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Re: Problems building resource tables


Thanks for your responses.  You are right, I overstated.  Indicators can roll up all the way, it is just data element categories that don't roll up, they are available only in reports.  


I still need to read about import/export.  My original idea for deployment was to have several transaction servers which facilities and districts would use to enter data and perhaps run facility- or district-level reports, and to export data from those servers into a data warehouse server which would have all facility data but no data entry, only reports, which regional and national level people would use.  But if category-level data does not make it across an export/import, then I need to change my categories to elements.  


Re aggregation levels, you are right, I didn't understand them.  In later versions, I have turned them off.  At that time, I used the district level both for data entry (for programs run out of the district office) and for aggregation of data from the facility level.  Since then, I have created a new org unit type at the facility level for the district office and do all programmatic data entry for the district using the district office facility-level org unit, leaving the district level only for aggregation.  This is a reason why the failure to aggregate categories is a problem for me, because population data exists only at the district level and applies to the aggregate of all facilities in the district.  To calculate indicators which are undefined below the district level, it seems like I have to turn  my programmatic data element categories into data elements to get them to aggregate to the district level.  Or am I still not understanding?


I am glad to see that improvements in the specification of categories are on tap.




From: Ola Hodne Titlestad [mailto:olatitle@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 5:47 AM
To: Friedman, Roger (CDC/CGH/DGHA) (CTR)
Cc: DHIS 2 developers; dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] Problems building resource tables


On 26 August 2010 00:28, Friedman, Roger (CDC/CGH/DGHA) (CTR) <rdf4@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Folks --

            While I am here, I read Ola's chapter on reporting, which was very useful.  It made clear what I was just coming to realize, that disaggregation groups are not rolled up to the next level.  This means that indicators based on disaggregation groups (percent of patients whose CD4 count was less than 350 at the first visit) don't roll up, we are basically left with making each cell of disaggregated data a data element of its own.  I suppose I can work around it, but it's a big disappointment.  Am I understanding this right?  Is it on the workplan? 

Thanks all, Roger


Hi Roger,

I am not 100% sure I understand what functionality you are asking for, but let me give you an example of what is possible and maybe that will help:

I have a data element called "Malaria new cases" and a categorycombo called 'MorbidityAge+Gender', two categories MorbidityAge(<5y,>5y) and Gender (Male, Female), with the possible catoptioncombos being: <5y Male,<5y Female, >5y Male,>5 Female. These data values are collected monthly.

I also have a data element called "Population <5y" with the default (none) catcombo collected yearly.
Then I have an indicator called 'Malaria incidence rate <5y' with a numerator expression like:
("Malaria new cases"+"<5y Male") + ("Malaria new cases"+"<5 Female")

and a denominator expression: "Population <5y"

The indicator is of type percentage and annualised (makes the factor 1200 for monthly indicator values).

In any of the report tools (report table, chart, map, datamart) I can ask for the indicator value of "Malaria incidence rate <5y" for any orgunit at any level from individual health facilities to the country level aggregate value.

If this is what you mean by rolling up to the next level then this is supported.

Maybe you could give a more detailed example of what you want?

What annoys be a bit and which will be improved for 2.0.6 is that you cannot use subtotals, like Malaria new cases <5y directly in the indicator expressions, but in stead have to do it piece by piece as in my example above. Thsi becomes very tedious if you have many catoptioncombos that needs to be added together. As I said, the 2.0.6 will support the use of subtotals and totals in such expressions:

Ola Hodne Titlestad (Mr)
Department of Informatics
University of Oslo

Mobile: +47 48069736
Home address: Vetlandsvn. 95B, 0685 Oslo, Norway. Googlemaps link <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Vetlandsvn.+95B,+0685+Oslo,+Norway>   

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