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Re: How to get the attributeOptionCombo value?


Hi Harold,

good question. The attributeOptionCombo property / column name you will
find certain places actually refers to the category option combo table

To elaborate, categoryOptionCombo and attributeOptionCombo both refer to
categoryoptioncombo. The reason for having both of these is pragmatic -
both data elements and data set refer to a category combo, but these are
often used for wildly different things.

So for the attributeOptionCombo, you can simply refer to
api/categoryOptionCombos resource as well.



> Hallo everyone,
> We are working on migrating data from one instance to another, where the
> instances have different configurations for the data elements. In the data
> extracted from one instance, we have to change the following element values
> to correspond to those of the instance to which we are importing data:-
> dataElement, categoryOptionCombo and attributeOptionCombo. The first two
> i.e. dataElement and categoryOptionCombo we can get through the API, but
> the attributeOptionCombo value can’t be got through the API. We have two
> questions.
> 1.       Where in a DHIS2 instance can we get the attributeOptionCombo
> value for a given dataset?
> 2.       If we migrate data using this method, does this affect the
> Reporting Rate for that particular DataSet? If it does, how can we overcome
> this?
> Kind Regards,
> Harold

Lars Helge Øverland
Lead developer, DHIS 2
University of Oslo
Skype: larshelgeoverland
http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org/>