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Re: Data approval workflow for programs


Hi David,

Your understanding is correct. The 2.22 (and 2.23) API calls still refer to
dataset instead of workflow.

- When you "approve" a dataset, you are really approving the workflow
connected to the dataset. (This also approves data in any other datasets
that are also connected to the same workflow.)

- When you get the approval status of a dataset, you are really getting the
approval status of the workflow connected to the dataset.

We do intend to offer workflow-related API approval calls in the future,
and we may at some point retire the dataset-related API approval calls.  We
were not quick to drop the dataset-related calls because we know there are
applications out there that use them.


On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 1:58 PM, David Siang Fong Oh <doh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Hi Jim,
> We are in the process of migrating to v2.22 (and the data approval
> workflows) and are trying to understand the implications for the approvals
> API:
>    - In v2.22 calls to the data approvals API will still be specified
>    using an orgUnit, a period, and *a dataset*. The response will reflect
>    however, the state of the approval for the orgUnit, period and associated
>    *workflow,* not dataset. Similarly any POST calls will modify the
>    approval for the workflow, not the dataset.
>    - In v2.23 (or later) the data approvals API will be changed so that
>    you specify a workflow directly. Referencing the dataset will be removed.
> Is the above correct?
> Cheers,
> -doh
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 6:26 PM, Jim Grace <jim@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> We're sorry, it didn't make it into 2.22. But it should be there in 2.23.
>> What did make it into 2.22 is the "workflow" object, upon which we will
>> base approvals for programs, see
>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/dhis2/+spec/approval-workflows. In
>> 2.22, rather than approving a dataset (for a given period, organization
>> unit, etc.), approvals operate on a higher level object called a
>> "workflow". This has three advantages: (1) multiple datasets can reference
>> the same workflow and be approved together if desired (or each dataset can
>> have its own workflow), (2) each workflow can reference a subset of
>> approval levels, if not all types of approvals should use all approval
>> levels, and (3) in the future, we will use the workflows for approving
>> programs as well. In fact, a single workflow will be able to approve a
>> single program, or multiple programs, or a mix of programs and datasets,
>> etc.
>> Something we are still working on is understanding best how, or even
>> whether, to lock out program event entry for periods that have been
>> approved. Event entry uses a date picker, and it doesn't easily lend itself
>> to locking out various approved periods. Date pickers generally can be
>> constrained only to a single valid date range from a start date to an end
>> date. Alternatives include that we could set start and/or end dates in the
>> date picker according to what range of time has not been approved, and/or
>> we could have some javascript validation logic to check against approved
>> periods after the user has entered the date. We're still discussing what
>> would be best.
>> It would be helpful if you could share with us any anticipated use case
>> you have for program data approval. Is it important to you that users not
>> be able to enter event data for periods that have been approved? Is it
>> important that event data be hidden from higher level users until approved?
>> Do you expect past periods will be approved up until a point in time and
>> future periods beyond that point will be unapproved -- or might there
>> sometimes be alternating periods that are approved and unapproved?
>> If you -- and anyone else -- can tell us about your anticipated use cases
>> for program data approvals, it will increase the chance that we will finish
>> this feature in a way that will work well for you. :)
>> Cheers,
>> Jim
>> On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 6:51 AM, eric mourin <ericmourin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I was wondering if the data approval workflow for programs has been
>>> implemented yet, I've seen in a past email (
>>> https://www.mail-archive.com/dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/msg08144.html)
>>> that it was planned to be released for the current version (2.22) but it
>>> does not seem to work yet.
>>> Thanks in advance!
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>> --
>> Jim Grace
>> Core developer, DHIS 2
>> HISP US Inc.
>> http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org/>
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Jim Grace
Core developer, DHIS 2
http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org/>
