dhis2-devs team mailing list archive
dhis2-devs team
Mailing list archive
Message #52061
Relationships - relationship link not showing on TE #2
Dear Community
I have been working on creating relationships between two programs. I have
managed to create a relationship from 1 program to the other. However, on
the enrollment screen for the 2nd TE (TE#2), no program is selected. I then
select the appropriate program, but the relationship to the original TE
(TE#1) is lost.
I assume that there is something that I am missing here? I have specified
the referred and original programs for the Tracked Entity Type, yet this
does not work.
I also get the following reference error:
[image: Relationship - Reference Error.png]
I am running v2.30.
Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
Kind regards,
Terence Scott
Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC)
Pan-African Rabies Control Network (PARACON) Steering Committee
Skype: tpscott1987

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