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Indicators with datasets of different collection frequencies / "upon request"


Dear all

What is the best way to create indicators with data elements with different collection periods? dataset1 is collected monthly and the values of dataset2 should be "changed upon request", so since this is not possible out-of-the-box -> period == yearly? It would be really cumbersome to collect both datasets monthly (since the values of dataset2 changes e.g. every two years for an org unit).

What could I adjust with /Frequency, expiry days, open future periods/ or /days after period to qualify for timely submission///?
Thanks for your help.

For reference from an earlier question, which I couldn't understand fully.
On 28.07.2015 16:42, Elmarie Claasen wrote://
/David, /

/[...] You will have to pay attention to the period of the other dataset though as their is no on change period in dhis2 so you could allow future periods and pre-entry the data upfront.//

/On 28 Jul 2015 4:32 PM, "David Huser" <//david.huser@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:david.huser@xxxxxxxxxxxx>//> wrote://

    //How would I tackle this: //
    //The lowest hierarchy (the hospitals) should enter data //*X*//(a
    data element). It is then calculated to an indicator
    (//*X*/////*Y*//) with another data element //*Y*//, which also
    belongs to their organization unit [...] /*/This data element
    should be available "like a constant" and just changed upon when
    it is necessary [...]/**/
    /**/More specific explanation:/**/
    /**/Data X = number of products a machine produces in this
    /**/Data Y = number of available machines in this org.unit/*

*David Huser*
Informatics Specialist
Swiss Centre for International Health

*Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute*
Socinstrasse 57, P.O. Box
4002 Basel, Switzerland
