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dhis2-devs team
Mailing list archive
Message #44330
Re: Option Set keyboard selection not working
We've discovered a bug in regard to using an Option Set (at least in regard
to tracker capture forms.)
In my above example where I use an option set consisting of 4 numeric
responses, typing a '2' did not filter down to just the value of '2'. It
appears that when typing a value on the option list, the control filters to
the values which match that typed entry along with the underlying uids of
the individual options. So in my above example, the number 2 was part of
the uid of of options 0 and 1, so when I typed '2' in the option box, 0, 1,
and 2 appear... (and unless I cursor down to the 2 in the list, it will
take the first option listed, a 0 in this case.)
My fix was to delete and recreate the options until the system generated
uids without digits that would confuse selection of another option. Not a
perfect fix, but easy enough to do in this small set of options.
Also note, that in this example, I now have an Option 2 which contains a
'4' in the uid. 4 is not a valid choice. But if I type a '4' the object
will select the value 2 from the list rather than reject the typed entry as
invalid. I'm letting this one go for our immediate needs.
*Laura E. Lincks*
Database Manager/Developer
ICAP - Columbia University
Mailman School of Public Health
60 Haven Ave, Floor B1
New York, NY 10032
Tel: 212 304 7132
On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 12:50 PM, Laura E. Lincks <
laura.lincks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Version:2.22Build revision:21878
> We are using Tracker Capture to collect data for a simple survey (Survey
> questions are set up as data elements.) All responses can range from 0 to
> 3, inclusive. I therefore set up an Option Set called 'Choices'. Under
> Option Management I added 4 options: 0, 1, 2, 3. The data elements are
> assigned to the 'Choices' Option Set.
> I have a customized data entry form under a single Program Stage. The
> 'Choices' Option Set is available for every data element on the form. When
> doing data entry, clicking the Option Set pull-down and selecting an option
> with the mouse works fine. However, when using the keyboard (our preferred
> method) I can tab to a data entry field, type one of the choices (0, 1, 2
> or 3), hit Enter and the value I type saves just fine... with one
> exception: Every time I type '2', my selection is not captured and the
> field saves a 0 on the form (and on the back end). The only way to save
> the value 2 with the keyboard is to cursor down to the '2' on the list and
> hit Enter. The other options in the pull-down list do not require that the
> user cursor down to the option. I have no idea why that might be.
> Note the way the options display when typing the corresponding numerical
> value. The first picture is what appears when I type 2 in the Option box
> (does not work properly), the second picture is when I type a 3 (the same
> proper behavior exists when typing a 0 or 1) and the 3rd is what
> appears before I type anything.
> Can you shed some light? Perhaps this was fixed in a later build?
> Thank you in advance.
> *Laura E. Lincks*
> Database Manager/Developer
> ICAP - Columbia University
> Mailman School of Public Health
> 60 Haven Ave, Floor B1
> New York, NY 10032
> Tel: 212 304 7132
