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Message #07372
Re: Validation rules not working
Okay. Make sure that:
- All data elements of the validation rule are part of the form / data set.
- Make sure that all data elements in the validation rule actually have a
value in the form. You can control behavior for missing values in the edit
validation rule > expression screen:
[image: Inline image 1]
On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 9:49 AM, Joao Mazuze <Joao_Mazuze@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Yes Lars,
> Both dataset period type and data are set to monthly. But even so, doesn´t
> work. I don’t whether is an internal bug.
> Kind regards,
> Joao
> *From:* Lars Helge Øverland [mailto:larshelge@xxxxxxxxx]
> *Sent:* 09 June 2015 09:41
> *To:* Joao Mazuze
> *Cc:* dhis1-users
> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] Validation rules not working
> Hi Joao,
> did you make sure that the period type of the validation rules are the
> same as the period type of your data set?
> regards,
> Lars
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Joao Mazuze <Joao_Mazuze@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using dhis2 (2.18, I have created validation rules and they seem to
> not working as whatever value I put to some data elements that I am
> comparing on this validation, it always passing successfully. Has anyone
> experienced this before?
> Kind regards
> _____________________________________
> João Gabriel Mazuze
> National Database Manager
> Projecto CHASS-SMT
> Abt Associates Inc.
> Av. Marginal, 4067
> Cidade de Maputo, Moçambique
> Fax: (+ 258) 21486767
> Tel: (+ 258) 21493525/6/8
> Cell: (+258) 82 4236279
> www.chasssmt.com
> [image: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
> Description: Description: Description: Description: Logotipo CHASS-SMT]
> *Somos um projecto financiado pelo PEPFAR-II, através da USAID, para
> reforçar o Sistema de Saúde das Provincias de Sofala, Manica e Tete.
> Pretendemos melhorar a ligação e integração do HIV com os Cuidados
> Primários de Saúde e outros a ele relacionados em coordenação com as
> Direcções Provinciais de Saúde e outros parceiros. Através do projecto
> CHASS-SMT, o Governo Americano apoia o Governo Moçambicano na melhoria da
> qualidade dos Serviços de Saúde no país.*
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> --
> Lars Helge Øverland
> Lead developer, DHIS 2 <http://www.dhis2.org/>
> University of Oslo
> Skype: larshelgeoverland
> http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org>
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Lars Helge Øverland
Lead developer, DHIS 2 <http://www.dhis2.org/>
University of Oslo
Skype: larshelgeoverland
http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org>

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