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Message #44469
DHIS2 Tracker Issues
Fri, 15 Apr 2016 03:50:47 +0000
en-US, en-GB
DHIS2 Tracker Issues
Dear DHIS2 devs,
In configuring our tracker programme, we've run into a couple of bugs. Below is a simplified case where the bugs still show up. Could you let us know if we are doing something incorrect here or if these are known bugs?
Many thanks,
We are trying to use DHIS2 2.22 (build 21981) to configure a simple Tracker form for Contact Monitoring, with the following person attributes:
* Date of Birth
* First Name
* Last Name
* Sex (option set: Male, Female)
This program has 1 annually repeatable stage, Contact Diagnosis, scheduled 0 days from the start, with the following data elements:
* Exam Date
* Leprosy Detected (yes/no)
The registration part works fine:
Except the date in the stage is off by 1 day:
When trying to add the same stage for a different year:
Only 1 value is listed in the dropdown and there's a floating "2" in the form.
This results in:
But when I try to add again, the period is now empty:
After completing the form then refreshing the page to get the "Add New" option to re-enroll the person:
After clicking "Enroll", the fields become empty but nothing happens:
But when you search for and view the person again, the enrolment happened:
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