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Message #04036
Re: Creating charts, maps and tables in dhis2-live 2.14
On Mar 4, 2014 9:51 AM, "Marta Vila" <martavila@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Lars, all,
> sorry for the late response. I downloaded the war file today, it is fixed
> now.
> I´ve been able to run analytics and visualize charts and maps using the
> live version.
> *Version:**2.14* *Build revision:**13805* *Build date:**2014-03-04 02:06*
> Thank you !!
> On 18 February 2014 10:43, Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> Hi Marta,
>> thanks for reporting. Your investigation is correct - there was again an
>> issue with column encoding on H2. It should be fixed now in trunk and 2.14.
>> Can you please try again by
>> - replacing the war file under /webapps/ in live directory with the war
>> file from here in 30 minutes: http://apps.dhis2.org/ci/job/dhis-2.14/
>> - re-run analytics
>> Let us know how it works.
>> Lars
>> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Marta Vila <martavila@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I have imported some data into a 2.14 dhis2-live and run the analytics
>>> process.
>>> Version:2.14 Build revision:13752 Build date:2014-01-31 16:41
>>> It has gone well, and I´ve checked with an SQL view that the analytics
>>> table and its values are there. However when I when I try to create a
>>> chart, table or map, I get the "Values not found" message.
>>> Having a look at the log (complete log attached)
>>> ** INFO 17:45:29,251 Query failed, likely because the requested
>>> analytics table does not exist (JdbcAnalyticsManager.java
>>> [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-6])*
>>> *org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad
>>> SQL grammar [select "uidlevel4","de", sum(value) as value from
>>> analytics_2011 where "uidlevel4" in (**'zXcr52pysDR', 'dOfLwJp4HCR',
>>> 'ZZ2j0yKuZu8', 'xTki3rdk7cd', 'Y5pHHOo6Omn'**) and "de" in
>>> ('gUvSpUrTCCH') and ("yearly" in ('2011')) group by "uidlevel4","de"];
>>> nested exception is org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Column "de" not found;
>>> SQL statement:*
>>> *select "uidlevel4","de", sum(value) as value from analytics_2011 where
>>> "uidlevel4" in ('u4Idnn89LtY', 'XGPQ2WduCfW', 'S4cPuE2d3dv', 'OCtV1PUshto',
>>> 'pBihSffHkhT') and "de" in ('gUvSpUrTCCH') and ("yearly" in ('2011')) group
>>> by "uidlevel4","de" [42122-173]*
>>> It seems like the query fails because "de" does not exist... However in
>>> the DB I see column a column DE and H2 is not supposed to be case
>>> sensitive.
>>> I found that it may be acting like this because of the double quote
>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/h2-database/UXI2Mz5HM3s <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/h2-database/UXI2Mz5HM3s>
>>> , tried an SQL view without the quotes and worked so...
>>> In case this is the problem... is there any way it can be solved?
>>> thanks!!
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