>> <name>*0-11m*</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="jOkIbJVhECg" code="COC_358966"
>>> created="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2011-12-24T12:24:25.319+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/jOkIbJVhECg">
>>> <name>*15y+*</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="YfbYe5fnM0M"
>>> created="2015-11-16T19:07:02.234+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2015-11-16T19:07:02.235+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/YfbYe5fnM0M">
>>> <name>5-14y, Male</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> <categoryOptionCombo id="wSlHZb6eO6B"
>>> created="2015-11-16T19:07:02.239+0000"
>>> lastUpdated="2015-11-16T19:07:02.239+0000" href="
>>> https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/categoryOptionCombos/wSlHZb6eO6B">
>>> <name>15y+, Male</name>
>>> </categoryOptionCombo>
>>> </categoryOptionCombos>
>>> So *rightly*, it retains its older CatOptCombos, because of course
>>> there might be data associated with those in the datavalue table. So I'm
>>> not looking to prune these. Without writing something to crawl through the
>>> api to figure out the "current" state, is there an existing API call that
>>> can do this? I know there must be, or someone has done it in JAVA because
>>> the data entry forms all can tell the "current" dis-aggregations without
>>> issue. Thanks and let me know if I can clarify my ask any better.
>>> Cheers!
>>> *Timothy Harding*
>>> Sr. Systems Analyst, BAO Systems
>>> +1 202-536-1541 | tharding@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | http://www.baosystems.com | Skype:
>>> hardingt@xxxxxxxxx | 2900 K Street, Suite 404, Washington D.C. 20007
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>> --
>> Jason P. Pickering
>> email: jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx
>> tel:+46764147049
Jason P. Pickering
email: jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx

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