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Message #11931
Re: Event Report Tables "TOP X" events - not saved when saving as favorite in 2.25
an other bug/strange behavior related to the Event Report Favorites:
When I change and overwrite the table, all Access permissions are cleared
and I have to reassign them!
- when create a new favorite - assigned only Public access: Can edit
and view
- when overwrite an existing favorite - assigned only *Public access:
*clearing all existing access permissions! *
I expect that if I change some parameter and I update an existing table,
all access permission are preserved.
2016-12-02 15:02 GMT+01:00 Antonia - Pro <antonia@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Dear developers,
> We made the upgrade from 2.22 build 22095 to 2.25 build 4cbfeb5. I found
> problems with the translations (I'll write in a separate mail) and in the
> Event Report tables.
> In particular, for the very helpful feature of visualizing the *TOP X
> events*
> I test it also on the *Demo server* and the problem is present also there.
> I reported the same bug in the v.2.22 and it was fixed in June by Jan
> Henrik Øverland
> *Re: [Dhis2-users] Top X records of Event Report table not correctly
> visualized on the Dashboard*
>> *2016-06-27 16:29 GMT+02:00 Jan Henrik Øverland <jan@xxxxxxxxx
> <jan@xxxxxxxxx>>:*
>> *Hi Antonia,*
>> *This has been fixed in all affected versions. For 2.22 please update
>> to rev 22078.*
>> *Jan*
> I think the bug fix is propagated to all new version, but probably for
> this bug is not true.
> We have many statistics requested by the MOH which use this feature, for
> example *TOP 10 or 30 or 40 ICD10 disease* combined with others
> parameters etc..
> When I check the box end make update, it is visualized correctly. But when
> I save the favorite and then select it again, or view it on the Dashboard,
> this change is not saved!!
> [image: Immagine incorporata 1] [image: Immagine incorporata 5]
> for example this is the table after slesting Top 30 and then update
> [image: Immagine incorporata 2]
> but when save and select the favorite again, it appears without the TOP 30
> selection!
> [image: Immagine incorporata 3]
> for some bigger tables, this cause this the message on the dashboard
> [image: Immagine incorporata 1]
> When opening as favorite in the Event Report, the big table remains in
> "Creating Table" ...
> For our project this useful feature is important. Please fix the bug for
> this version and any new one, in order to not have the same problem in the
> next upgrade.
> Let me know the fixed build.
> Thanks so much for your help.
> Antonia
> www.informa.pro - *Seguici su *LinkedIn
> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/informapro>
> INFORMAPRO S.r.l. - via Luigi Rava 43, Rome 00149 , Italy
> tel. +39 06 5758926, fax +39 06 62207168, P.IVA IT08095781004
> Skype: informa_antonia.bezenchek
> Eng. Antonia Bezenchek - CIO - ICT Engineer