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Help! What has happened to my data element and indicator translations?


Hi there,

We recently upgraded our DHIS2 server from 2.23 to 2.25. The French translations we previously had for data elements and indicators no longer appear if you change language preferences. In the maintenance module clicking on the translate for those data elements/indicators no longer shows the translations. Yet when I run the following query (via Data Administration > SQL View) I can see that the French translations are still there in the translation table:

/* See data element names and descriptions along with French translations */
SELECT  object.uid,

FROM     dataelement AS object 
                     LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT objectuid, value AS name_fr 
                                                       FROM    translation
                                                      WHERE  locale = 'fr' AND
                                                                     objectproperty = 'name'
                                                       ) AS t_name ON
                          object.uid = t_name.objectuid

                     LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT objectuid, value AS shortname_fr 
                                                       FROM    translation
                                                      WHERE  locale = 'fr' AND
                                                                     objectproperty = 'shortName'
                                                       ) AS t_shortname ON
                          object.uid = t_shortname.objectuid

                     LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT objectuid, value AS description_fr 
                                                       FROM    translation
                                                      WHERE  locale = 'fr' AND
                                                                     objectproperty = 'description'
                                                       ) AS t_description ON
                          object.uid = t_description.objectuid;

Any clues/advice on how to fix this would be much appreciated!

With many thanks in advance,

Hazim Timimi
Data Manager, Tuberculosis Monitoring and Evaluation, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel : +41 22 791 3468

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