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Re: Data approval workflow for programs


Hi Jim,

We are in the process of migrating to v2.22 (and the data approval
workflows) and are trying to understand the implications for the approvals

   - In v2.22 calls to the data approvals API will still be specified using
   an orgUnit, a period, and *a dataset*. The response will reflect
   however, the state of the approval for the orgUnit, period and associated
   *workflow,* not dataset. Similarly any POST calls will modify the
   approval for the workflow, not the dataset.
   - In v2.23 (or later) the data approvals API will be changed so that you
   specify a workflow directly. Referencing the dataset will be removed.

Is the above correct?



On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 6:26 PM, Jim Grace <jim@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> We're sorry, it didn't make it into 2.22. But it should be there in 2.23.
> What did make it into 2.22 is the "workflow" object, upon which we will
> base approvals for programs, see
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/dhis2/+spec/approval-workflows. In 2.22,
> rather than approving a dataset (for a given period, organization unit,
> etc.), approvals operate on a higher level object called a "workflow". This
> has three advantages: (1) multiple datasets can reference the same workflow
> and be approved together if desired (or each dataset can have its own
> workflow), (2) each workflow can reference a subset of approval levels, if
> not all types of approvals should use all approval levels, and (3) in the
> future, we will use the workflows for approving programs as well. In fact,
> a single workflow will be able to approve a single program, or multiple
> programs, or a mix of programs and datasets, etc.
> Something we are still working on is understanding best how, or even
> whether, to lock out program event entry for periods that have been
> approved. Event entry uses a date picker, and it doesn't easily lend itself
> to locking out various approved periods. Date pickers generally can be
> constrained only to a single valid date range from a start date to an end
> date. Alternatives include that we could set start and/or end dates in the
> date picker according to what range of time has not been approved, and/or
> we could have some javascript validation logic to check against approved
> periods after the user has entered the date. We're still discussing what
> would be best.
> It would be helpful if you could share with us any anticipated use case
> you have for program data approval. Is it important to you that users not
> be able to enter event data for periods that have been approved? Is it
> important that event data be hidden from higher level users until approved?
> Do you expect past periods will be approved up until a point in time and
> future periods beyond that point will be unapproved -- or might there
> sometimes be alternating periods that are approved and unapproved?
> If you -- and anyone else -- can tell us about your anticipated use cases
> for program data approvals, it will increase the chance that we will finish
> this feature in a way that will work well for you. :)
> Cheers,
> Jim
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 6:51 AM, eric mourin <ericmourin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I was wondering if the data approval workflow for programs has been
>> implemented yet, I've seen in a past email (
>> https://www.mail-archive.com/dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/msg08144.html)
>> that it was planned to be released for the current version (2.22) but it
>> does not seem to work yet.
>> Thanks in advance!
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> --
> Jim Grace
> Core developer, DHIS 2
> HISP US Inc.
> http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org/>
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