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Re: Bugs in DHIS new importer.


Ok. Thanks a lot.

*Sergio Valenzuela*
Fundación EHAS
Telemedicina para países en desarrollo -* www.ehas.org
E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación A.101-9L. Ciudad Universitaria 30, 28040
Madrid - España
Tlfno. (+34) 91 488 87 41: (+34) 687 67 17 62

2016-07-28 16:19 GMT+02:00 Morten Olav Hansen <morten@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Hm ok, seems to be a different error (ProgramIndicator this time), I will
> have a look tomorrow and fix it
> --
> Morten Olav Hansen
> Senior Engineer, DHIS 2
> University of Oslo
> http://www.dhis2.org
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 4:07 PM, Sergio Valenzuela <
> sergio.valenzuela@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hello again,
>> I've testing the fix and I encountered some troubles. The previous error
>> appears again.
>> When I tried to import 1 event chart the importer seemed to work fine. I
>> tried 2 and It worked too. Finally I tried 238, and this is what I got:
>> {
>>   "httpStatus": "Internal Server Error",
>>   "httpStatusCode": 500,
>>   "status": "ERROR",
>>   "message": "object references an unsaved transient instance - save the
>> transient instance before flushing: org.hisp.dhis.program.ProgramIndicator"
>> }
>> I tried 9 and It worked.
>> I tried 20 and It crashed again. After this try I was not able to import
>> a single one any more.
>> I attach the stacktrace of every try I made. The payload I used is the
>> same as before but with a list of event charts instead of only one.
>> Regards!
>> *Sergio Valenzuela*
>> Fundación EHAS
>> Telemedicina para países en desarrollo -* www.ehas.org
>> <http://www.ehas.org/>*
>> E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación A.101-9L. Ciudad Universitaria 30, 28040
>> Madrid - España
>> Tlfno. (+34) 91 488 87 41: (+34) 687 67 17 62
>> 2016-07-28 13:51 GMT+02:00 Sergio Valenzuela <sergio.valenzuela@xxxxxxxx>
>> :
>>> Hi,
>>> I have just tested it again with Build revision: 23527 and now it works
>>> perfectly.
>>> Thanks Morten.
>>> Regards!
>>> *Sergio Valenzuela*
>>> Fundación EHAS
>>> Telemedicina para países en desarrollo -* www.ehas.org
>>> <http://www.ehas.org/>*
>>> E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación A.101-9L. Ciudad Universitaria 30, 28040
>>> Madrid - España
>>> Tlfno. (+34) 91 488 87 41: (+34) 687 67 17 62
>>> 2016-07-28 13:28 GMT+02:00 Morten Olav Hansen <morten@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> Hi Sergio
>>>> Please try again with latest 2.24
>>>> --
>>>> Morten Olav Hansen
>>>> Senior Engineer, DHIS 2
>>>> University of Oslo
>>>> http://www.dhis2.org
>>>> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Sergio Valenzuela <
>>>> sergio.valenzuela@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Great! Thanks Morten.
>>>>> *Sergio Valenzuela*
>>>>> Fundación EHAS
>>>>> Telemedicina para países en desarrollo -* www.ehas.org
>>>>> <http://www.ehas.org/>*
>>>>> E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación A.101-9L. Ciudad Universitaria 30, 28040
>>>>> Madrid - España
>>>>> Tlfno. (+34) 91 488 87 41: (+34) 687 67 17 62
>>>>> 2016-07-28 10:44 GMT+02:00 Morten Olav Hansen <morten@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>> Hi Sergio
>>>>>> I could reproduce your error, will try and have a fix ready today and
>>>>>> backport to 2.24.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Morten Olav Hansen
>>>>>> Senior Engineer, DHIS 2
>>>>>> University of Oslo
>>>>>> http://www.dhis2.org
>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Sergio Valenzuela <
>>>>>> sergio.valenzuela@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Morten. Keep me up please.
>>>>>>> Best regards!
>>>>>>> *Sergio Valenzuela*
>>>>>>> Fundación EHAS
>>>>>>> Telemedicina para países en desarrollo -* www.ehas.org
>>>>>>> <http://www.ehas.org/>*
>>>>>>> E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación A.101-9L. Ciudad Universitaria 30,
>>>>>>> 28040 Madrid - España
>>>>>>> Tlfno. (+34) 91 488 87 41: (+34) 687 67 17 62
>>>>>>> 2016-07-27 16:28 GMT+02:00 Morten Olav Hansen <morten@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>>>> Hi Sergio
>>>>>>>> Not sure exactly what is wrong there, but will try and reproduce
>>>>>>>> and fix tomorrow.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Morten Olav Hansen
>>>>>>>> Senior Engineer, DHIS 2
>>>>>>>> University of Oslo
>>>>>>>> http://www.dhis2.org
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Sergio Valenzuela <
>>>>>>>> sergio.valenzuela@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello devs,
>>>>>>>>> I'm getting the "Exception occurred while trying to import the
>>>>>>>>> metadata. object references an unsaved transient instance - save the
>>>>>>>>> transient instance before flushing: org.hisp.dhis.dataelement.DataElement
>>>>>>>>> (MetadataSyncTask.java [taskScheduler-9])" error when using the
>>>>>>>>> new exporter/importer (/api/24/metadata). I'm exporting event charts and
>>>>>>>>> event reports from one DHIS2 instance to another (same version same build:
>>>>>>>>> 2.24 and 23522). Metadata is the same in both instances.
