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Message #11507
Re: [Dhis2-devs] Looking for Human Resource System to integrate with DHIS
Hi Lungo
Not quite what I said. It is early days for the SL shining case study
but well worth watching.
On 8 October 2016 at 11:29, Juma Lungo <jlungo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear Arthur,
> Bob has said it all. To integrate health systems, the culprit is the
> facility list. As the list evolve, the integration die automatically.
> Facility registry is the way to go. Making both, the DHIS2 and iHRIS
> referencing an external database of the facility makes the integration
> permanent. Both, DHIS2 and iHRIS can easily be configured to learn facility
> attributes from external database easier.
> See Gerald's case study from Sierra Leone. It is our shining case study.
> One thing you need to take note is, even though right now you are looking
> for a minimum functions for a HR system, the moment you implement demands
> will increase. This is where iHRIS is the best option.
> Best regards,
> Lungo
> ________________________________
> From: Bob Jolliffe <bobjolliffe@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: Arthur Heywood <arthurheywood@xxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: Juma Lungo <jlungo@xxxxxxxxx>; dhis2-users
> <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "calle.hedberg@xxxxxxxxx"
> <calle.hedberg@xxxxxxxxx>; dhis2-devs <dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Saturday, October 8, 2016 7:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] [Dhis2-devs] Looking for Human Resource System to
> integrate with DHIS
> Hi Arthur
> Carl will probably be able to point you to various cases where this
> has been done with dhis2 and ihris. I am familiar with examples from
> Zanzibar, Kenya and Rwanda which sort of worked but none of which
> could fairly be described as successful in the sense of sustained use
> as far as I know.
> I think the main tricky bit to get right is the harmonization of
> health facilities in the two systems not just as one off, but with
> processes to keep them harmonized. You might only have 20 indicators
> of interest but you have 1000s of facilities. As soon as the orgunits
> start diverging the interoperability starts falling apart. I think
> there was also some interesting work done in Bihar on this problem.
> One conventionasl "wisdom" that has done the rounds over the past few
> years is that a separate facility registry is the solution to this. I
> am less sure. In practice you now find that whereas before the
> problem was harmonizing between 2 systems, now it becomes more complex
> because you have 3 :-) Add more with LMIS etc ..
> So 2 alternative approaches emerge:
> 1. retreat to dhis2 and try and do everything there - sometimes this
> sort of works for many things (which is better than most), but it has
> obvious limits and I don't believe can serve as the basis of long term
> strategy to solve all problems
> 2. insist that any system that sends data to dhis2 treats dhis2 as
> the authoritative source of facility registry data. If only they
> would :-) Unfortunately dhis2 view of the
> physical/geographic/administrative world of the health system can
> diverge sometimes significantly from that of an HRIS system - think of
> MOH employees at offices not involved in health service delivery for
> example. So there are local arrangements and understandings to be
> made, but in general I think this path holds the most potential,
> In practice I think we have to concede the problems have been unsolved
> for now. Unless someone can point me otherwise. The challenge seems
> on the surface to be technically fairly trivial, But beneath lurk
> demons.
> Cheers
> Bob
> On 8 October 2016 at 07:13, Arthur Heywood <arthurheywood@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Lungo
>> Good to hear from you ... long time no see
>> Thanks for this .... can you tell me where we have a SUCCESSFUL
>> implementation where one can actually get IHRIS data through DHIS and make
>> integrated indicators, use IHRIS indicators for Bottleneck analysis etc
>> Regards
>> Arthur
>> **Without deviation from the norm, there can be no progress* *(Frank
>> Zappa)
>> *Skype* arthur_heywood_za
>> Tanzania* +255-773669393 OR +255 673150252
>> On 5 October 2016 at 06:54, Juma Lungo <jlungo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Arthur,
>>> I would recommend iHRIS.
>>> It has many features, integrates nicely with DHIS2, implemented in many
>>> countries and it is being supported by an active community working
>>> closely
>>> with DHIS2 developers.
>>> Lungo
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Calle Hedberg <calle.hedberg@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> To: Arthur Heywood <arthurheywood@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> Cc: dhis2-users <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; dhis2-devs
>>> <dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>;
>>> Seleman Ally <seleman_ally@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2016 10:20 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Dhis2-users] Looking for Human Resource System
>>> to integrate with DHIS
>>> Arthur,
>>> I'm not directly involved with the HRIS work using DHIS, my current focus
>>> is on a fully integrated disease surveillance system. Will find out and
>>> get
>>> back to you.
