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Re: Browsers supported by DHIS


Hi Matthieu,

We are facing issues with running dhis2 on Firefox. In the dataentry app,
org unit tree is not loading and hence we are not able to do dataentry.

*OS *                :               Mac OSX Yosemite (10.10.5)
*Browser  *      :               Firefox 48.0.1
*console*         :               error
*url*                  :

*Error in code at highlighted line: *

Object.defineProperties( dhis2.storage.IndexedDBAdapter.prototype, {
        'open': {
            value: function() {
                var self = this;
                var deferred = $.Deferred();

                var request = window.indexedDB.open( self.name, self.version );

                request.onupgradeneeded = function( e ) {
                    self._db = e.target.result;

                    $.each( self.objectStoreNames, function( idx, item ) {
                        if( self._db.objectStoreNames.contains( item ) ) {
                            self._db.deleteObjectStore( item );
                    } );

                    $.each( self.objectStoreNames, function( idx, item ) {
                        self._db.createObjectStore( item );
                    } );

                request.onsuccess = function( e ) {
                    self._db = e.target.result;
                    deferred.resolveWith( self );

                request.onerror = function( e ) {
console.log( 'error' );

It is failing at the above highlighted blue line.

Sultan Ahamar.

On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 1:01 PM, Matthieu Pinard <matthieu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Archana,
> We recommend Chrome, but dhis2 runs on any standard compliant web browser
> such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari 4 or Internet Explorer 9+.
> You can find more info here: https://www.dhis2.org/technology
> Cheers,
> Matthieu
> Den fredag 19. august 2016 skrev Archana Chillala <
> archanac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> følgende:
>> Hi Team,
>> We'd like to know, what are the standard set of browsers that are
>> currently supported by DHIS?
>> Thank you.
>> *Cheers,*
>> Archana Chillala
>> Application Developer
>> Email archanac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Telephone +91 9100960533 <+91+9100960533>
>> [image: ThoughtWorks]
>> <http://www.thoughtworks.com/?utm_campaign=archana-chillala-signature&utm_medium=email&utm_source=thoughtworks-email-signature-generator>
> --
> Matthieu Pinard
> DHIS 2 Academy online | University of Oslo

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