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Message #45816
Re: [Dhis2-users] dhis version 2.24 is released
Dear Lars,
Please add the WHO RMNCH Tracker program to the standard user role for
admin account. It will not be visible in the Tracker capture for demo
I had to create my own user role with access to that program to see the
system generated identifiers.
On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 2:16 PM, Alex Tumwesigye <atumwesigye@xxxxxxxxx>
> Thanks Lars and Dev Team.
> Looking forward to test the data predictors!!
> Alex
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 12:27 PM, Elmarie Claasen <elmarie@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> HI all,
>> This looks exciting.
>> Lars, can I ask if the reporting rates based on opening and closing dates
>> is also permeated to respect opening and closing dates in other features
>> within DHIS2 e.g. if you select a orgunitgroup as a denominator in an
>> indicator does it only use open facilities for the period in the
>> calculation? If not how do we add this?
>> Regards,
>> *Elmarie Claasen*
>> [image: Hisp logo]
>> Project Manager
>> Health Information Systems Program
>> Tel: 041-367 1027
>> Cell: 082 374 2209
>> E-mail: elmarie@xxxxxxxx
>> Skype: elmarie.claasen52
>> This message and any attachments are subject to a disclaimer published at http://www.hisp.org/policies.html#comms_disclaimer
>> . Please read the disclaimer before opening any attachment or taking
>> any other action in terms of this electronic transmission.
>> If you cannot access the disclaimer, kindly send an email to disclaimer@xxxxxxxx
>> and a copy will be provided to you. By replying to this e-mail or opening
>> any attachment you agree to be bound by the provisions of the disclaimer.
>> *From:* Dhis2-devs [mailto:dhis2-devs-bounces+elmarie=
>> hisp.org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of *Seth Okeyo
>> *Sent:* 04 July 2016 11:08 PM
>> *To:* Lars Helge Øverland; DHIS 2 Developers list; DHIS 2 Users list
>> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Dhis2-users] dhis version 2.24 is released
>> This is great!
>> Sent from Samsung Mobile
>> -------- Original message --------
>> From: Lars Helge Øverland
>> Date:04/07/2016 11:34 PM (GMT+03:00)
>> To: DHIS 2 Developers list , DHIS 2 Users list
>> Subject: [Dhis2-users] dhis version 2.24 is released
>> Hi all,
>> DHIS version 2.24 is out with a lot of improvements and new features.
>> *Log in with admin/district on the **demo* <http://play.dhis2.org/demo/>*
>> system.*
>> ---
>> *GIS layers for elevation, population density and nighttime lights*:
>> DHIS 2 now supports map layers from Google Earth Engine
>> <https://earthengine.google.com/>, which includes more than thirty years
>> of historical imagery and scientific datasets, updated and expanded daily.
>> So far we support three datasets, but more layers will be added in the
>> months to come. You find the Earth Engine layers in the top menu, next to
>> the boundary layers. The *elevation* layer can be used to visualise the
>> risk of Mosquito-borne disease. Select a color scale, minimum and maximum
>> elevation, and the number of steps to divide your range in. The same
>> options are available for the *population* and *nighttime lights*
>> layers, which is also an indicator of where people live.
>> Screenshot 1 <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/gis-ee-elevation.png> | 2
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/gis-ee-population-fic.png> | 3
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/dashboard-gis-ee.png> | 4
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/gis-ee-elevation-malaria.png> | Demo 1
>> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-mapping/index.html?id=rumxQc94V2p>
>> | 2
>> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-mapping/index.html?id=msMkiByWGeM>
>> | 3
>> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-mapping/index.html?id=AHWtSmx21sx>
>> | Docs
>> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch14s08.html>
>> *Place search in GIS: *You can now search for places and regions on the
>> GIS app. Click on the magnifier icon and type the name of the place. You
>> will get suggestions as you type. Select a place in the list to see it
>> marked on the map. Click the x-button in the search field to remove the
>> marking.
>> Screenshot <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/gis-place-search.png> | Demo
>> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-mapping/> | Docs
>> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch14s13.html>
>> *Color scales for GIS thematic layers: *Select among nice looking color
>> scales from ColorBrewer <http://colorbrewer.org> when you visualise
>> thematic layers. These scales create more accurate and user friendly maps,
>> as the distances between colors are proportional to their perceived
>> difference.
>> Screenshot <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/gis-color-scales.png>
>> *Reporting rates on time: *The pivot table apps lets you view reporting
>> rates based on timely form submissions. A timely submission must happen
>> within a number of days after the reporting period. This number is
>> configurable per data set. In the pivot table or data app, select *Data
>> > Data sets > Reporting rates on time* or *Actual reports on time* and
>> then select your data set.