>>>>>>>>> Full stack trace attached.
>>>>>>>>> URL: http://localhost:8080/api/24/metadata
>>>>>>>>> Example eventCharts Payload:
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>   "date": "2016-07-27T12:54:31.851+0000",
>>>>>>>>>   "eventCharts": [
>>>>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>>>>       "lastUpdated": "2016-07-26T15:57:08.779+0000",
>>>>>>>>>       "id": "uM4KpocRONz",
>>>>>>>>>       "created": "2016-07-26T15:57:08.779+0000",
>>>>>>>>>       "name": "Acurenam: Mortalidad total: Nº de muertes",
>>>>>>>>>       "showData": true,
>>>>>>>>>       "publicAccess": "rw------",
>>>>>>>>>       "userOrganisationUnitChildren": false,
>>>>>>>>>       "type": "LINE",
>>>>>>>>>       "hideEmptyRows": false,
>>>>>>>>>       "userOrganisationUnit": false,
>>>>>>>>>       "hideNaData": false,
>>>>>>>>>       "completedOnly": false,
>>>>>>>>>       "sortOrder": 0,
>>>>>>>>>       "collapseDataDimensions": false,
>>>>>>>>>       "userOrganisationUnitGrandChildren": false,
>>>>>>>>>       "hideSubtitle": false,
>>>>>>>>>       "outputType": "EVENT",
>>>>>>>>>       "title": "Número de muertes",
>>>>>>>>>       "hideLegend": false,
>>>>>>>>>       "externalAccess": false,
>>>>>>>>>       "hideTitle": false,
>>>>>>>>>       "regression": false,
>>>>>>>>>       "program": {
>>>>>>>>>         "id": "yBICFtJAYFR"
>>>>>>>>>       },
>>>>>>>>>       "relativePeriods": {
>>>>>>>>>         "thisYear": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "quartersLastYear": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "last52Weeks": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "thisWeek": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "lastMonth": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "monthsThisYear": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "last2SixMonths": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "thisQuarter": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "last12Months": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "last5FinancialYears": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "thisSixMonth": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "lastQuarter": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "thisFinancialYear": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "last4Weeks": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "last3Months": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "thisMonth": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "last5Years": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "last6BiMonths": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "lastFinancialYear": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "last6Months": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "quartersThisYear": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "monthsLastYear": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "lastWeek": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "thisBimonth": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "lastBimonth": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "lastSixMonth": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "lastYear": false,
>>>>>>>>>         "last12Weeks": true,
>>>>>>>>>         "last4Quarters": false
>>>>>>>>>       },
>>>>>>>>>       "programStage": {
>>>>>>>>>         "id": "PgGkk7ELhw7"
>>>>>>>>>       },
>>>>>>>>>       "user": {
>>>>>>>>>         "id": "mGMEUNgjTYA"
>>>>>>>>>       },
>>>>>>>>>       "attributeDimensions": [],
>>>>>>>>>       "translations": [],
>>>>>>>>>       "filterDimensions": [
>>>>>>>>>         "ou"
>>>>>>>>>       ],
>>>>>>>>>       "organisationUnitGroups": [],
>>>>>>>>>       "itemOrganisationUnitGroups": [],
>>>>>>>>>       "userGroupAccesses": [],
>>>>>>>>>       "programIndicatorDimensions": [],
>>>>>>>>>       "columnDimensions": [
>>>>>>>>>         "RFGJRT5bFaC"
>>>>>>>>>       ],
>>>>>>>>>       "organisationUnitLevels": [],
>>>>>>>>>       "dataElementDimensions": [
>>>>>>>>>         {
>>>>>>>>>           "filter": "IN:O28",
>>>>>>>>>           "dataElement": {
>>>>>>>>>             "id": "RFGJRT5bFaC"
>>>>>>>>>           }
>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>       ],
>>>>>>>>>       "periods": [],
>>>>>>>>>       "organisationUnits": [
>>>>>>>>>         {
>>>>>>>>>           "id": "JnEJ2mR2WlB"
>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>       ],
>>>>>>>>>       "rowDimensions": [
>>>>>>>>>         "pe"
>>>>>>>>>       ]
>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>   ]
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> Hope you can help me out with this.
>>>>>>>>> Best regards!
