dhis2-devs team mailing list archive
dhis2-devs team
Mailing list archive
Message #49383
Setting "zeroissignificant" column from csv file import does not work -- DHIS2 2.25
Dear DHIS2 community,
When doing data elements upload from csv file (both add new or edit
existing) we are using the following csv file structure:
*Name, uid, code, shortname, description, formname, domaintype, valuetype,
aggregationtype, **zeroissignificant*
The last field is set to *true* for numeric data element as we would like
to store zero data values. As shown in the image below, the checkbox still
has to be checked manually.
Is there some step that I am missing, or should I use another syntax for
this last column. I have to update hundreds of data elements.
Your suggestions are welcome!
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