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Message #45697
Re: The Monthly reporting period for Tracker stage not allowing entry of previous months
I think we have program setting for that?
Thank you,
(sent from mobile)
On Jun 28, 2016 7:22 PM, "Prosper BT" <ptb3000@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks Abyot again for the quick response given it past your working hours
> and already tomorrow in Asia.
> In this ANC use case it makes sense to base it on incidence date but not
> for all cases because incidence date doesn't not necessary relate
> enrollment.
> For like HIV use case one can use the incidence date as either date of HIV
> testing positive or date started on ARVs if the interest is on how long
> someone has known he/she is HIV positive or how long he/she has been on
> treatment
> In this case there may be visits between enrollment and either of these
> incidence dates that may be stages in between.
> May be you need to base it on the earliest date! or even leave it open
> many use cases will use incidence date differently and should affect
> backlog entry.
> Also hope you remember the ability to change enrollment date and incidence
> date, because it would help in trying to enter the backlog.
> Regards
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:06 AM, Abyot Asalefew Gizaw <abyot@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> It should be based on incidence date ... the woman could be enrolled
>> after two months she got pregnant.
>> ---
>> Thank you,
>> Abyot.
>> (sent from mobile)
>> On Jun 28, 2016 19:00, "Prosper BT" <ptb3000@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Thanks very much Abyot for the quick response,
>>> This makes sense actually hadn't figured that out
>>> BUT you may need to cross check the code; its based on incidence date
>>> not enrollment date. I have played around with both enrollment and
>>> incidence date and its base don the incidence date
>>> Below the Incidence date is in Jan and enrollment in March, but when you
>>> go to entry it allows entry all the way to Jan
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> Should have stopped at March
>>> [image: Inline image 2]
>>> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 11:46 PM, Abyot Asalefew Gizaw <abyot@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Prosper,
>>>> Yes, this is by design. If you want to enter dates, then you shouldn't
>>>> set any period.
>>>> The backward button will get to inactive mode for those periods that
>>>> fall behind the enrollment date (incident date).
>>>> On another note: this periodic program stage setting is only for data
>>>> entry. Internally we are using dates. For example, when you select a month
>>>> the system automatically picks the last date of the month and uses that as
>>>> event date.
>>>> --
>>>> Abyot A. Gizaw.
>>>> Senior Engineer, DHIS2
>>>> University of Oslo
>>>> http://www.dhis2.org
>>>> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 6:40 PM, Prosper BT <ptb3000@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Abyot,
>>>>> In the stage setting, when you allow repeated and a frequency of
>>>>> monthly, the system doesn't allow you to enter previous date.
>>>>> Is this by design or a bug
>>>>> Check the screen captures below
>>>>> [image: Inline image 3]
>>>>> The backward button is in active below
>>>>> [image: Inline image 4]
>>>>> --
>>>>> Prosper Behumbiize, MPH
>>>>> Global DHIS2 Implementation| HISP Uganda/University Of Oslo
>>>>> +256 752 751 776 | +256 776 139 139
>>>>> prosper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <ptb3000@xxxxxxxxx> | prosper@xxxxxxxxx | Skype:
>>>>> prospertb
>>> --
>>> Prosper Behumbiize, MPH
>>> Global DHIS2 Implementation| HISP Uganda/University Of Oslo
>>> +256 752 751 776 | +256 776 139 139
>>> prosper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <ptb3000@xxxxxxxxx> | prosper@xxxxxxxxx | Skype:
>>> prospertb
> --
> Prosper Behumbiize, MPH
> Global DHIS2 Implementation| HISP Uganda/University Of Oslo
> +256 752 751 776 | +256 776 139 139
> prosper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <ptb3000@xxxxxxxxx> | prosper@xxxxxxxxx | Skype:
> prospertb
