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Message #13483
Re: [Dhis2-devs] HELP NEEDED: DHIS2 design issue
Hi Calle
Good points. The issue of informed consent and access for clinically
relevant time period is certainly important for many EMR use cases.
There are of course many more issues relating to handling, storing and
sharing patient data. For example transport security and node
authentication (eg ATNA) which we don't currently support but may be
possible to emulate outside of DHIS2 at the network level with VPN.
The case being discussed here touches on the inadequacy in general of role
based access control for patient data. An issue which nearly sank a
massive NHS contract a few years ago in the UK. The point being that is
insufficient to have a role of doctor, nurse or whatever. At issue is then
which doctor, which nurse. I believe in EMR parlance they refer to
modelling a professional clinical relationship. So users not only need to
have the correct role, but also need to have a professional clinical
relationship with the subject of care. That is something which might be
possible to emulate/model using our "sharing" semantics, I am not sure.
I will checkout DHIS2-427 to see whether this is pointing to a similar
On 13 June 2017 at 14:51, Calle Hedberg <calle.hedberg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> See JIRA issue DHIS2-427: User access control down to single tracker case
> level
> For Disease Surveillance - and I suspect a variety of other cases where
> Tracker is used as a "niche EMR" - that is what we need to implement to
> have full control over exactly who can see what patient data.
> Marc's use case/solution is also important, but it solves a more
> "structural" problem where you have distinct and relatively permanent
> sub-divisions in your data.
> IDSR, and other use cases where e.g.
> - patients are referred back and forth;
> - non-clinical staff like case investigators and/or managers need
> patient-level data access for specific period;
> will require patient-level access granularity.
> And NOTE: that is all system-determined access. A whole other kettle of
> fish is the arena of patient-approval for each case of access, which might
> be relevant for some applications. This is NOT relevant for e.g. disease
> surveillance because privacy cannot trump the need for rapid and precise
> public health interventions, but it is highly relevant for other use cases
> - at least in countries where a patient record by law belongs to the
> patient.
> Regards
> calle
> On 13 June 2017 at 12:02, Marc Garnica <marcgarnica13@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Different users entering to the same endpoints and protecting the data
>> visibility between them I think it is a common use case and a needed one
>> definitely. We are sroting out this kind of feature with the *Sharing
>> settings* of the category options, I think some previous emails
>> described it.
>> We have a data set A where we want three users 1, 2, 3 enter data but
>> none of them to see the data from the others. So we create 3 category
>> options "Source 1", "Source 2", "Source 3", gather them into a category
>> "Data source" and into a category combination as well. And then we finally
>> linked this "Data source cc" category combination with the data set A.
>> This provided us with the extra dimension to enable each user enter their
>> data, so from an admin view when entering to data entry app, selecting
>> orgUnit, dataset A, period, then a dropdwon with sources1,2,3 is appearing
>> (emphasizing *from an admin point of view*).
>> Now the desired feature is that the user 1 only can see in the dropdown
>> the "Source 1" option. This is possible creating a User group "Users from
>> Source 1", adding User 1 to this group and editing the Sharing settings of
>> "Source 1" as follows:
>> - Public access cannot edit.
>> - Public access cannot view.
>> - Share with user group "Users from Source 1" (can view mandatory, and
>> can edit depends on each use case).
>> If we repeat the same configuration with the different users we end up
>> with the desired feature where for example user 3 can only see "Source 3"
>> option in the Data Entry App and in Analytics apps as well.
>> I hope this helps! Looking for feedback and recommendations too.
>> Thanks
>> Marc Garnica
>> 2017-06-13 11:49 GMT+02:00 Sean Broomhead <sean@xxxxxxxx>:
>>> Hello All - this is a key use case for HIV data and will be for many
>>> other health programmes too. I will be happy to be part of these
>>> discussions and draw in some more of our public health experts as needed.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Sean
>>> On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 11:45 AM, Georgi Chakarov <
>>> georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Knut!
>>>> I haven’t yet heard from the community. Looking forward to, though! I
>>>> believe there must be someone out there working with HIV programs that
>>>> needs to protect personal client data. Anyone?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Georgi
>>>> *From:* Knut Staring [mailto:knutst@xxxxxxxxx]
>>>> *Sent:* Monday, June 12, 2017 2:25 PM
>>>> *To:* Georgi Chakarov <georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> *Cc:* DHIS 2 Developers list <dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; DHIS
>>>> Users <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] HELP NEEDED: DHIS2 design issue
>>>> Thanks for the request Georgi,
>>>> How to set up and maintain such complex access schemes is still
>>>> exceedingly tricky, and I think guidance and probably improved user
>>>> interfaces to handle this is one of the key areas that needs strengthening.
>>>> There should probably be a task force set up around it - unfortunately that
>>>> is not likely to happen right now that the summer holidays are approaching,
>>>> so hopefully experienced members of the community will be able to chip in
>>>> with tips. I hope this will be a lively thread.
>>>> Knut
>>>> On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 1:01 PM, Georgi Chakarov <
>>>> georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi DHIS 2 community!
>>>> We have the following case and your advice will be highly appreciated!
>>>> We have a client that works with vulnerable children and vulnerable
>>>> adults. Our client has 6 (six) partners that provide a long list of
>>>> services based on the needs of the beneficiaries. Among these services are
>>>> HIV testing, HIV status determination and HIV related service. Each partner
>>>> needs to protect HIV information for its beneficiaries from the other
>>>> partners.
>>>> Here are a few requirements, posed by our client:
>>>> 1) All partners use the same tool for capturing data (we have
>>>> configured tracker capture program to register beneficiaries and track
>>>> service provision)
>>>> 2) Partners are able to see each other’s data, EXCEPT FOR HIV
>>>> related data
>>>> 3) There is this one partner whose data should not be seen by
>>>> anybody else (this partner can see other partners’ data, though)
>>>> 4) There are area overlaps, meaning that partners might work in
>>>> the same village, e.g.
>>>> We have a design problem, in which we cannot figure out how to enable
>>>> all partners to use the same tracker program, but at the same time to
>>>> satisfy the requirements above. This is what we have tried so far:
>>>> A) Data element sharing. We tried to share HIV data elements with
>>>> a few partners only, to test whether the rest of the partners can see those
>>>> data elements in data entry. Yes, they were able to see them, so this
>>>> option would not work for us. Sharing data elements determines what users
>>>> will see in reports, not in data entry.
>>>> B) We tried creating Attribute categories and sharing them, with
>>>> selected partners. This didn’t work for the same reason as above. Sharing
>>>> restricts access in reporting but not in data entry.
>>>> C) We can create six different tracker programs for each partner,
>>>> but we have so many program indicators to build for reporting that 6
>>>> separate programs will increase our work by 6. It will also be hard to our
>>>> client to manage 6 programs for a number of reasons.
>>>> Our question is: Does anyone have an idea how to design our system so
>>>> that we enable partners to work on the same tracker program, but be able to
>>>> see/enter data pertaining only to them?
>>>> Thanks in advance for your time and attention!
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Georgi
>>>> Georgi Chakarov, CIA | georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | +1-647-478-5634 x
>>>> 104 <(647)%20478-5634> | LogicalOutcomes c/o Centre for Social
>>>> Innovation, 720 Bathurst Street, Toronto Canada M5S 2R4 | *You may
>>>> unsubscribe from receiving commercial electronic messages from
>>>> LogicalOutcomes by emailing **info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*
>>>> <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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>>>> Knut Staring
>>>> Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
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>>>> Skype: knutstar
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> Calle Hedberg
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