>>>>>>>>> *Sergio Valenzuela*
>>>>>>>>> Fundación EHAS
>>>>>>>>> Telemedicina para países en desarrollo -* www.ehas.org
>>>>>>>>> <http://www.ehas.org/>*
>>>>>>>>> E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación A.101-9L. Ciudad Universitaria 30,
>>>>>>>>> 28040 Madrid - España
>>>>>>>>> Tlfno. (+34) 91 488 87 41: (+34) 687 67 17 62
>>>>>>>>> 2016-06-29 5:18 GMT+02:00 Morten Olav Hansen <morten@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>>>>>> @vanyas: Yes this was caught during the validation phase itself.
>>>>>>>>>>> The point here would be to catch such issues during configuring metadata
>>>>>>>>>>> itself. The use case was: We created some data set at HQ, synced to local.
>>>>>>>>>>> Then we created a custom attribute for data set and made it mandatory. Then
>>>>>>>>>>> when this version (with custom attribute info) syncs to local, we get this
>>>>>>>>>>> validation issues with the importer. Any general guideline for such cases.
>>>>>>>>>> I don't disagree on that, but it's not really related to the
>>>>>>>>>> importer. Not sure we have any guidelines for that, in general you would
>>>>>>>>>> never actually change an attribute like that I think (I wouldn't mind it
>>>>>>>>>> being blocked), of course.. people make mistakes.. and we don't really want
>>>>>>>>>> to block edits either..
>>>>>>>>>>> We do not support any data approval types at this point (at
>>>>>>>>>>>> least nothing has been done to try and support them, it's untested)
>>>>>>>>>>> @vanyas: Whats the plan for this in that case? If its part of
>>>>>>>>>>> metadata this association should get synced.
>>>>>>>>>> We have a blueprint for adding support for this:
>>>>>>>>>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/dhis2/+spec/exchange-data-approval
>>>>>>>>>> It's currently set to 2.25, but nobody is assigned..
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Morten
>>>>>>>>>> - when we updated the existing program with adding combination of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> categories and synched.
>>>>>>>>>>>> This should be fixed now
>>>>>>>>>>>> - while updating attributes in the program with registration.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * ERROR 2016-06-21 21:23:24,325 ERROR: duplicate key value
>>>>>>>>>>>>> violates unique constraint ""programtrackedentityattribute_unique_key""
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Detail: Key (programid, trackedentityattributeid)=(255, 240)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> already exists. (SqlExceptionHelper.java [taskScheduler-6])
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * ERROR 2016-06-21 21:23:24,385 Exception occurred while
>>>>>>>>>>>>> trying to import the metadata. could not execute statement
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (MetadataImportHandler.java [taskScheduler-6])
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not execute statement at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.hibernate.exception.internal.SQLStateConversionDelegate.convert(SQLStateConversionDelegate.java:112)"Error
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on Edit Program Stage page. Press cancel and exception is thrown. Analytics
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Export Error. Process failed. null.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please try again, I have done several fixes related to issues
>>>>>>>>>>>> like this (at least similar issues)
>>>>>>>>>>> @vanyas : Thanks. Sure will check.
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Charts, pivot tables, Report Table/ Pivot Table, Event
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Report, Event Chart, Validation Rule
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Metadata Sync failed for the above metadata With the below
>>>>>>>>>>>>> runtime exception.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- Exception occurred while trying to import the metadata.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient
>>>>>>>>>>>>> instance before flushing: org.hisp.dhis.dataelement.DataElement
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (MetadataSyncTask.java [taskScheduler-9])
>>>>>>>>>>>> This should be fixed
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Admin user when added to dashboard item is not syncing with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> metadat sync.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Will look into it
>>>>>>>>>>>> - When deleted a legend at HQ and synced to local. The legend
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at Local also is deleted on UI (exists in DB). Also, legend is getting
>>>>>>>>>>>>> duplicated with a different UID in DB.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Will look into it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Metadata Filter (Import-Export --> Metadata Detailed Export)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> modification to properties like name, description is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> successfully synced but the selection is not synced, the payload also have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the details of the updated data when synced.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure how much time we should spend on this, the metadata
>>>>>>>>>>>> filter functionality should be replaced in future releases (it's not very
>>>>>>>>>>>> stable, and has not been updated to support new types etc)
>>>>>>>>>>>> - custom forms are synced properly when created, but while
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Updation of custom form not reflecting on UI. However, payload has the full
>>>>>>>>>>>>> information of updates.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Will look into it, is the issue present for both data set and
>>>>>>>>>>>> program stages?
>>>>>>>>>>> @vanya: This was tested with data sets only.
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Morten
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nalinikanth M
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Quality Analyst
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Email nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Telephone +91 9052234588 <+91+9052234588>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [image: ThoughtWorks]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.thoughtworks.com/?utm_campaign=archana-chillala-signature&utm_medium=email&utm_source=thoughtworks-email-signature-generator>
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> With Regards
>>>>>>>>>>> ThoughtWorks Technologies
>>>>>>>>>>> Hyderabad
>>>>>>>>>>> --Stay Hungry Stay Foolish!!
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