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Message #44338
"All" authority no longer granting access to programs?
Hey devs,
Just wanting to make sure of this: It looks like in version 2.21 and
beyond, the "ALL" authority no longer gives the super user access to
*everything* (about the same time programs were given their own entry in
the roles). This means when that user makes a new (public) program, they
need to also add that program to their superuser role. Is this intended? *Will
datasets eventually act this way as well*? If not, why the discrepancy?
Steps to reproduce
1. Create blank database in 2.21 or 2.22 (or use the SL demo)
2. Add root ou/set level
3. Add single tracker data element and single aggregate data element
4. Create a program (SENR) and a dataset to use the above respectively
- In the program's single stage, specify the tracker element above
5. Assign both the program and the dataset to the root ou
6. Notice that the dataset will show up in the "Data Entry App" and the
program will NOT show up in the event viewer.
*Timothy Harding*
Sr. Systems Analyst, BAO Systems
+1 202-536-1541 | tharding@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | http://www.baosystems.com | Skype:
hardingt@xxxxxxxxx | 2900 K Street, Suite 404, Washington D.C. 20007

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