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Message #44307
Option Set keyboard selection not working
Version:2.22Build revision:21878
We are using Tracker Capture to collect data for a simple survey (Survey
questions are set up as data elements.) All responses can range from 0 to
3, inclusive. I therefore set up an Option Set called 'Choices'. Under
Option Management I added 4 options: 0, 1, 2, 3. The data elements are
assigned to the 'Choices' Option Set.
I have a customized data entry form under a single Program Stage. The
'Choices' Option Set is available for every data element on the form. When
doing data entry, clicking the Option Set pull-down and selecting an option
with the mouse works fine. However, when using the keyboard (our preferred
method) I can tab to a data entry field, type one of the choices (0, 1, 2
or 3), hit Enter and the value I type saves just fine... with one
exception: Every time I type '2', my selection is not captured and the
field saves a 0 on the form (and on the back end). The only way to save
the value 2 with the keyboard is to cursor down to the '2' on the list and
hit Enter. The other options in the pull-down list do not require that the
user cursor down to the option. I have no idea why that might be.
Note the way the options display when typing the corresponding numerical
value. The first picture is what appears when I type 2 in the Option box
(does not work properly), the second picture is when I type a 3 (the same
proper behavior exists when typing a 0 or 1) and the 3rd is what
appears before I type anything.
Can you shed some light? Perhaps this was fixed in a later build?
Thank you in advance.
*Laura E. Lincks*
Database Manager/Developer
ICAP - Columbia University
Mailman School of Public Health
60 Haven Ave, Floor B1
New York, NY 10032
Tel: 212 304 7132

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