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Message #47426
Re: [Dhis2-users] Fwd: complex category combo for Datasets doesn't show outputs
Hi Jim
Thank you so much for the insight, I am going to test the scenarios you
have provided.
Another question I have is, when I have 2 donor fields/dimensions in data
entry, I understand that the category options i.e. the donor list should
have mutually exclusive names. for example Donor 1 has ECHO and UNHCR and
Donor 2 had WHO and UNICEF. what happens if i have common items in both the
list, for example Donor 1 list has ECHO, UNHCR, WHO, UNICEF and Donor 2 has
the same items as well i.e. ECHO, UNHCR, WHO, UNICEF.
When I enter data in such a scenario will DHIS2 show reports show valid
numbers.. because for example ECHO will be the same category option , will
DHSI2 be able to recognize whether ECHO is from donor 1 or from donor 2?
This looks like a really complicated use case to me.. but I am wondering
with native DHIS2 can handle this without any custom coding hence so many
questions :)
Thank you
On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 3:55 PM, Jim Grace <jim@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Dipali Sahu,
> I'm sorry for not responding sooner. Thank you for following up.
> From your screen shot, it looks like you have a dataset-assigned category
> combination of four categories: Donor 1, CMR Project 1, Donor 2, and CMR
> Project 2. DHIS 2 will treat these as four independent dimensions. The data
> you record for any combination of all four dimensions will only show again
> in data entry if you select all four of the same dimensions. I would expect
> that when you select all four of the values "ECHO", "ECHO 7654", "UNHCR",
> and "UNHCR 1212", you will see data that you entered the last time you
> selected this distinct combination of four values.
> Without knowing more about your situation, I am not sure the best way to
> model your requirements. Here are some possibilities:
> 1. Use a category combination with two categories such as "Project 1" and
> "Project 2". Each project could have options such as "ECHO 7654", UNHCR
> 1212", etc. If you want to report in analytics by the donor funding the
> projects, you could have a category option group set called "donor"
> containing category option groups like "ECHO" and "UNHCR". The "ECHO"
> category option group could contain all the "ECHO nnnn" category options,
> and the "UNHCR" category option group could contain all the "UNHCR nnnn"
> category options.
> Notes:
> - As with your current example of four dimensions, you will see data in
> the data entry screen only if you select the same set of category options
> that you selected originally when you entered the data.
> - You must always select two projects, no more and no less. If data is
> attributable to one project only, you may have to have "None" as the option
> for the other project.
> - The dimensions "Project 1" and "Project 2" will be two different
> dimensions in analytics. There may not be an easy way in analytics to see
> all the data attributed to the same project, if that project is sometimes
> selected under "Project 1" and sometimes under "Project 2".
> 2. Use a category combination with one category "Projects". Its category
> options will have every combination of projects that can be done together
> (if this is practical). For example one option could be ""ECHO 7654 and
> UNHCR 1212". Another could be "ECHO 7654 and ABCD 1234". You can also have
> options for more or less than two projects, for example "ECHO 7654 and
> UNHCR 1212 and ABCD 1234", or "ECHO 7654". You can define a category option
> group set "Project" whose groups are "ECHO 7654", "UNHCR 1212", "ABCD
> 1234", etc. You can assign to each of these groups the "Projects" options
> that include that group. You can have another category option group set
> "Donor" whose groups are "ECHO", "UNHCR", "ABCD", etc., and you can assign
> to each of these groups the "Projects" options that include that donor.
> Note:
> - You will see data in the data entry screen only if you select the same
> category option under which you entered the data. So for example if you
> enter data under "ECHO 7654 and ABCD 1234", you will not see this data in
> the data entry screen if you select the category option "ECHO 7654".
> 3. Use a category combination with one category "Project" that contains
> only single projects: "ECHO 7654", "UNHCR 1212", "ABCD 1234", etc. If data
> counts for more than one project, it must be entered multiple times, once
> for each project. You can have a category option group set "Donor" whose
> groups are "ECHO", "UNHCR", "ABCD", etc., and you can assign to each of
> these groups the "Project" options that include that donor.
> Note that with all these possibilities, you may have the problem of
> overcounting in analytics. If data is attributed to multiple projects, then
> if you use analytics to display the total across all projects, some data
> will be counted multiple times towards that total. There is at least one
> implementation of DHIS 2 where this is handled by creating an extra project
> called something like "deduplication", which contains negative numbers so
> that the total across all projects is not overcounted.
> Note that you can use the sharing feature for category options and
> category option groups, so that you can restrict which users may enter data
> for which category options, and see which data for category option groups
> in analytics. For example, you might have some users who are authorized to
> enter and/or view only UNHCR data. Also if you have a "deduplication"
> category option, this might not be available to most users. You could even
> write custom software that uses the Web API to set the deduplication values
> based on other values. (This has been done in at least one DHIS 2
> implementation.)
> I hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Jim Grace
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Dipali Sahu <dipali.sahu@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> any leads will be helpful :)
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Dipali Sahu <dipali.sahu@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Date: Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 9:10 PM
>> Subject: complex category combo for Datasets doesn't show outputs
>> To: DHIS 2 Users list <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Hi DHIS2 Community
>> I am wondering if assigning complex category combinations to a DATASET
>> will work. I have a use case where the activities are supported by 2 donors
>> and hence data is accounted in 2 different projects. I created a dataset
>> shown as below. Although on in(or even any 2 categories like both the
>> donors), the report shows no values.
>> In a similar case, where I assign a complex category combo to a data
>> element, everything works fine.
>> Am I doing something wrong here?? Kindly help
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> Thank you
>> Deepali
>> International Medical Corps
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> --
> Jim Grace
> Core developer, DHIS 2
> HISP US Inc.
> http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org/>

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