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Re: DHIS2 phone call Oslo-Accra



Moving this email from Roger to the list.

On 14 September 2010 16:46:22 UTC+2, Friedman, Roger (CDC/CGH/DGHA) (CTR) <
rdf4@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> When are calculated variables supposed to be calculated? I defined a simple
> numeric data element with 2 disaggregation groups and a calculated element
> representing the sum of the 2 disaggregation groups. I put them in a dataset
> and went to enter data.

The total of the disaggregation will automatically be calculated when you
query the total value for the data element. E.g. if I have a data element
"BCG doses given" and two categories "EPI Age" and "Fixed/Outreach" with
options (<1, >1) and (fixed, outreach), the total of "BCG doses given" is
the sum of the four data values for that data element with the four
different catoptioncombos. This total can be used directly in report tables,
pivot tables etc. and there is no need to define a new calculated data
element to get this total (or any of the subtotals). Calculated data
elements make more sense when you would like to add together different data
elements (and possibly their catoptioncombos, and not different combinations
of options for the same element.

The program seemed to expect data entry for the calculated variable. I then
> defined a validation rule that the calculated variable should equal the sum
> of the disaggregated groups. The validation failed showing the value of the
> calculated variable as zero. So I put the two variables into a data mart
> export and ran the export. The validation rule still failed in the same way.
> The calculated variable appears in all the right places in datavalue and
> aggregateddatavalue, it's just that its value is unifoermly zero.
> I think the desired behavior would be for calculated variables to be
> updated whenever one of their components is updated and for them to appear
> as read-only fields on data entry forms.

Calculated data elements are normally calculated as part of the data mart
export, and I assume also by the on the fly aggregation service which is
being used by many of the output modules such as charts, GIS, report tables.
Lars will have to comment on that. So in this way the calculated data
element becomes something like an indicator (at least the numerator).

When creating a data element you have the option to tick "Saved". This means
that the calculated value will also be saved in the raw data value table
(datavalue), and not only in the aggregateddatavalue table. I believe that
these "saved" calculated values are generated in the data entry module when
the user clicks on the "Save Calculated Data" button in the top right

I must I admit I am not 100% how this works, the devs will have to add more
detail to this.

I also would like to see the calculated values appear in the data entry form
as read only values, and I thought that was the purpose too, but this does
not seem to work at the moment.

Thanks for your feedback and comments Roger.


> Thanks, Roger