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dhis2-devs team
Mailing list archive
Message #47832
Hello Devs!!
Version:2.24Build revision:57640e2
Build date:2016-11-19 04:24
Quick question, I'm trying to clear the analytics tables from dhis2 and
using the command in the manual _works_ but it comes back with an error:
++ [2016-11-21 18:28:08] API URL "
http://localhost:8080/api/24/maintenance/analyticsTablesClear"; to be
requested with "POST"
++ [2016-11-21 18:29:13] API request output:
*ERROR: API request returned code 000, exiting...*
This happens if I use PUT or POST.
I've tried the following command as well:
Any ideas? Ideally it would return a 200 whether the tables are there and
it cleared them, or if they don't exist yet (first time using that db after
a refresh from backup).
*Timothy Harding*
Sr. Systems Analyst, BAO Systems
+1 202-536-1541 | tharding@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | http://www.baosystems.com | Skype:
hardingt@xxxxxxxxx | 2900 K Street, Suite 404, Washington D.C. 20007
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