>>> Regards
>>> Calle
>>> On 4 October 2016 at 15:15, Arthur Heywood <arthurheywood@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>> Calle
>>> In Zambia we are also looking to set up what you call a "core" Human
>>> Resource HMIS ... mainly to do some "Bottleneck analysis" for our MDGi
>>> districts ...
>>> Are we able to use a beta version and see what we are able to adapt it to
>>> our needs (same people being called different professional jobs etc)
>>> and
>>> then feed back into the development process ....interesting to know how
>>> far
>>> you have progressed?
>>> Cheers
>>> a
>>> **Without deviation from the norm, there can be no progress* *(Frank
>>> Zappa)
>>> *Skype* arthur_heywood_za
>>> Tanzania* +255-773669393 OR +255 673150252
>>> On 26 August 2016 at 23:08, Calle Hedberg <calle.hedberg@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>> Laura,
>>> The two main HRIS component designs "within" DHIS2 are the HRHIS in
>>> Tanzania and another in Vietnam (John Lewis or Morten will be able to
>>> tell
>>> you more about that one).
>>> South Africa is currently using a customised Tracker app for managing
>>> Community Service and Internships (around 10,000 graduates are applying
>>> for
>>> internship or Community Service posts per annum).
>>> We are also working on a "core" workforce registry tightly integrated
>>> with
>>> DHIS2. By "core" I mean it will only deal with actual HR resources
>>> including
>>> position, what they are licensed/authorised to do, and contact details.
>>> Things like continuous education, bursaries, payroll, etc are
>>> processed/managed by other systems. A major advantage of tight
>>> integration
>>> will be the ability to use DHIS2 communication and messages + user
>>> registration to communicate directly with health workers - in particular
>>> since health workers increasingly will be interacting directly with DHIS2
>>> on
>>> a daily basis through (daily) capturing of routine data, disease
>>> notifications, various Tracker apps (browser or Android), etc.
>>> Your basic requirements seem very similar: your primary need is to track
>>> the workforce as an INPUT RESOURCE to health service delivery, and not to
>>> track salaries and CVs and health insurance and employment history and a
>>> bunch of other "personal" things. So you need to know WHO they are, where
>>> they actually work and with what (in what position), what they are able
>>> to
>>> do (mostly this relates to formal/legal practice licensing etc, but it
>>> could
>>> be expanded to include specialist knowledge about certain diseases etc),
>>> and
>>> how to contact them.
>>> Regards
>>> Calle
>>> On 26 August 2016 at 21:56, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I had use ihris and it is good. If you want help with it I am willing to
>>> help.
>>> On Aug 26, 2016 6:46 PM, "Laura E. Lincks" <laura.lincks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> u> wrote:
>>> We are looking for a simple Human Resources tool to integrate with a DHIS
>>> aggregate database. Little is known of the needs of the HRIS, but for now
>>> it
>>> needs to track personnel details and groups of personnel will need to be
>>> associated with various programs in a separate DHIS aggregate database.
>>> An
>>> Open Source HRIS is preferable.
>>> In searching for tools I have come across the following:
>>> HRHIS in Tanzania developed by the HISP-TZ/University of Dar es Salaam
>>> iHRIS developed by global Capacity Project.
>>> I was wondering if anyone had any knowledge of or experience with these
>>> packages or if there were other applications that could be of use to us?
>>> Thanks in advance to anyone with leads or information.
>>> Laura E. Lincks
>>> Database Manager/Developer
>>> ICAP - Columbia University
>>> Mailman School of Public Health
>>> 60 Haven Ave, Floor B1
>>> New York, NY 10032
>>> Tel: 212 304 7132
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>>> --
>>> ****************************** *************
>>> Calle Hedberg
>>> 46D Alma Road, 7700 Rosebank, SOUTH AFRICA
>>> Tel/fax (home): +27-21-685-6472
>>> Cell: +27-82-853-5352
>>> Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119
>>> Email: calle.hedberg@xxxxxxxxx
>>> Skype: calle_hedberg
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>>> --
>>> *******************************************
>>> Calle Hedberg
>>> 46D Alma Road, 7700 Rosebank, SOUTH AFRICA
>>> Tel/fax (home): +27-21-685-6472
>>> Cell: +27-82-853-5352
>>> Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119
>>> Email: calle.hedberg@xxxxxxxxx
>>> Skype: calle_hedberg
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