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Persisting data validation results



Version 2.28 had a new optional feature for Data Validation called "Persist
new result". Many users do not understand/know how this is supposed to be
used - partially because they are not familiar with IT techie terms like
"Persist" ("Store" or "Save" would be more user-friendly), but mainly
because the 2.28 release note and the documentation do not really SAY

"(Optional) Select *Persist new results* to persist any non-persisted
results found during the analysis"


1. To "persist any non-persisted results" seems to indicate that certain
parts of the data validation result ARE persisted even if this is not
selected. What are those?

Note also that the Dev Manual, chapter 1.24, states that

"When running the scheduled validation task, any violations found will be
persisted as

validation results. These results can be accessed trough the validation
result api."

What is not clear, since all results are already persisted when running a
scheduled task - does selecting "Persist new result" for custom validation
runs simply do the same as what is automatically done for scheduled
validation tasks?

2. How can users access the persisted results in the UI?

3. If stored validation results are only retrievable via the
ValidationResults API end-point, you need to pass an id (uid?) to retrieve
specific results. Is there any other way to determine specific ids than
listing all of them and choose?




Calle Hedberg

46D Alma Road, 7700 Rosebank, SOUTH AFRICA

Tel/fax (home): +27-21-685-6472

Cell: +27-82-853-5352

Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119

Email: calle.hedberg@xxxxxxxxx

Skype: calle_hedberg


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