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Message #05022
Re: Quick way to add missing ISO weeks going back to 2011?
No nothing better but could rattle something off - in something slightly
less exotic than R :-)
Two questions mind you (more for developers):
1. I see we have a period_periodid_seq which doesn't seem to be used. I
wonder is this a relic which needs to be removed? Or does it have some
other use?
2. Its very easy to create duplicate periods which is not nice. Probably
we should consider placing a uniqueness constraint on periodtype+startdate
On 5 August 2014 11:49, Jason Pickering <jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Randy,
> I see Bob just replied but was about to send this and will go ahead, but
> would wait for a more authoritative answer.
> Here is an R script which I have used in the past. It is very basic and
> does not take into account weeks which might already exist. It simply
> creates a lot of INSERT statements. You will get errors for those which
> already exist. It would be fairly easy to do this, but would require having
> R connected to your postgres database to filter out periods which already
> exist.
> Use at your own peril and hopefully Bob has something better.
> Regards,
> Jason
> #require(ISOweek)
> #Adjust to your needs
> week.starts<-seq(ISOdate(2011,1,3), ISOdate(2014,8,3), by = "1 week")
> #Number of seconds in a week
> week.ends<-week.starts + 518399
> #Get the week names in case you need it
> #week.names<-gsub("-","",substring(date2ISOweek(week.starts),0,8))
> sql<-paste0("INSERT INTO periods (periodid,periodtypeid,startdate,enddate)
> VALUES(nextval('hibernate_sequence'::regclass),2,","'",as.Date(week.starts),"','",as.Date(week.ends),"');")
> cat(sql,file="insert_periods.sql)
> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Bob Jolliffe <bobjolliffe@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Randy do you need a script to generate these?
>> On 4 August 2014 17:11, Wilson, Randy <rwilson@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I thought I saw a posting on inserting periods into the DHIS-2 for
>>> earlier periods in time, but can't seem to find it any longer.
>>> I need ISO weekly periods going back to 2011. I also notice that there
>>> are some instances where there are 53 ISO weeks in a year, but that does
>>> not appear to be an option in DHIS-2.
>>> Can someone advise?
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> *Randy Wilson*
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