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charts through API - filter by filters...


Hi devs, 
I’m trying to query the API for charts where the ou dimension is set as "filter", something like this:

But I get 409 "Simple type was found before finished parsing path expression, please check your path string."

A similar (I think) request to filter by periods works fine, like this:
which I would think would be similar since both "filters" and "periods" are arrays, with objects that has a property "id" I try to filter on.

Any advice, or alternative approaches? 

The end goal is to identify chart favourites where the orgunit can be modified without messing up the chart thing. Then, we want to make it easy to produce the same charts for multiple orgunits side by side using the chart plugin and modifying the orgunit, e.g. select a region and get the same time trend chart for all districts in that region next to each other to identify those that stand out.


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