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Message #10785
Re: All data elements in a data set must be mandatory
HI all and Lars,
As a follow up to my previous mail, What is the best way to make all fields
in a data set(data entry form) mandatory in DHIS2 2.21. Ideally the user
must enter a number or a zero in-order to complete the form.
On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Ibrahim Bayoh <
ibrahim.bayoh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Regarding my previous mail about the "Edit Compulsory data element not
> working". Has this been fixed? Am trying to make all fields(data element)
> mandatory, fields must greater than or equal to "0". User should not be
> able to complete a form(data set) with filling on the fields(data elements)
> in the form(data set).What will be the best way to achieve this in
> DHIS2(2.21). Will the use of "Validation rules" help me achieve this?
> Thanks,
> Bayoh.
> Re
> On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 12:45 PM, Lars Helge Øverland <lars@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Hi Ibra,
>> thanks for reporting. Yes we are in fact aware of this one and working on
>> it now. Should be fixed soon.
>> regards,
>> Lars
>> On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 2:00 PM, Ibrahim Bayoh <
>> ibrahim.bayoh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Am try to set certain data element as compulsory or mandatory in data
>>> set but some reason the assigned compulsory data element does not seem to
>>> have any effect on the data sets or forms. Forms or data sets can be
>>> completed even though they contain compulsory data element. Is this a bug
>>> or a my doing something wrong? My steps below.
>>> *From Data set App*
>>> 1. Select Data sets
>>> 2. Left click on the desired Data set
>>> 3. Select "Edit Compulsory Data Element" from the dropdown
>>> 4. From the list of data element double on the desired data element
>>> 5. then click save
>>> *From the Date entry App*
>>> 1. Select the data set/form you added the compulsory data element
>>> 2. Field other fields in the form except the compulsory data element
>>> 3. then click on "Complete"
>>> Idealy the form should not be completed or submitted if the compulsory
>>> data element is not filled, but in my case the form / data set completes
>>> even though the compulsory data element was neglected.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bayoh.
>>> --
>>> Ibrahim Rashid Bayoh
>>> Information Systems Coordinator,
>>> eHealth Africa(Sierra Leone)
>>> *117 Wilkinson Rd, Freetown, Sierra Leone*
>>> Mobile: +232 88-765-638
>>> ibrahim.bayoh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> http://ehealthafrica.org/
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>> --
>> Lars Helge Øverland
>> Lead developer, DHIS 2
>> University of Oslo
>> Skype: larshelgeoverland
>> lars@xxxxxxxxx
>> http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org/>
> --
> Ibrahim Rashid Bayoh
> Information Systems Coordinator,
> eHealth Africa(Sierra Leone)
> *117 Wilkinson Rd, Freetown, Sierra Leone*
> Mobile: +232 88-765-638
> ibrahim.bayoh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://ehealthafrica.org/
Ibrahim Rashid Bayoh
Information Systems Coordinator,
eHealth Africa(Sierra Leone)
*117 Wilkinson Rd, Freetown, Sierra Leone*
Mobile: +232 88-765-638