>> Screenshot <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/reporting-rates-on-time.png>
>> | Demo
>> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/index.html?id=TuB9GbwDpJI> |
>> Docs
>> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch12s02.html#d0e8380>
>> *Reporting rates by data set categories:* Analytics now supports
>> reporting rates broken down by data set categories. As an example, if your
>> data set collects data for multiple projects modeled as data set
>> categories, you can view the reporting rate for individual projects. Try it
>> out on the demo by selecting the *EPI Stock* data set and the *Project*
>> category.
>> Screenshot
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/reporting-rates-data-set-categories.png>
>> | Demo
>> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/index.html?id=ewuWkBZtMTZ>
>> *Expected reports based on org unit opening and closed date:* For
>> reporting rates in analytics, the number of expected reports is now
>> calculated based on whether the organisation units assigned to the data set
>> were open or not for the aggregation period. As an example, if you ask for
>> reporting rates for a district for June, and one of the facilities within
>> the district was not open until August, that facility will not be included
>> in the number of expected reports.
>> Screenshot
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/reporting-rates-opening-closed-dates.png>
>> *Expected reports based on category option start and end dates:* For
>> reporting rates which involve data set categories, the number of expected
>> reports is now calculated based on start and end dates of the relevant
>> category options. In other words, complete registrations for category
>> options are only included if the aggregation period is within their start
>> and end dates.
>> Screenshot
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/reporting-rates-cat-option-start-end-dates.png>
>> | Demo
>> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/index.html?id=s16eSJzMXLG>
>> *Pivot table filter title:* The pivot table app now displays the items
>> currently selected as filters as a title on top of the table.
>> Screenshot <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/pivot-table-filter.png> |
>> Demo
>> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/index.html?id=EoS5brPVvqp>
>> ---
>> *Improved maintenance app:* Data sets, metadata attributes, constants
>> and option sets are now supported in the Maintenance app.
>> Screenshot
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/other-objects-maintenance-app.png> |
>> Demo
>> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-maintenance/#/list/all?_k=rek4ql>
>> | Docs <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch10.html>
>> *Apps and object search from menu:* You can now navigate directly to an
>> object type from the App menu. For example, search for “group set” in the
>> top menu, and navigate directly to the list of organisation unit group sets
>> or indicator group sets, without navigating first to the maintenance app.
>> Screenshot <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/app-menu-search.png>
>> *Improved data usage statistics:* The Usage Analytics app now provides
>> reports for the most viewed favorites by type (or example pivot table and
>> chart) and number of data values stored per day.
>> Screenshot 1
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/usage-analytics-data-values.png> | 2
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/usage-analytics-top-dashboards.png> |
>> Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-usage-analytics/index.html> |
>> Docs <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch27.html>
>> *Ticket system:* You can now set priority and status for feedback
>> messages. This allows you to use the DHIS 2 messaging as a basic ticket
>> system useful for managing user support. Each message can be treated as a
>> ticket and go through a workflow (similar to e.g. Zendesk). You can also
>> send internal messages, visible only to other ticket administrators. This
>> requires membership to the “Feedback recipient” user group.
>> Screenshot 1 <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/tickets-list.png> | 2
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/tickets-pending.png> | Demo 1
>> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-dashboard-integration/message.action>
>> | 2
>> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-dashboard-integration/readMessage.action?id=aqvFxkI4BZj>
>> | Docs
>> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch06s04.html>
>> *Metadata synchronization:* Metadata synchronization enables DHIS 2
>> instances to synchronize metadata with each other. Given a central and
>> multiple remote instances, metadata created at central can sync with the
>> remote instances. The remote instances will check the central instance for
>> new, available metadata packages/versions. This allows the implementor to
>> roll out metadata updates in a controlled and staged manner.
>> Docs 1
>> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s15.html>
>> | 2
>> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s16.html>
>> | Screenshot
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/metadata-synchronization.png>
>> ---
>> *Tabular data entry widget:* Tracker capture has a new data entry widget
>> that allows for tabular-style data entry. It displays the list of program
>> stages as left-hand side labels. Events will be listed in table for
>> repeatable program stage, and allows for in-line edits of event data
>> values. The widget can be enabled from the tracker dashboard by going to
>> gear icon > Show/hide icons and selecting “Tabular data entry”.
>> Screenshot
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/tracker-capture-tabular-data-entry.png>
>> | Demo
>> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-tracker-capture/index.html#/dashboard?tei=wsk89u7zquT&program=ur1Edk5Oe2n&ou=DiszpKrYNg8>
>> | Docs
>> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch25s03.html>
>> *Open tracker dashboard from URL:* Tracker dashboards can now be opened
>> directly from URLs. This is useful e.g. in order for integration with other
>> tracker apps. Security rules are still applied.
