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Message #11333
Re: Tacker villages
Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx>
"GROUT, Lise" <groutl@xxxxxxx>
Wed, 14 Sep 2016 10:11:36 +0000
fr-FR, en-US
DHIS 2 Users list <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
[Dhis2-users] Tacker villages
Yes exactly.
In the context of outbreak investigation, or active case screening, it is very nice to be able to capture the exact location of the house of the patient.
But in routine passive surveillance in health facilities, the health worker will record the village, but will not be able to capture the exact location (and it is not really relevant to do so). What is useful, is to be able to aggregate the number of patients coming from the same village and map them as belonging to the same point.
But apparently, this will be doable in 2.25. Looking forward to seeing this feature!
From: Knut Staring [mailto:knutst@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 14 September 2016 12:02
To: GROUT, Lise
Cc: Abyot Asalefew Gizaw; DHIS 2 Users list
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] Tacker villages
@Lise: If I understand you correctly, you want exactly one set of coordinates per village, right?
I.e. you are not looking for the location of the house of the patients, but want two patients from the same village to be recorded under the name of the village, with the exact same set of coordinates. I think the MapZen solution that Abyot is working on will provide this.
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 11:59 AM, GROUT, Lise <groutl@xxxxxxx<mailto:groutl@xxxxxxx>> wrote:
Being able to look for villages in the map will already be a big plus, but still the coordinates will be different.
Maybe ideally, we could mix:
- Org unit data type for admin 1 (region), admin2(district) as they will be in the org unit tree (coming in 2.25)
- Search in the map for villages (coming in 2.25). But it would be good to be able to extract the name of the village from there (so that it can be used in the analysis) and also to see if a patient has already been captured from the same village (so that you can should to use the exact same coordinates).
How do you see this?
From: Knut Staring [mailto:knutst@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:knutst@xxxxxxxxx>]
Sent: 14 September 2016 10:34
To: Abyot Asalefew Gizaw
Cc: DHIS 2 Users list; GROUT, Lise
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] Tacker villages
Ok great, I was confused because you talked about searching "in the map", which I guess is optional (it is mainly a text search)?
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 10:15 AM, Abyot Asalefew Gizaw <abyot@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:abyot@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Name searching is coming in 2.25, that is what I meant with the first possibility.
Thank you,
(sent from mobile)
On Sep 14, 2016 10:06, "Knut Staring" <knutst@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:knutst@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
I am thinking that actually there could be another possibility as well, though it is probably not quite availble yet, namely to use the name search service which is already integrated in the new GIS module (second button from the bottom up on the right hand side here: https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-mapping/)
AND/OR it could also be interesting to be able to populate option sets based on the place names (with coordinates attached) provided by that service.
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 9:07 AM, Abyot Asalefew Gizaw <abyot@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:abyot@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Dear Lise,
One possibility is to use our new (coming in 2.25) coordinate capture UI. It uses mapzen that allows you to search for areas directly in the map and capture their coordinates. This could help in capturing consistent coordinates.
An issue though is, will all your villages be in mapzen's area database. See here for more https://mapzen.com/documentation/search/data-sources/
A second possibility is to use option sets. How many villages are you expecting? We are not loading options in drop down all at once. We use paging+searching and each time we will only have a maximum of 30 options displayed in the dropdown.
Abyot A. Gizaw.
Senior Engineer, DHIS2
University of Oslo
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 8:28 AM, GROUT, Lise <groutl@xxxxxxx<mailto:groutl@xxxxxxx>> wrote:
Dear Alex,
Thank you for your answer.
I already have a data element as coordinate in the form (actually it is rather an attribute). But each time your register a patient, even if he lives in the same village than a former patient, you will record slightly different coordinates, the point will be slightly different. What I would like is to be able to record the village of residence in a way that make it useful for analysis (if it is free text, it cannot be used directly).
From: Alex Tumwesigye [mailto:atumwesigye@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:atumwesigye@xxxxxxxxx>]
Sent: 14 September 2016 08:25
To: GROUT, Lise
Cc: DHIS 2 Users list
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] Tacker villages
Dear Lise,
You can create an attribute or data element of value type 'coordinate'. This will allow you to capture coordinates.
On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 5:35 PM, GROUT, Lise <groutl@xxxxxxx<mailto:groutl@xxxxxxx>> wrote:
Dear all,
I am working on several Tracker programs, and we will be recording the village of origin.
Tacker enables to captures coordinates, but they will be (most probably) different from one case to the other as it is designed to be able to map the exact location of the entity. And I know you can then use the new cluster features in GIS.
But I would like to aggregate the cases by villages of provenance. Having one free text box to indicate the village name is not useful for this. So I am wondering if any of you have already found wise ways of doing it.
Here are my first ideas, but would like to have your opinion before testing them:
1) Create org units for each village, but:
a. I fear the org unit will be very long to charge then
b. The cases are registered at health facility level in the org unit tree, not village level
2) Create an option set with villages, but:
a. I fear it will be impossible to load…
b. Don’t know if it can be dynamic (if you choose a district, you just see the villages of this district) (I think I was told it was not possible to do)
3) Create a program to register the villages, and use the relationship feature (my favourite idea so far, anyone tried it?)
4) Create a program to register the villages, and use them through another path. I know Uganda HISP showed something in Oslo, but I imagine this require coding?
Looking forward to reading your ideas!
Dr. Lise Grout
World Health Organization
Department of Neglected Tropical Diseases (HTM/NTD/IDM)
Innovative and Intensified Disease Management Unit
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Alex Tumwesigye
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Knut Staring
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Knut Staring
Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
Norway: +4791880522<tel:%2B4791880522>
Skype: knutstar
Knut Staring
Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
Norway: +4791880522
Skype: knutstar
Tacker villages
From: GROUT, Lise, 2016-09-13
Re: Tacker villages
From: Alex Tumwesigye, 2016-09-14
Re: Tacker villages
From: GROUT, Lise, 2016-09-14
Re: Tacker villages
From: Abyot Asalefew Gizaw, 2016-09-14
Re: Tacker villages
From: Knut Staring, 2016-09-14
Re: Tacker villages
From: Abyot Asalefew Gizaw, 2016-09-14
Re: Tacker villages
From: Knut Staring, 2016-09-14
Re: Tacker villages
From: GROUT, Lise, 2016-09-14
Re: Tacker villages
From: Knut Staring, 2016-09-14