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Re: charts through API - filter by filters...


Hi Olav

I see there is an issue there with collection of simple type, I will have a
look at it. That said, the filters (and rows) properties are only available
if you use /api/charts/ID, as they are populated based on other props, so
this filter will not work like that anyways.

Maybe you want to have a look at the `filterDimensions` property instead?


On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 2:12 AM, Olav Poppe <olav.poppe@xxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi devs,
> I’m trying to query the API for charts where the ou dimension is set as
> "filter", something like this:
> ..api/charts.json?filter=filters.id:in:[ou]
> But I get 409 "Simple type was found before finished parsing path
> expression, please check your path string."
> A similar (I think) request to filter by periods works fine, like this:
> ..api/charts.json?filter=periods.id:in:[2015Q1]
> which I would think would be similar since both "filters" and "periods"
> are arrays, with objects that has a property "id" I try to filter on.
> Any advice, or alternative approaches?
> The end goal is to identify chart favourites where the orgunit can be
> modified without messing up the chart thing. Then, we want to make it easy
> to produce the same charts for multiple orgunits side by side using the
> chart plugin and modifying the orgunit, e.g. select a region and get the
> same time trend chart for all districts in that region next to each other
> to identify those that stand out.
> Olav

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