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Message #11930
Event Report Tables "TOP X" events - not saved when saving as favorite in 2.25
Dear developers,
We made the upgrade from 2.22 build 22095 to 2.25 build 4cbfeb5. I found
problems with the translations (I'll write in a separate mail) and in the
Event Report tables.
In particular, for the very helpful feature of visualizing the *TOP X
I test it also on the *Demo server* and the problem is present also there.
I reported the same bug in the v.2.22 and it was fixed in June by Jan
Henrik Øverland
*Re: [Dhis2-users] Top X records of Event Report table not correctly
visualized on the Dashboard*
> *2016-06-27 16:29 GMT+02:00 Jan Henrik Øverland <jan@xxxxxxxxx
> *Hi Antonia,*
> *This has been fixed in all affected versions. For 2.22 please update
> to rev 22078.*
> *Jan*
I think the bug fix is propagated to all new version, but probably for this
bug is not true.
We have many statistics requested by the MOH which use this feature, for
example *TOP 10 or 30 or 40 ICD10 disease* combined with others parameters
When I check the box end make update, it is visualized correctly. But when
I save the favorite and then select it again, or view it on the Dashboard,
this change is not saved!!
[image: Immagine incorporata 1] [image: Immagine incorporata 5]
for example this is the table after slesting Top 30 and then update
[image: Immagine incorporata 2]
but when save and select the favorite again, it appears without the TOP 30
[image: Immagine incorporata 3]
for some bigger tables, this cause this the message on the dashboard
[image: Immagine incorporata 1]
When opening as favorite in the Event Report, the big table remains in
"Creating Table" ...
For our project this useful feature is important. Please fix the bug for
this version and any new one, in order to not have the same problem in the
next upgrade.
Let me know the fixed build.
Thanks so much for your help.
www.informa.pro - *Seguici su *LinkedIn
INFORMAPRO S.r.l. - via Luigi Rava 43, Rome 00149 , Italy
tel. +39 06 5758926, fax +39 06 62207168, P.IVA IT08095781004
Skype: informa_antonia.bezenchek
Eng. Antonia Bezenchek - CIO - ICT Engineer