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Multilingual documents in the documentation branch


Howdy. I have managed to modify, I think, the directory structure a
bit to make the creation of multilingual version of documents a bit
more manageable. I will update the documentation guide soon on exactly
what the procedure is. Briefly, all documents for a given language
should be placed into the /src/docbkx/XX folder, where XX represents
the ISO language code ( I suggest 639-1 unless there are other
reasons, but this should match what DHIS2 is using as well). All
resources, such as images, should be placed in the /src/resources
directory, which has been moved out of the /src/docbkx directory.  I
am assuming that maybe the images should be language independent, but
am not really sure about this. This is a point for consideration.
Otherwise, we may need to move the image resources back into a given
language directory. Maybe those thinking of creating docs in languages
other than English can comment on whether screen shots and the like
will need to be language specific.

I will try and explain all the changes in the documentation guide, and
of course, suggestions/criticisms are welcome.

Best regards,

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