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Data ID in analytics table layout


Hi devs, 
it looks like in 2.22 and 2.23, the data id is not included for dataelementoperands/data elements with disaggregations in analytics results when using table layout. Is this a bug? Would be good if it could be brought back (it was there prior to 2.22). 

If making the below request, the first column in the data results (rows) is empty, while it would have been s46m5MS0hxu (or s46m5MS0hxu.Prlt0C1RF0)  in previous versions. I understand that the code and description columns becomes difficult, but for dataelementoperands there is already a "valid" ID format that could be used, i.e. dataelementid.categoryoptioncomboid? Or at least just the dataelementid…?



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