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Searching patient in Tracker not working?


Dear all,
I am customization tracker for mental health data and testing on it .
I want to search patient by name and follow the following steps,

   - services --> individual records --> find/add new patient --> advance

I tried it for several times for pt name for different names (eg:ga...,
name is a attribute create by me ) , but all the time *show similar list of
patients* instead of one patient i want. ( i want to  see only ga...)
 My log shows following all the time

** INFO  2014-03-22 23:56:29,280 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from
( select distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi
where patientid=p.patientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244  from
patient p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244
(HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-6])* INFO  2014-03-22
23:56:29,292 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select distinct
p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
<http://p.pa>tientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244  from patient
p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 limit 50 offset 0
(HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-6])*

I will attach my log file and screen shot.
I am using
  dhis 2.14
Build revision:13807Database type: PostgreSQL ( and try on mysql as well)
OS name:Windows 7OS architecture:x86

Are there any error in my method of test ??
Mar 22, 2014 11:28:09 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
INFO: Loaded APR based Apache Tomcat Native library 1.1.29 using APR version 1.4
Mar 22, 2014 11:28:09 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
INFO: APR capabilities: IPv6 [true], sendfile [true], accept filters [false], ra
ndom [true].
Mar 22, 2014 11:28:10 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener initializ
INFO: OpenSSL successfully initialized (OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013)
Mar 22, 2014 11:28:11 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol init
INFO: Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-apr-8084"]
Mar 22, 2014 11:28:11 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol init
INFO: Initializing ProtocolHandler ["ajp-apr-8009"]
Mar 22, 2014 11:28:11 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initialization processed in 2606 ms
Mar 22, 2014 11:28:11 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService startInternal
INFO: Starting service Catalina
Mar 22, 2014 11:28:11 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine startInternal
INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/7.0.50
Mar 22, 2014 11:28:11 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor

INFO: Deploying configuration descriptor C:\Apache\Apacheconfig3\conf\Catalina\l
Mar 22, 2014 11:28:12 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor

INFO: Deploying configuration descriptor C:\Apache\Apacheconfig3\conf\Catalina\l
Mar 22, 2014 11:28:12 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
INFO: Deploying web application archive C:\Apache\Apacheconfig3\webapps\dhis.war

* INFO  2014-03-22 23:28:50,959 System property dhis2.home not set (DefaultLocat
ionManager.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:28:50,962 Environment variable DHIS2_HOME points to C:\DHI
S2_3_HOME (DefaultLocationManager.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:28:52,086 Hibernate configuration loaded, using dialect: o
rg.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect (DefaultHibernateConfigurationProvider.ja
va [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:18,579 Found the following message senders: [org.hisp.d
his.message.EmailMessageSender@1fda79c, org.hisp.dhis.sms.SmsMessageSender@717b0
] (DefaultMessageService.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:26,484 Detected apps: [] (DefaultAppManager.java [local
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:31,535 Executing startup routine [1 of 11, runlevel 1]:
 PeriodTypePopulator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1]
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:31,584 Executing startup routine [2 of 11, runlevel 1]:
 DataElementDefaultDimensionPopulator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [local
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:31,879 Linked default category with default concept (Da
taElementDefaultDimensionPopulator.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:32,073 Executing startup routine [3 of 11, runlevel 2]:
 TableAlteror (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:48,481 Tables updated (TableAlteror.java [localhost-sta
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:48,482 Executing startup routine [4 of 11, runlevel 3]:
 IdentityPopulator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:49,691 Executing startup routine [5 of 11, runlevel 3]:
 TableCreator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:49,711 Executing startup routine [6 of 11, runlevel 4]:
 PatientTableAlteror (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1]
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:55,588 Inserted data into program_attributes table. (Ta
bleAlteror.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:55,621 Inserted data into program_identifiertypes table
. (TableAlteror.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:55,651 Dropped program_patientattributes table. (TableA
lteror.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:55,682 Dropped program_patientidentifiertypes table. (T
ableAlteror.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:55,684 Executing startup routine [7 of 11, runlevel 4]:
 MapViewUpgrader (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:56,112 Executing startup routine [8 of 11, runlevel 5]:
 DataEntryFormUpgrader (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:56,122 Upgraded custom case entry form identifiers (Dat
aEntryFormUpgrader.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:56,123 Executing startup routine [9 of 11, runlevel 6]:
 ExpressionUpgrader (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1])

* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:56,138 Executing startup routine [10 of 11, runlevel 7]
: ConfigurationPopulator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startSto
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:56,144 Executing startup routine [11 of 11, runlevel 7]
: I18nLocalePopulator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:29:56,183 All startup routines done (DefaultStartupRoutine
Executor.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* WARN  2014-03-22 23:30:00,562 Did not find any ViewResolvers to delegate to; p
lease configure them using the 'viewResolvers' property on the ContentNegotiatin
gViewResolver (ContentNegotiatingViewResolver.java [localhost-startStop-1])
Mar 22, 2014 11:30:03 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-apr-8084"]
Mar 22, 2014 11:30:03 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["ajp-apr-8009"]
Mar 22, 2014 11:30:03 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 111635 ms
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:31:03,431 Login success for user: 'admin', ip: ''
 (DefaultUserAuditService.java [http-apr-8084-exec-7])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:38:58,925 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from ( sele
ct distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patient
id=p.patientid and programid=1244 and pgi.status=0 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select
 organisationunitid from patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationuni
tid in ( 140 ) ) as orgunitid  from patient p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=
1244 and orgunitid in ( 140 )  (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-5
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:38:58,960 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select dist
inct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
tientid and programid=1244 and pgi.status=0 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organi
sationunitid from patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in
( 140 ) ) as orgunitid  from patient p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 an
d orgunitid in ( 140 )  limit 50 offset 0 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:39:11,797 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from ( sele
ct distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patient
id=p.patientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunit
id from patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 140 ) )
as orgunitid  from patient p  left join patientidentifier pi on p.patientid=pi.p
atientid   where  ( ( lower(pi.identifier) like '%hh%' and pi.patientidentifiert
ypeid is not null ) ) ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orgunitid in ( 1
40 )  (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-7])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:39:11,810 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select dist
inct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
tientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunitid from
 patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 140 ) ) as orgu
nitid  from patient p  left join patientidentifier pi on p.patientid=pi.patienti
d   where  ( ( lower(pi.identifier) like '%hh%' and pi.patientidentifiertypeid i
s not null ) ) ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orgunitid in ( 140 )  l
imit 50 offset 0 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-7])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:39:11,992 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from ( sele
ct distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patient
id=p.patientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunit
id from patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 140 ) )
as orgunitid  from patient p  left join patientidentifier pi on p.patientid=pi.p
atientid   where  ( ( lower(pi.identifier) like '%hh%' and pi.patientidentifiert
ypeid is not null ) ) ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orgunitid in ( 1
40 )  (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-2])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:39:12,003 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select dist
inct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
tientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunitid from
 patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 140 ) ) as orgu
nitid  from patient p  left join patientidentifier pi on p.patientid=pi.patienti
d   where  ( ( lower(pi.identifier) like '%hh%' and pi.patientidentifiertypeid i
s not null ) ) ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orgunitid in ( 140 )  l
imit 50 offset 0 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-2])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:39:58,992 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from ( sele
ct distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patient
id=p.patientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunit
id from patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 140 ) )
as orgunitid  from patient p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orguniti
d in ( 140 )  (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:39:59,002 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select dist
inct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
tientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunitid from
 patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 140 ) ) as orgu
nitid  from patient p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orgunitid in (
140 )  limit 50 offset 0 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-1])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:40:27,650 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from ( sele
ct distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patient
id=p.patientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunit
id from patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 48 ) ) a
s orgunitid  from patient p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orgunitid
 in ( 48 )  (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-8])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:40:27,655 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select dist
inct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
tientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunitid from
 patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 48 ) ) as orgun
itid  from patient p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orgunitid in ( 4
8 )  limit 50 offset 0 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-8])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:40:36,939 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from ( sele
ct distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patient
id=p.patientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunit
id from patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 48 ) ) a
s orgunitid  from patient p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orgunitid
 in ( 48 )  (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-6])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:40:36,943 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select dist
inct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
tientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunitid from
 patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 48 ) ) as orgun
itid  from patient p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orgunitid in ( 4
8 )  limit 50 offset 0 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-6])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:40:45,603 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from ( sele
ct distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patient
id=p.patientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunit
id from patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 48 ) ) a
s orgunitid  from patient p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orgunitid
 in ( 48 )  (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-9])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:40:45,606 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select dist
inct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
tientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunitid from
 patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 48 ) ) as orgun
itid  from patient p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orgunitid in ( 4
8 )  limit 50 offset 0 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-9])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:40:46,501 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from ( sele
ct distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patient
id=p.patientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunit
id from patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 48 ) ) a
s orgunitid  from patient p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orgunitid
 in ( 48 )  (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-10])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:40:46,515 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select dist
inct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
tientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244,(select organisationunitid from
 patient where patientid=p.patientid and organisationunitid in ( 48 ) ) as orgun
itid  from patient p  ) as searchresult where prg_1244=1244 and orgunitid in ( 4
8 )  limit 50 offset 0 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-10])
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:40:50,607 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from ( sele
ct distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patient
id=p.patientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244  from patient p  ) as se
archresult where prg_1244=1244 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-5
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:40:50,612 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select dist
inct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
tientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244  from patient p  ) as searchres
ult where prg_1244=1244 limit 50 offset 0 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:41:47,480 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from ( sele
ct distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patient
id=p.patientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244  from patient p  ) as se
archresult where prg_1244=1244 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-2
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:41:47,485 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select dist
inct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
tientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244  from patient p  ) as searchres
ult where prg_1244=1244 limit 50 offset 0 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:42:08,503 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from ( sele
ct distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patient
id=p.patientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244  from patient p  ) as se
archresult where prg_1244=1244 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-1
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:42:08,506 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select dist
inct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
tientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244  from patient p  ) as searchres
ult where prg_1244=1244 limit 50 offset 0 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:50:40,714 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from ( sele
ct distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patient
id=p.patientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244  from patient p  ) as se
archresult where prg_1244=1244 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-8
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:50:40,717 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select dist
inct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
tientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244  from patient p  ) as searchres
ult where prg_1244=1244 limit 50 offset 0 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:56:29,280 Search patient SQL: select count(*)  from ( sele
ct distinct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patient
id=p.patientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244  from patient p  ) as se
archresult where prg_1244=1244 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-8084-exec-6
* INFO  2014-03-22 23:56:29,292 Search patient SQL: select *  from ( select dist
inct p.patientid,(select programid from programinstance pgi where patientid=p.pa
tientid and programid=1244 limit 1 ) as prg_1244  from patient p  ) as searchres
ult where prg_1244=1244 limit 50 offset 0 (HibernatePatientStore.java [http-apr-

Attachment: Search_22_3_4014.JPG
Description: JPEG image

Follow ups