>> Demo
>> <http://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-tracker-capture/index.html#/dashboard?tei=wsk89u7zquT&program=ur1Edk5Oe2n&ou=DiszpKrYNg8>
>> | Docs
>> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch25s03.html>
>> *Improved program rules:* There are two new types of actions for program
>> rules. These allow consolidated errors and warnings when events is
>> completed (in tracker capture) and saved/updated (in event capture). This
>> is useful when there is a combination of things in the form that should
>> trigger an error/warning, whereas each single data element might be legal
>> in itself. One such example is conditional mandatory fields. Check out the *Antenatal
>> care visit* program program on the demo.
>> Screenshot 1
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/program-rules-validation-warnings.png>
>> | 2
>> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/224/program-rules-validation-errors.png> |
>> Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-event-capture/index.html#/> |
>> Docs <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch29.html>
>> *System-generated identifiers: *For unique tracked entity attributes you
>> can now have the system automatically generate and assign numeric IDs. When
>> registering tracked entity instances on web, the tracker capture
>> registration form will automatically be populated with a number in the
>> given pattern. In tracker on Android, the ID generation is used to reserve
>> a series of IDs for each Android device. This allows offline registration
>> of tracked entity instances without risking duplicate IDs when syncing with
>> the server. Have a look at the *WHO RMNCH Tracker* program on the demo.
>> Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-tracker-capture/index.html#/>
>> | Docs
>> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch25s02.html>
>> ---
>> *Improved translations solution:* The database translations solution has
>> been completely rewritten and nows works while “traversing the object
>> graph”. This means that you can navigate e.g. JSON documents from
>> dataElement to groups and still get translated a displayName. This will
>> also fix a range of issues where un-translated content appeared in the user
>> interface of apps.
>> Docs
>> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s06.html#d0e601>
>> *Data predictors:* A new solution for generating predicted values have
>> been introduced in the Web API. This component will be useful for
>> generating thresholds for disease surveillance, population growth and more.
>> We will provide a UI for this and more info in version 2.25.
>> Docs
>> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s73.html>
>> *Program messages:* The Web API now features a new concept for program
>> messages, which allows you to send messages to tracked entity instances,
>> emails and SMS. This can be useful e.g. in order to send reminders about
>> upcoming visits and notifications for awareness programs to people.
>> Docs
>> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s46.html>
>> ----
>> You can *download* Live package, WAR file, sample data and source code
>> here:
>> https://www.dhis2.org/downloads
>> You will find *documentation* and Javadocs here:
>> https://www.dhis2.org/documentation
>> You can read the *upgrade notes* and find upgrade script here:
>> https://www.dhis2.org/224-upgrade
>> The *demo* application can be found here:
>> https://play.dhis2.org/demo
>> Full list of features can be found at the *Launchpad* page:
>> https://launchpad.net/dhis2/+milestone/2.24
>> Instructions for signing up for the DHIS 2 *mailing lists* here:
>> https://www.dhis2.org/contact
>> ---
>> A big thanks goes to MSF <http://www.msf.org/> and Thoughtworks
>> <https://www.thoughtworks.com/> for contribution to this release.
>> Enjoy the new features.
>> best regards,
>> the DHIS 2 development team
>> --
>> Lars Helge Øverland
>> Lead developer, DHIS 2
>> University of Oslo
>> Skype: larshelgeoverland
>> lars@xxxxxxxxx
>> http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org/>
>> *This message and any attachments are subject to a disclaimer published
>> at http://www.hisp.org/policies.html#comms_disclaimer
>> <http://www.hisp.org/policies.html#comms_disclaimer>. Please read the
>> disclaimer before opening any attachment or taking any other action in
>> terms of this electronic transmission. If you cannot access the
>> disclaimer, kindly send an email to disclaimer@xxxxxxxx
>> <disclaimer@xxxxxxxx> and a copy will be provided to you. By replying to
>> this e-mail or opening any attachment you agree to be bound by the
>> provisions of the disclaimer.*
>> _______________________________________________
>> Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-users
>> Post to : dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-users
>> More help : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
> --
> Alex Tumwesigye
> Technical Advisor - DHIS2 (Consultant),
> Ministry of Health/AFENET | HISP Uganda
> Kampala
> Uganda
> +256 774149 775, + 256 759 800161
> Skype ID: talexie
> IT Consultant (Servers, Networks and Security, Health Information Systems
> - DHIS2, Disease Outbreak & Surveillance Systems) & Solar Consultant
> "I don't want to be anything other than what I have been - one tree hill "
Alex Tumwesigye
Technical Advisor - DHIS2 (Consultant),
Ministry of Health/AFENET | HISP Uganda
+256 774149 775, + 256 759 800161
Skype ID: talexie
IT Consultant (Servers, Networks and Security, Health Information Systems -
DHIS2, Disease Outbreak & Surveillance Systems) & Solar Consultant
"I don't want to be anything other than what I have been - one tree hill "
